
(ch 51) night terror

After learning the harsh truth about the seemingly endless journey to the Dark City, the trio's once fervent determination to reach the promised castle had waned. Despite this, a glimmer of hope lingered in Sunny's heart, casting doubt on Effie's revelations. Could it be that Effie was mistaken or deliberately deceiving them?

Rin and Sunny couldn't fully dismiss Effie's words. Her sincerity and competence were evident, albeit mixed with a touch of eccentricity. Moreover, her explanations seemed to resonate deeply with their own experiences and observations.

Yet, despite the uncertainty gnawing at them, Effie showed no urgency to depart from the imposing granite tower where they found themselves.

"There's not enough daylight left to traverse that much distance. Moving through the ruins is a slow ordeal. Get comfortable and rest. We'll leave tomorrow at dawn."

Following that, she dove into the task of meticulously skinning the monstrous carcasses with a lengthy blade that seemingly materialized in her grasp.

With a deft flick, she conjured a Memory resembling a sturdy leather apron to shield her attire from the splatter of blood. Humming a lively tune to herself, the spirited young woman bore the resemblance of a passionate culinary artist at work.

*Shes insane*

*Nah she's just a little strange that's all. Compared to the shit with seen this is pretty normal*

Apart from those two individuals who shall remain nameless, the entire group was still grappling with the weight of the information they'd just absorbed.

Let me clarify, both of them were truly disheartened. However, deep down, they understood that sooner or later fate would deal them another blow, and this time, it arrived sooner than expected.

Rin felt like all the energy had been drained out of her, as if someone had removed the batteries from her body, leaving her devoid of strength or any desire to engage with the world. Everything seemed dull and exhausting. She couldn't even muster the motivation to feel angry; it was as if she had just finished one grueling battle only to discover she was now faced with another, one that seemed endless.

She would never meet Master Jet and Teacher Julius again to thank them for the advice and teachings that had helped her and Sunny survive, and maybe even repay their kindness. She would never become an Awakened and learn more mysteries of her strange Aspect. Most importantly, she would never get to visit her parents graves, or see the bracelet her brother gave her

Which hurt the most.

Crestfallen she heard Sunny trying to find some semblance of solace in this disastrous fiasco.

*Well… if you think about it… we're still alive. That has to be worth something, right?*

Rin glanced at him, the smallest bit of her lips curled upwards as he continued to speak to her through their connection

*Plus, we can easily stay alive for the foreseeable future. Yeah, the big picture changed for the worst, but our immediate situation has actually improved a lot. We are safe from the constant threat of drowning or being devoured by the dwellers of the deep dark sea. We have also found a strong community of humans."

*Except the human here seem to be assholes*

*When has that changed, ever*

Rin took a brief moment to let sink in the harsh truth of what he had just articulated. It was a reality he and Sunny were all too familiar with, particularly in the gritty depths of the slums, where the true colours of humanity often revealed themselves in their darkest shades.

*Fair, besides we don't have to submit to an asshole king, there's outer settlement, and Effies from there and she seems to be doing just fine as an independent hunter*

*Exactly my thoughts too…In fact, Effie might just be the most contented person I've ever seen. Seriously, how can she be so laid back and cheerful?*

She cast a sidelong glance at the unreasonably tall huntress and frowned.

*Well, let's ponder about it. She has a roof over her head and a limitless supply of delicious food, provided that she hunts it down herself. That is already better than our life in the outskirts.*

'Perhaps Effie didn't expect anything from life at all, and that's why she was so damn happy and lively even in the middle of this odious hell.'

She looked over at sunny who shivered for a second

*You alright?*

*Yeah just…. That spire is creepy, i can feel its shadow*

As the evening descended, the rhythmic melody of waves crashing upon the rocky shore signaled the approaching night. With both of them feeling weary, Sunny opted to dispatch his shadow silently to scout outside.

Under the fading light of the setting sun, the world bathed in hues of red, casting an eerie glow as the cursed sea surged from the gaping crater. Their attention fixated on the distant figure of the faceless woman's statue, gradually engulfed by the encroaching darkness, until only her outstretched hand remained visible above the waves. Turning their gaze downward, they beheld the ominous sight.

The ebony surface of the cursed sea writhed just meters below the granite ledge, as if teasingly close to the woman's hand. Across the stone barrier, the submerged ruins lay veiled in shadows, submerged beneath the water's surface.

