
Shameless One

"I'm not scared to dying, so why should I be scared of living" In the divine realm of Lordrixis, citizens are bestowed with an individualised "ethereal arm" on their fourteenth birthday, imbuing them with unique powers and societal roles. Young orphan Shun Xshasi's life had been nothing but a tragedy, the loss of his parents left him no place to stay in the world. with his childhood filled with fear, poverty and humiliation, Shun clings to a singular hope: that a formidable ethereal arm will alter his bleak fortunes. However, when the fateful day arrives, not a thing showed up, unlike every other citizen in Lordrixis, Shun stands bereft of any ethereal arm. Just when Shun was about to put an end to this misery, he recognises something that changed him forever, Despite the absence of an ethereal arm, Shun possesses something far more profound and singular. Shun has nothing else to lose, his life couldn't get any worse, but that might just be his biggest asset after all. As Shun pursues his avenging journey, he gradually discovers the truths of the kingdom, the truths of history, and most significant of all, the truths of himself.

kimjonglei · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Selection Ceremony

King Eldran struggled to maintain his composure as he processed Glynn Belkarn's unexpected offer. Despite being the ruler, the inner workings of the Belkarn Clan had always eluded him, it was hard to imagine why such secretive information would be shared to a young recruit. Yet, Eldran knew Glynn wouldn't make such a move without a logical and calculated reason.

"Students wishing to join the Belkarn Clan, please step forward," the King declared, catching a fleeting smile of approval from Glynn.

Rin Dreamer confidently took the lead, soon followed by Ruby Nicolas, who joined her with a determined stride. Glynn, however, kept his focus on Shun, whose contemplation seemed to intrigue him. Shun understood there was no need for him to join the Belkarn Clan—he and Glynn were equals, possibly with Shun holding an even greater role in whatever was unfolding.

Next, Vergil Killer, the Premier General of the Lordrixis Army, stepped forward. "Emilia Cylus, Jaylen Shielram, Osward White, and Mia Hart, your ethereal arms are perfectly suited for the battlefield. I encourage you to consider the Lordrixis Army as your path."

Emilia walked forward and saluted towards Vergil, the movement was energetic yet respectful. the general returned the gesture with a more relaxed air. The others remained still, having already chosen different futures.

Yurien Vincy, visibly anxious, hesitated before stepping forward. "Premier General, may I also join the Lordrixis Army? My shield can protect multiple people at once."

Vergil nodded, his voice reassuring. "Every one of you would be a valuable asset. I merely pointed out those with specific potential."

Relieved, Yurien joined Vergil, followed by Gideon, who saw no reason to pass up the opportunity.

Vesanze Fortune was next to speak. As the founder of the formidable White Crane Manor, her presence alone commanded respect. "As some of you may know, I am the founder and mistress of the White Crane Manor, in contrast to some other organisations," She cast a meaningful stare towards Glynn, "The Manor only accepts the best of the best, those who can contribute to a grand project that promises a life of luxury and prosperity if successful." 

"Leon Ermy, I extend an invitation to you. Will you join me on a challenging yet rewarding journey that could change the world?"

Leon hesitated. He had planned on becoming a scholar, but Vesanze's words stirred something within him. The prospect of changing the world had never crossed his mind before, but now it seemed tantalizingly within reach.

Vesanze noticed his interest and pressed on. "In the White Crane Manor, geniuses like you are mere commoners. If you seek a true mental challenge, this is the place for you."

After a moment of contemplation, Leon joined her, while the other students remained indifferent, uninterested in what they saw as a dull path.

To everyone's surprise, the next to speak was Tom Smith, the enigmatic tenth complete ethereal warrior.

"Osward White, would you like to become my apprentice?" His voice was cold and impassive, making the offer sound more like a command.

"Me?" Osward was taken aback. "Why me out of everyone?"

The other students cringed at Osward's casual tone, but Tom remained unfazed.

"Because you are the weakest," Tom replied bluntly.

Osward was stunned by the harsh words but nodded, agreeing to talk more after the ceremony.

Due to the special circumstances surrounding Albert, Cloudy, Vito, and Silver, they were present merely for the formality. King Eldran had already announced that Shun Xshasi had declined Violet Remoria's offer, putting an end to any hopes the complete ethereal warriors had of taking him as an apprentice.

With the ceremony nearing its end, only Jaylen Shielram and Mia Hart remained undecided, each with their own aspirations.

Jaylen knelt before the King, his voice clear and resolute. "Your Majesty, I wish to join the Council of Civil Affairs."

King Eldran raised an eyebrow, surprised by the choice. "Are you sure? Your combat skills were exceptional in the tournament. Do you truly want to dedicate your future to the mundane world of politics?"

Jaylen remained firm. "If these mundane documents can bring happiness to our people, then my future is more legendary than any battlefield."

The King laughed, his surprise giving way to admiration. "You will need to spend several more years in study before you can officially join the council, but I believe you have the heart for it."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Jaylen replied, stepping back with a sense of purpose.

"What about you, Mia Hart?" King Eldran inquired.

Before Mia could answer, a kind-looking elder stepped forward. "She has already spoken with me. As a rare healer, the Lordrixis Royal Hospital will take her as an apprentice." The elder was none other than the 73rd complete ethereal warrior, Eriq Ranborg, the kingdom's only complete class healer. 

King Eldran nodded approvingly before turning his gaze to Shun, the last student standing.

But before Shun could move, a young and endearing woman appeared behind King Eldran, her expression lively yet laced with a hint of an indescribable emotion.

"Shun Eukanorn Xshasi, correct?" she said with a smile. "I'm Elysia Eukanorn, the 100th complete ethereal warrior, the person you've been searching for, the one with the answers you seek."

I squeezed out some time to write(mainly because I really can't be bothered revising).

This chapter is short but significant, the secrets of the different organisations will be major plot within this particular arc.

The stories and identities of the different characters will also be elaborated further in the next few chapters.

thanks for reading.

kimjongleicreators' thoughts