
Shadow Venerable In Fairy Tail

Anime & Comics
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What is Shadow Venerable In Fairy Tail

WebNovel で公開されている、RecklessSabreOne の作者が書いた Shadow Venerable In Fairy Tail の小説を読んでください。"You shouldn't have bothered our Peerless Crimson Cult." Those were the words of the creature who had killed his parents in front of his eyes. This unfortunate event marked the start of his perilous ...


"You shouldn't have bothered our Peerless Crimson Cult." Those were the words of the creature who had killed his parents in front of his eyes. This unfortunate event marked the start of his perilous journey into becoming strong enough to complete his objective. No matter how powerful it was, Ivis vowed to avenge his parents. —————— I do not own Fairy Tail or any of the related characters. The Fairy Tail series is created by Hiro Mashima and owned by FUNimation Entertainment and KODANSHA LTD. This story is a work of fanfiction and is for entertainment only. I am not making a profit from this story. The cover is not mine. PS: I am too lazy to write the synopsis. The update stability is going to be trash tier cause I only write when I feel like it.

8 タグ

Nozim's Legacy: A Shattered Heritage

They say powerful families eventually become core pillars of any kingdom and empire, that eventually, they would grow so powerful they would become impenetrable to outside forces. And yet, one such behemoth fell to a mere surprise attack. How? These were Alex's thoughts for as long as he ran from his falling family. Shoved into a carriage and separated from his parents, forced to leave his home and start anew inside a mere kingdom. Hunger forced his hand, making him turn to a place that welcomed him. A place that doubles as a home for orphans, for those unwanted, and for those sold by their parents for a bit more coin ...and a slaughterhouse for a lot of these poor souls. Hello readers. Author here. I feel the need to write my thoughts here so there won't be any problems further down the line. What I want to write is a mostly pure-Fantasy novel, so don't expect the MC to be the absolute best in everything he does, says, or thinks, at least for the starting bit. I am still trying to make heads or tails about this novel after all. In any case, that would be a long way off. The world I envision is a bit dark, and I plan to tackle some more mature themes if I get the chance. So, with that said, I don't want to read a 1-star or 2-star review of some kid who got into my novel expecting to get a quick dose of dopamine and receive little in return. The novel is going to be a slow burner, and your job as readers will be to pick it apart, piece by piece. Look forward to missing links, unfinished storylines, and potential plot twists. Feel free to comment wherever you want. I love talking with you, the readers, about the future of this story and where it could go next. It's as fun for me to write it as it is for you to enjoy reading it. I am from Europe, so English is not my first language, which is why I wholeheartedly accept constructive criticism, a rare breed of reviews here. If you notice that I make the same mistake twice, a grammatical one for example, I would rather you tell me the correct way to use it than just shrug it off and say, "Grammar bad". If you want something else from what is going on here, even though my work may not be the most unique one out there, I hope you will give it a try. Oh? You're still reading this? In that case, you may receive a snippet of more information about our favourite and perfect (Sarcasm) MC. "Where are you from, kid?" Asked a grizzled old man, looking at a tired and wet boy no older than eight. "I seek shelter, mister." The boy responded weakly, trying his hardest not to faint on the spot. "This is no shelter, boy. If you want to rest, try your luck elsewhere." The man shook his head. He tried closing the door but the kid shoved his hand to prevent it. Ignoring the blinding pain in his arm, the boy pleaded. "I know you take in kids like me. Please." The boy begged, the strength in his legs starting to give out. The old man clicked his tongue. "We kill kids, boy." "Some survive. Please." The boy passed out.

Neqtrix · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Through the Wings of Timeless Love

The strong connection within the three (3) guardian angels ( Godem, Seb and Nomin) put the evil Demido into a mind-wrecking confusion. Demido, the right hand of the dark had a vengeful mission to Gante and Psyda, the two (2) immortal spy and parents of Karla, who deceived and betrayed the dark shadows. The antagonist Demido used Gloria, Seb's mother, who believed too much on luck and superstitious beliefs, and who unbelievably sold her son's soul to the dark shadows in lieu of wealth and in order to separate Karla and Seb. One day, when Karla was abducted, she was saved by Nomin whose immortal body was lodged by the wandering soul of Seb. Since Nomin was the guardian angel of Karla, so he allowed Seb's soul in his body. In contrary, Godem, as Seb's guardian angel tried to rescue the empty human body of Seb whose death was not registered in heaven. In a way, Godem's soul entered Seb's body and lost his identity as angel while playing the role of Seb - the drunkard and the said widower foreman. After eight years, Seb in Nomin sought a way that his body through Godem in Seb can make his wife bear a child. Eventually, Karla and Godem in Seb met and the acquaintance led the way that Banli (one of the elders in heaven) mercifully freed Godem out of punishment and revealed, that Karla, was his wedded wife for three consecutive centuries in the past life. When Godem in Seb was forgiven by heavens, Banli gave him a mission to fight against Demido. With this, in order that his marital life and mission will not be hindered, Banli sent the soul of Nomin to lodge temporarily within Karla wherein later, Nomin's soul used Godem's immortal body to coexist and backup Godem in Seb, Seb in Nomin and the rest of the angels at war with the demons. Due to the deceiving triangulated presence of the three angels protecting Karla, Demido fell in the angels' unplanned trap and finally vanished. The faithful, shameful Seb in Nomin was totally forgiven and was sent to heavens together with Nomin in Godem while Godem in Seb was put into trial. But fortunately he won and finally celebrated the freedom in a lifetime with his wife, Karla.