Trapped between the unfathomable depths of the dark sea and the desolate emptiness of the ruins, the imposing wall appeared as fragile as parchment. Yet, it stoically resisted the relentless pressure of the black waves, acting as a formidable barrier safeguarding the city below from obliteration, as it had done for millennia.

Despite the wall's steadfastness, Rin couldn't shake the chilling image of the barrier succumbing to the immense force, unleashing a deluge of darkness upon the city. A shiver coursed down her spine at the mere thought.

With a gesture, Sunny commanded his shadow to return….

Sitting together on the floor, backs against the wall, they exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them. Sunny broke the silence, his voice carrying a hint of defeat, echoing in her mind.

*You think we're making it out of here*

*We will find a way to return. No matter what has to be done, we will.*

*How can you say something like that without a shred of hesitation? I have no clue how to get back…*

'because i'm not a negative nancy'

*Neither do i, doesn't mean we're never going to leave, we'll find a way... We literally always do*

*I guess.. You know at first I thought this would be just a fun side trip. I thought it would just last a bit and we'd return home, have a laugh about it. But I'm not laughing now.*

*Don't worry i'm not laughing either*

*Goodnight Rin*

*Goodnight idiot*

She closed her eyes and let herself fall asleep


A sterile hallway, with their stark white walls, are bathed in emergency red lighting that flickers intermittently, casting an eerie glow.

'what the f#ck'

As she spun around, her eyes met the familiar sight of the seemingly endless hallway stretching out before her. With a sigh, she rose to her feet, pondering her next move. Walking in a single direction appeared to be her most promising course of action.

She couldn't shake the feeling that she recognized this place, and the faint hum in the distance seemed to validate her hunch.

'great… im back here again.. i wonder if hes gonna be here too?'

As she pressed onward down the corridor, the only response she received was the heavy silence enveloping her. Inhaling deeply, she braved the sterile atmosphere that seemed to churn her stomach with unease.

'i really hate this ship'


She came to an abrupt halt, her entire body tensing as she resisted the urge to look back at the voice she recognized.

'its not real… Rin…'

"Rin? its me Ryo"

Why did he sound so real, she needed to turn around, she had to see she…needed

Suddenly, her body instinctively turned towards the approaching sound. In the dim glow of the flickering red light, she could barely discern the silhouette of a person, their features shrouded in uncertainty.

Her voice sounded shaky as she spoke


The figure spoke sounding happy

"Rin you should be dead…"

"Why are you alive Rin?"

"…. Why did you kill me rin"

She paused, inhaling deeply, then attempted to step backward, only to find her feet firmly rooted to the spot, refusing to budge.

Her breathing was more intense as she shouted

"Ryo stop!!!"

As the red light flickered off, the figure a couple of metres ahead of her vanished into darkness.

When the light returned, she noticed the figure had advanced closer, yet its posture remained unchanged.

As she struggled to lift her legs and move backward, a sense of dread enveloped her entire being. Her body felt paralyzed, rendering her unable to flee, as she watched the ominous figure draw nearer with each flicker of the lights.

As panic surged through her, she glanced behind to catch a glimpse of the commotion at the other end. However, her oversight was failing to maintain focus on the figure ahead. When she redirected her gaze, there was nothing but darkness encroaching, the lights flickering off one by one as they neared her position.

As the darkness descended upon her, she could feel her heart pounding harder in her chest, almost as if it were trying to break free. Holding her breath in fear, she waited in the darkness. Then suddenly, like a flicker of hope, the lights blinked back to life, illuminating her surroundings once again.




'shit it's happening again'

She turned back towards the noise and found that the hallway had changed she sighed and looked on

the medical section

The entrance to the room was obstructed by a substantial pane of thick glass.




The heavy glass door trembled as it absorbed the impact of an unseen force, sending shivers through the room beyond. Within, darkness enveloped everything, and the vast emptiness of space seemed to seep into the very fabric of the chamber.

the air lock was opened

'wait what's making that noise then?'

She moved in closer to the glass and looked through it… nothing




She locked eyes with the creature, it seemed to be gazing directly back at her, unmoving. Its head slowly began to twist in an eerie motion, surpassing any natural range of movement, defying the limits of human capability.

