

"It's like this dire wolf is a different breed of werewolf. Something... that's beyond Mankind and even the moon goddess herself" Phoebe parker has spent her entire life being shunned and punished for her clumsy and mouthy behavior and being loyal to a pack which doesn't deserve her loyalty. It's been a year since her Alpha gave her a punishment, and she's been walking on her toes to keep her head clear and sane. But now, all that has being threatened to be taken away from if she doesn't abide by the Alpha's rules by marrying his son Jasper and becoming the Luna of the Darkmoon pack. At the same time, A certain gossips have been circulating around the pack, Mentions of a Dire wolf Alpha looking for a new pack to claim and his destined mate Adrienne thinks nothing of everyone else decisions. That is until she met the beast himself. Wise people has been going around with the story that Three thousand years ago, the world's most strongest pack fell to a single blood dire wolf. Nobody knew how one person could defeat an entire pack of werewolves. Or what he had done to emerge victorious in the bloodshed that occured that faithful day. Nobody talked and nobody knew much of the one who became a dire wolf so fast in the blink of an eye. One thing was for sure, and that's that in a mere few hours, the leading pack of the world had finally fallen. The Greek Empire wasn't built in a day. But it certainly fell in one fucking day. After this certain dire wolf in the shadows gained the title of Alpha, he held it quietly. Connections were cut off with his new pack. What happened within those borders were a mystery to the rest of the world. But rumors seem to have their way of spreading. Nobody knows what really happened to the Alpha to make him a dire wolf. People talked of this new Dire Alpha spilling blood at every turn. How he would slaughter dozens without even being provoked. That this one dire wolf was so absurdly powerful that he ruled by himself: no Luna, no Beta, no adversaries. Yet nobody knew what drove him to become ruthless and blood thirsty. Three long years this went on. Eventually any more news of the pack became silent. Until one day, it became loud enough for the news to spread around. That day, something happens that shakes every werewolf to their core. The Dire wolf Alpha is Banished. Driven away from his own claimed territory. The pack struggled to rebuild after that, left Alpha-less and weak. But they were no longer anyone's concern. The world had their eyes on the one whom they threw out instead. Word spread rapidly that the dire wolf Alpha is with a vengeance. That he roams the woods, trespassing from territory to territory just looking for another pack to claim. And To rule once again. Every werewolf across the packs quivers. On edge and cautious. Doing whatever they can to prepare themselves, to ward off the Ruthless monster lurking somewhere out in the dark woods. And the Darkmoon pack is no exception. Although their new Alpha has a different approach to the threat. And that is to forcefully take a Luna to fortify the pack's leadership and strength. The more leaders, the more intimidation to outsiders. Right? After all she's mine to tame.

Zamsi · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 4: The Bonding Ceremony

I comb through my waist length hair, letting it hang down my waist. Working against the clock, I throw on a pair of blue jeans, leather boots, a white t-shirt, and a black jacket. He said to wear something expensive, but this event can be called a high class cook out at best.

Technically, it's a bonding ceremony, which is the equivalent of a wedding to humans except without all of the elegance, fancy clothes, and stupid decorations.

Just like Gregory said, I find him waiting for me in the living room of the pack house. He stops his pacing in order to look me over from head to toe.

"Enough," I answer as I walk past him.

"How much did that cost?"

"Is it designer?" He asks, coming up beside me.

He makes a disapproving grunt. "We'll go shopping later. You look good though."

"It is for tonight."

I stop dead in my tracks, stiffening.

Did he... Did he just compliment me?

I wipe the petrification off my face and force myself to take the arm he's offering. It's an internal fight to keep myself from pulling away from him. Something about having any sort of contact with him seems wrong unappealing.

He offers me his arm, as if nothing out of ordinary had just happened. "Wouldn't wanna be late."

When we walk up to the open forested area that the party is set up in, everyone's eyes turn on us. The urge to shrink down and out of their sight is crippling, but there's nowhere to go. Plus I have too much pride to even attempt to hide against Jasper's side.