fraulein1423 · ファンタジー
70 Chs


Bai Liu is a typical college students who likes to read novels as a past time. He was on his third year and preparing to apply to a part time job as a novel translator. When he was 10 yrs old his mother passed away and his father got a new family only a year after his mother's death. He start living by himself when he finished high school. To support himself he decided to find a part time. A friend recommended him to a novel author who was preparing to publish his new book and finding a translator and a assistant. He immediately agreed and called the author for details. On the way to the studio that the he and the author decided to meet up, he passes by a bookshop that he never seen before. It was strange because he walked pass by this neighborhood almost everyday but never noticed a construction going on. Despite the uncomfortable vibes that he was feeling, he went inside the bookshop to look. Once he went inside, he noticed that there's no one there. No costumer, no employees, nothing. There's just books and the eerie feeling that he was feeling. He turned around and was about to walked out when all of a sudden a deep voice called out his name. He turned around and see no one. Then, a book suddenly fell off the shelf. He walked towards the book and was about to grab it. When his fingertips almost touch the book, the book suddenly open by itself and a strong gush of wind pulled Bai Liu through the book and everything went black. When Bai Liu open his eyes, he was kneeling on a wooden floor and was surrounded by people who was wearing ancient clothes and a older men who was holding a whip looking at him with disdain. Bai Liu: what the hell?!?! where am I?!?! system: welcome my dear host. Bai Liu: what the hell are you?!?!

yu_meixi · LGBT+
4 Chs

Ceo's Fierce Lady Immortal

She was a hot-blooded & fierce cultivator in her past life. After transmigration, she became a useless psychopath and crazy being admitted to a mental hospital. This was the most shocking moment of her life. What's even more, that she became crazy because of her broken engagement to a young heir. Everyone now looks up to her with pity. She is deemed as a crazy woman because of her love for him! Everything is messed up when she took over the body. Su Ci Yi is not a woman who needs to prove herself to others. She will act as hell crazy and trouble those people who have a debt towards her. The mental hospital was her home and the doctors are now her trusted aides. The patients her friends and the mental establishments her entire household! However, even though she acted like a total idiot, there is someone who notices her small actions. Qin Xiao Yu, a business tycoon who recently dominated different industries, has come to declare his domination towards her. ------------------------------------------------- "You want a kiss? Hmph, fight me! You win, I'll give what you want!" Su Ci Yi glared like a ferocious wild animal. Qin Yu was leaning on a hard wall, trapping Su Ci Yi within his arms. Their breaths are not afar along with the rhythmic beating of the chest. One was loud and blaring. The other was calm like the serene waves of the ocean. Qin Yu's deep eyes landed on those thin rosy lips and gulp. Even before he could pluck the peach blossom, he received a heavy blow below. Su Ci Yi cracks her knuckles, lunged a kick and without mercy shifted her position pinning the man on the wall, arms on his back. Now, their position is completely reverse. However, an abrupt military footstep advances towards her. Seven men in a black suit with sunglasses stopped in front, only a meter away aiming a 5.56 mm M-16 head on straight on Su Ci Yi's head. Su Ci Yi: "..." This is a comedy-fantasy romance between an aloof-and-extroverted-inside-female-lead x sadistic-domineering-warm-inside-male-lead:) Reminders: Updates (5-10 chapter/week) Chapter length (800-1200 words) Art is Mine. I am not writing to win an Oscar Award, please don't expect excellent grammar. (Though I'm learning it little by little.) Wanna chat? Add me on my discord: MissTeaPretty#8099 Instagram Account: midnight_dalia (visuals will be posted here)

MissTeaPretty · ファンタジー
291 Chs


Bagi sebagian orang menjalin hubungan itu perlu mempertimbangkan usia dan juga seberapa dekat dengan seseorang itu. Tetapi sepertinya hal itu tidak berlaku bagi seorang Haidar Sastra Wiguna. Remaja yang masih duduk di bangku SMA itu tertarik kepada seseorang yang usianya terbilang cukup jauh darinya. Tidak hanya itu mereka juga dipertemukan disaat yang tidak terduga. Yaitu saat Arumi Nesya wanita dua puluh lima tahun yang baru bercerai dari suami yang ketiga. Banyak kesempatan yang mendukung pertemuan mereka hingga akhirnya Haidar jatuh cinta dengan pesona Arumi. Memantapkan hatinya untuk berjuang mendapatkan janda tiga kali itu yang ternyata tidaklah mudah. Selain dari usia mereka yang berbeda, Arumi sendiri adalah wanita mandiri yang berpenghasilan tinggi. Memimpin sebuah perusahaan dan kehadiran Haidar seperti tidak berarti apa-apa baginya. Tetapi Haidar tidak akan mudah menyerah, segala macam dia lakukan untuk mendapatkan cinta Arumi. Membela Arumi dari banyaknya gosip gosip murahan yang merendahkan statusnya. Dengan perlahan Arumi pun mulai luluh dengan perjuangan Haidar dan menerima cintanya. Melalui pasang surut hubungan mereka hingga akhirnya keduanya membangun hubungan rumah tangga. Tetapi nyatanya badai tidak berhenti sampai disana. Di tahun pertama pernikahan mereka, Arumi harus rela kehilangan buah hatinya yang masih di dalam kandungan. Belum sempat meraih bahagia Haidar kembali dihadapkan dengan kepergian Arumi. Separuh nyawanya bagaikan hilang melihat istri yang dia perjuangkan harus meninggalkan dunia. Merawat bayi mereka seorang diri dengan keadaan yang masih kuliah. Tanda tanya besar, akankah Haidar dapat melupakan Arumi dan melanjutkan hidupnya. Atau menyerah dengan menyandang status duda sepanjang hidupnya dan membesarkan putri mereka seorang diri?

viviana_yukata · 都市
1 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



General Audiencesmature rating