As she gazed into the eyes of the creature, a sense of dread washed over her, amplified by the growing network of cracks spidering across the glass barrier between them. Its eerie smile sent shivers down her spine, a silent warning of impending danger. She didn't wait for another strike against the weakening glass; instinct kicked in, urging her to flee before it was too late. With a racing heart, she turned and bolted, driven by a primal fear of what lurked on the other side.



She managed to reach the storage room packed with lockers just in time. As she approached the entrance, a sudden cacophony of shattering glass, rushing air, and the distinct thud of a door closing echoed through the ship, ensuring that precious oxygen wasn't lost into the void of space.

The storage locker room was a rectangular space with walls lined by rows of lockers, creating a circular pathway around the room's perimeter.

The lockers stand tall, reaching from the floor to the ceiling, constructed from sturdy metal, with a uniform design throughout.

Each locker has a numbered plate affixed to its front.

She hurriedly dashed towards one of the last lockers, swiftly opening it and slipping inside, her heart racing with fear.

She found herself engulfed in utter darkness, except for a faint sliver of light seeping through a narrow gap, casting a crimson hue into her surroundings.

This small opening offered Rin a glimpse, albeit minuscule, of the world beyond.

As the door creaked open, a distorted voice filled the room, its words flowing in a peculiar melody.


The voice came closer and closer

"where are youuu?"

She froze, her hands instinctively covering her mouth, halting her breath and any movement.

The thing in front of her wasn't her brother…

It was nothing close

It was on all fours, its limbs contorted and elongated, with bones jutting out from its flesh like jagged spikes. Its eyes gleam with a feral intelligence, and its movements are unnaturally swift and agile. Its skin, if any remains, is mottled and torn, revealing the raw muscle and sinew beneath.


She heard as it destroyed and opened lockers next to her

"Why did you kill me Rin?"

"Why are you hiding Rin"

The locker next to her smashed open

She shook her head and covered her ears, unable to bear listening to its incessant chatter any longer.

'Im sorry… Ryo…i'm so sorry'

"Rinnnn… iiiii….seeee… youuuu…"

As she redirected her attention to the minuscule opening, her breath caught in her throat at the sight before her. Peering through the gap, she found herself locking eyes with the creature on the other side, sending a shiver down her spine.

The door burst open with a violent force, startling her. Before she could even react to shield herself, it lunged at her, its jaws stretching unnaturally wide, like serrated blades ready to strike at her neck.


As Rin jolts awake, her heart races erratically, pounding against her chest like a drum in a thunderstorm.

Gasping for air, her breath comes in short, ragged bursts, as if shes drowning in her own terror. Wide-eyed and disoriented, her mind struggles to distinguish between the remnants of the nightmare and the reality of the tower they were in.

Tremors ripple through her body, each muscle tense and trembling with fear. Desperate for escape, yet, the suffocating grip of panic refuses to release her, trapping them in a nightmarish limbo between sleep and consciousness.


Sunny's hands trembled as they urgently shook Rin's shoulders, panic evident in their actions. They lay side by side, with Sunny's concern palpable in the way they tried to rouse Rin.

*Rin you ok?*

She found herself consumed by her tears, her surroundings fading into a blur as sorrow overwhelmed her senses.

*I...ryo...im sorry...i couldn't...i..had.. too*

*Hey hey*

He hugged her tightly and she didn't struggle against it at all

*Rin calm down.. it's ok it's ok*

he stroked her hair and she finally returned to reality

*shhh it's ok.*

In her exhaustion, she remained silent, letting her breathing gradually steady back to its usual rhythm.

He held her close and she felt his warmth

*You had a night terror didn't you? Are you

better now?*

She was still thinking about it but speaks eventually

*I guess, thanks for calming me down*

he softly speaks with warmth and care

*Come on. Let's go back to sleep, maybe the nightmares won't be as bad this time*

He smiles kindly and holds her closer in his arms she looks back to him as he did this

*Who gave you permission to be this close?*

*Well no one ever said no. Am I crossing any boundaries? If so, I'm sorry*

He pulls her away and she pouts

*Oi i never said stop*

she pulls him in

he is a bit surprised but doesn't fight it and gets comfortable being close to her, Sunny then wraps his arms around her

*Night Rin*

*You're coming off a bit cocky. Just a reminder, this is only for tonight. Good Sunny*

did you know Steven King sleeps with a night light... so do i now

Dashkins74creators' thoughts