Public shame can only go so far and that would be on an entirely new level.When we walk up to the open forested area that the party is set up in, everyone's eyes turn on us.

The urge to shrink down and out of their sight is crippling, but there's nowhere to go. Plus I have too much pride to even attempt to hide against Jasper's side. Public shame can only go so far and that would be on an entirely new level.

There's no doubt in my mind that this is the latest gossip of the pack. The oh so beloved Jasper Ray— soon to be Alpha of the Darkmoon pack— is claiming a mate that's not his.

He leads us past a towering bonfire whose flames reach high into the dark sky and to a long table set on a wooden platform which acts as a makeshift stage. There are four seats at the table, all at one side so that the occupants would all face the crowd.

Alpha Romano and his Luna, Jasper's mother, sit together at one end. I break away from Jasper and go past them, planting myself at the furthest end, as far away from them as I can be. To my misfortune, Jasper sits down next to me, far closer than I'd prefer.

No more than half a minute passes before he places his hand on my knee and starts tugging at my leg. I shoot him a burning glare so heated that he should burst into flames on the spot.

"Seriously?!" I snap, keeping it at a whisper.

He growls lowly, leaning closer. "You're mine now. Show it."I clench my canines together so hard that my jaw aches. I roll my eyes and huff before throwing away my dignity and following his orders, lifting my legs so that they're in his lap.

It's a Darkmoon display of ownership. While sitting, the female would position herself so that the back of her thighs touch the top of the male's, though her butt stays in her own seat. In intimate cases, only between true mates, the male would wrap his arm around the female, her head resting on his shoulder.

However, that's not the case for us.

I put my thighs on top of his, but other than that, I keep as much distance as possible. It wouldn't be hard for someone to figure out that we're not mates.

The stiff body language, the tense and mechanical movements, and not to mention my obvious disagreement; it's enough to make any spectator cringe with second hand embarrassment.

And of course, there's plenty of them to do so. Practically the entire pack is staring at us from below, unblinking. Despite the cold winter air, my face is on fire.

"Act natural," Jasper scolds in my ear.

"Maybe if I weren't being blackmailed I could," I hiss back."Maybe if I weren't being blackmailed I could," I hiss back.

Alpha Romano stands up, clearing his throat and sending us both a scolding look. He then slaps on a pleasant smile and faces forward to address the pack.

"Wolves of Darkmoon, may I introduce to you your soon to be Alpha and Luna," he announces, making a grand gesture towards us.

His speech goes on after that. Most of it, if not all of it, is him rambling on about Jasper's childhood and his meager yet exaggerated achievements.

Not a single thing is said about me. It's almost like he completely forgot that I could've been considered his daughter at one point. I'm not surprised though.

Nearly half an hour of empty words and transparent compliments later, he concludes his speech with something along the lines of "may he reign long and prosper with this pack."

Applause bursts from the crowd when Alpha Romano sits back down. Although I tuned out the majority of his speech, I highly doubt the applause is sincere.

When the clapping starts to fade, a single hand in the middle of the sea of people pops up.

"Jasper and Phoebe aren't true mates. What happens when she finds her mate? Will Jasper then find a new Luna?"

I perk up upon hearing my name. But Jasper opens his mouth first.

"There will be no other Luna," he answers. My brow furrows when I realize his tone is almost... defensive? Who knew he was such a good actor.

He continues, and slowly the defensiveness dissipates into professionalism. "I chose Phoebe The ceremony will bind us. And if her mate has a problem with it, he can either get over it or take it up with me."

I shiver. There's something about talking about my hypothetical mate that seems unnatural. Wrong even, and I don't like it.

There were no more questions after that. I was beyond thankful. The sooner this torture is over, the better.

Pack members begin passing out the food, giving me the dreadful cue to talk to the Alpha's asshole-ish offspring.

