
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · テレビ
55 Chs

Chapter 19): Studio (2)

Chapter 19): Studio (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


"You two work on some homework and take a good solid thirty minute break. Make sure to drink some warm water too, we don't need your voices going weak in these next two songs." Spencer said to the two of them excited to work with them now that he saw their potential.

They both just looked at him with raised eyebrows though as they were already doing that, Carl had already gotten over his moment with Mrs. Vegas who only hugged him tighter before allowing him to walk away. He had already made Sophia sit down and relax as she rested her voice for the next song, she was the main vocals for it and plus they were just children after all. 

Rolling his eyes at the man he went back to doing his homework, Sophia followed along nodding at some things he pointed out, he had wrote them instead of actually saying them to her. It helped too as it would give her notes to look over, and it helped them rest their voices until they got ready to sing the next song.

Mr. And Mrs. Vegas sat to the side discussing what they had just heard, from their talks he could tell that they were impressed, but the hugs were already enough to tell him that. Though hearing them praise him too made him smile on the inside it felt good to have someone there to support him, maybe he should tell his family later about this....maybe.

It only took them another twenty minutes to do some of their homework, they still had history and science left but they had finished English and math, but they would do the other later. "Are you ready?" Carl asked her softly.

She nodded her head smiling brightly, he sent her an 'okay' sign then went to help make the melody for 'Lovely' which was harder for him then the first as he didn't know this one that well. It was just a more classical melody so he didn't really know how to make it, he got the closest he could before just saying screw it and accepting it what he had, it wasn't that far off anyway.

"Let's get to it." He said taking Sophia's hand and pulling her back into the booth, as they were getting ready he noticed she was more nervous then before, he knew why too, "Sophia," he called getting her attention, "Don't worry I know you got this, just put your all into it."

She smiled softly at him, then took a look to her parents who were nodding at her in encouragement, "Let's do this." She said with more confidence.

"Thought I found a way

Thought I found a way out (Found)

But you never go away (Never go away)

So I guess I gotta stay now"

They sung, Sophia was the star of it though as he sung in harmony with her trying to not over power her voice, it was was working as he already knew how the song should be. This was really a test for their vocals because as children they don't have the range for some of the bigger parts, but they were making it work, somewhat.

The people outside the booth seemed to be enjoying it plenty.

"Oh, I hope some day I'll make it out of here

Even if it takes all night or a hundred years

Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near

Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear

Isn't it lovely, all alone?

Heart made of glass, my mind of stone

Tear me to pieces, skin to bone

Hello, welcome home"

That was honestly one of the hardest parts, of course it would be edited slightly later, everyone smooths their voice some, but Carl was happy with the way that it had turned out for them. He smiled over to Sophia who seemed to let out a breath as she had gotten over that part.

She smiled overt to him too as he began to sing the next part as the lead, though she was harmonizing with him this time, letting her voice get softer as he started.

"Walking out of time

Looking for a better place (Looking for a better place)

Something's on my mind

Always in my head space"

Back to her lead.

"But I know someday I'll make it out of here

Even if it takes all night or a hundred years

Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near

Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear

Isn't it lovely, all alone?

Heart made of glass, my mind of stone

Tear me to pieces, skin to bone

Hello, welcome home"

Carl smiled as she hit the 'Isn't it lovely, all alone?' beautifully, he couldn't help himself as he was enjoying doing this he didn't think he would get as into as he did but he was loving this. Finally they hit the end of the song, which was the most... Well gently in his opinion as it finished everything up.

"Woah, yeah

Yeah, ah

Woah, woah

Hello, welcome home"

They held the last note for as long as they could together before letting it fade with the ending of the melody, breathing deeply they stood there basking in the aftermath of the song. Of course there was more to do on it but Carl was really happy about what they had just accomplished, he knew that as long as they stayed friends this would work.


After finishing up 'Lovely' they also finished 'Eastside' soon after, Carl thought that one went the easiest, not because it wasn't as vocally challenging but because it was a more upbeat song. It was a reason they did 'We Don't Talk Anymore' first because it was a faster tune so they didn't need to put as much effort into it, they were able to loosen their vocal cords with it.

"You guys did amazing in there, I am so proud of you both." Mrs. Vegas said with a wide smile as she rushed to hug the to of them showering them with affection.

Mr. Vegas stood off to the side holding the baby smiling at them too, though Carl knew the smile was really only for Sophia, he still wasn't all that warmed up to the idea of her hanging with a Gallagher. Which was something Carl could understand, when you hear that last name you think of the others who have done bad things, like his grandmother who was literally in jail for making a meth lab.

"Well that was three. I guess we can go now, I still need to start making the video sometime this week too." Carl said as he finished up the last of his homework and put his backpack on.

Sophia nodded along, "Are you coming over now? It is still early and you can get use to the software too."

Carl thought about it before nodding, "Yeah I might as well. Not like I need to be home until someone calls me anyway."

Carl didn't see the look Mrs. Vegas sent him but Mr. Vegas did and the man sighed, he couldn't do anything about Carl's home life though as it wasn't his place, plus he didn't want to confuse the kid.

Not paying attention to the two adults Sophia and Carl walked out the studio, Sophia was bouncing around in excitement and she also couldn't stop humming the tune to the songs. Carl smiled as she pulled him along to her father's truck, he was glad that she was happy with what they just did it would have sucked if they came out of this without results.

"Alrighty, since we recorded three songs we will not be doing that for awhile. I don't feel like making anymore to be honest, and I really don't just want to become singers." Carl said as they settled into the backseat while waiting on her parents.

"Why not?" Sophia asked confused.

"Because while I don't mind fame, I don't want to be so famous that I get tired of it by doing what others want. I just want to make videos and enjoy life, if we followed the music career, I know I would come to hate it."

She nodded, "Alright then, these will be special videos then. Just every now and then, that way we also won't waste your genius in making songs."

"I can live with that." Carl agreed as her parents got into the truck and strapped in the baby.

"Let's get home kids, and I do still expect you to finish the rest of your homework. Just because you are starting on the video does not get you out of it." Mrs. Vegas said as she got into the front seat glaring at them with no heat.

"Okay mom." "Yes ma'am." They both said at the same time getting a smile from her.