
Chapter 1: A Twist in Time

In the tranquil darkness of the night, a figure stirred beneath the covers of a modest bedroom. The moonlight streamed through the parted curtains, casting a gentle glow upon the room. This room was the abode of our protagonist, a young man named Damien Blackthorne.

Unbeknownst to the world, Damien possessed a secret. He was no ordinary individual but rather a traveller from a future world filled with chaos and uncertainty. Through a mysterious turn of events, he had been granted an opportunity to alter the course of his history. Armed with an XX-grade scroll, he had journeyed back to the very moment that shaped his destiny—the past.

Having obtained the scroll within the depths of a hidden cave, Damien had fled from relentless pursuers, their motives unknown to him. His survival instinct had led him to grasp the powerful relic, a decision that brought him back to a pivotal moment in his life.

His past self, completely unaware of the future that awaited him, dreamed peacefully as Damien wrestled with the weight of his purpose. A menacing aura surrounded him, a testament to the dark path he had pledged to embark upon. He had sworn an oath to obliterate his enemy, exacting the most brutal revenge imaginable. Every cell of his being burned with a thirst for retribution.

But tonight, as he lay in the familiar comfort of his childhood home, Damien decided to set aside his vengeful contemplations. The Academy awaited him in a month—the most prestigious institution in the world, where the gifted and talented honed their skills and shaped their destinies. It is the destination where he would gain the power necessary to confront his foe.

With a resolve born from a newfound sense of purpose, Damien decided to postpone his plotting for a later hour. Sleep called out to him, offering a much-needed escape from the burdens he carried. With closed eyes, his mind danced with thoughts of the challenges and victories awaiting him in the future. As weariness overtook him, he surrendered to the embrace of sleep, eagerly anticipating the journey that lay ahead.

And so, in the silence of that fateful night, Damien drifted into a slumber, unaware of the tumultuous journey that awaited him in his quest for redemption and retribution.

To be continued...