"Teffany, calm down," Trisha stops the other girl's increasingly hysterical rambling. "Just... Just don't think about it."

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right," She agrees, although her voice is quivering. "Hey. Hey, are you eavesdropping on us?!"

I look up to find a pale redhead staring accusingly at me, assumedly teffany. I can't help but to notice the vibrant hot pink jacket she's wearing, along with a matching headband.

"I know it doesn't take that long to fill a cup," she continues, her eyes shooting daggers at me. Trisha, on the other hand, smiles apologetically, as if this sort of thing happens often.

I glance over at her before turning back to the table and picking up my drink. "You better keep your voice down. He might hear you," I mock as I start back towards my seat.

I have no idea who "he" is, but if it spites her, then so be it. I don't look back, not even after hearing the rattling of silverware when a palm slams down on the table. Growling follows, low and provoked.

I guess now we both know what it's like to be inconvenienced by someone else.

"Let her go," Alpha Romano orders. I can just imagine him grabbing his son's wrist and pulling him back down before he can even get up. He's controlling like that. Except this time, I'm thankful for it.

Darkness hangs heavy in the sky, though the dim moonlit makes the snow on the ground sparkle. Pointy and crooked shadows are cast down from the limbs of the trees above.

My hands are burrowed into my coat pockets as I trudge along one of the many paths that are well burned into my memory.

I had stormed off and away from the party. I wanted— want— away from all of them. As I come to a high point in the mountain trail, I catch sight of the bonfire far below. Like a giant burning ember among the grey, bleak landscape.

• • •

Suddenly my stomach drops.

I temporarily forget all of my woes of dread as I remember what Claire had said to me.

What the hell is it with everyone whispering about this lately? What did Claire say... the Dire wolf Alpha?

I busy myself to look casual, pouring a drink I don't even want.

When I slip back into the vicinity of the party, I can't help but to notice the tense atmosphere of the people and their constant whispering. Or how their eyes are wide and flickering around as they talk to one another.

"It's true then? They really ran him out?" I overhear a hushed voice ask as I stop at the refreshments table.

Out of the corner of my eye, a tanned skinned girl, who I know as Trisha, bobs her head of curls with a nod. "They banished him," she says quickly, "I didn't think they'd ever do it. Not after 4 years though.

"He's probably already looking for another pack to take over. Oh god, Trisha, what if he's out there somewhere in the woods right now?! What if he smells the bonfire and-"Suddenly my stomach drops.

"Don't go off into the woods by yourself. Stay near the pack

As if to go with my immense feeling of regret, my skin prickles with apprehension. Goosebumps pop up all over my arms, along with the hairs on the back of my neck rising.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit! Claire would kill me if she knew I didn't listen. That is if this notorious lurking beast doesn't do it first.

I tense up, suddenly getting the feeling that I'm being watched. Though I know it's only a simple symptom of paranoia. Right?

I shake my head, laughing at myself. I'm acting as ridiculous as Cara and her group of minions

Either way, I turn and start back down the same path I came. The snow crunches loudly under my feet, almost like static in my ears that's loud enough to drown out everything else. What happens next is nothing but a blur.

While going back to my seat, I feel watched yet again. I look up to find Jasper's wide eyes staring at me. He stands up, his mouth agape and the color drained from his face. In the same instance that he points behind me, a bloodcurdling roar shakes the ground, followed by high-pitched screams.

I whirl around, coming face to face with teffany, her arm raised in the air with something grasped in her hand. But that isn't what catches my attention.

Behind her, leaping out of the shadowy depths of the forest, is a beast beyond imaginable. An enormous, wolffish creature with glowing ruby red eyes. Even in midair it looks ten times the size of a normal wolf, and ten times as terrifying.

I don't even get the chance to panic or even so much as scream. The last thing I can process is a rock solid object crashing into my temple, erupting my skull in pain. Simultaneously, my vision plunges into blackness. Like somebody turned out the lights.

The last thing I saw was that beast coming straight towards me.