
chapter 4

(Ritsuka fujimaru pov)

Olga is currently angered by Ritsuka. In just a few minutes, he managed to become close to Tamamo, and now they are friends.

'This idiot is very adept at conversing with others,' Olga thought.

"My, my, Master, saving humankind? Wait, you don't think someone from my household is behind this, do you? N-No way, right?" Tamamo said and came close to her master.

"I don't think" I said. She is light hearted person.

"Fufu, I see." She said.

I had been waiting for the Rogue Caster Servant to join us, but it seems it will take some time.

'Wait, I have important work,' I thought.

"Guys, please stay here for 10 minutes. I'll be back," I said, then started to move towards a destroyed house.

"Where are you going?" "Where are you going, Master?"

Both Olga and Tamamo asked simultaneously.

"To the bathroom... Care to join me?" I replied with a tease smile.

Olga and Tamamo's faces turned red.

"You idiot, finish your personal business and don't waste our time. We have important matters to attend to," Olga said, turning her head away.

"Master, I... am... not ready... no... I mean, I can't now... yet... I need to check... are you... my... fated one..." Tamamo started to murmur in a low voice, blushing and covering her face with her hands.

As I saw her, I couldn't help but think, 'Did I tease her too much?'

"Hey, it was just a joke. Just wait here," I reassured them before entering the house.

Suddenly, a small group of undead approached them. Olga, feeling frightened, sought refuge behind Tamamo.

"Mikon~ Don't worry, my master's boss. I can handle these undead. Let me demonstrate my power. I'll eradicate these evil creatures and protect my master, who is occupied in the bathroom," Tamamo declared, using her abilities to fend off the undead.

Olga couldn't help but think, 'You don't have to announce what your master is doing.'

Upon entering the house, I canceled the Rayshift and teleported to Da Vinci's workshop. There, I found him/her taking care of Mash.

"Hmm... ahhaaaa," Da Vinci exclaimed in surprise at my sudden appearance.

"Sorry about that," I apologized.

"Don't worry, but please refrain from vanishing on me again. Now, tell me, you and that Monster Ant are connected," Da Vinci inquired. I nodded in affirmation.

"I see. Thank you for saving this girl," Da Vinci bowed her head with respect and gratitude.

"It's okay, but I have a serious matter to discuss with you," I said.

"And what might that be?" she inquired.

"I'll be straightforward. Your director, Olga, is in danger. I need you to create a puppet body for her capable of storing her Saint Graph and soul. You will agree to my request," I stated firmly.

"Well, I am a true universal genius, so I can do that. It will take some time. But are you a Master?" Da Vinci asked me.

"Yes, I'm currently working under Olga, but we can discuss this further later. Goodbye," I replied before disappearing.

"Hey, wait! Just tell me who you are..." Da Vinci's voice trailed off as I vanished, leaving her to start her new work.

As I utilized the same Rayshift ability to teleport to Singularity F, I heard a cute voice exclaim,

"Fou Fou," and spotted a small rabbit-like creature. Despite knowing its true nature as dangerous, I didn't take it seriously.

"When did you sneak up behind me?" I questioned.

"Fou fou," Fou replied.

"I see fou, you teleported with me," I acknowledged.

"It's okay, I did what needed to be done. Mash is a good girl. She deserves to live a normal life," Fou expressed gratitude for saving Mash.

'Mash is more popular than I thought,' I pondered to myself.

As we met Olga and Tamamo outside the house, Igris and Beru approached me though my shadow without anyone seeing them.

'My Liege, we've completed the task,' they reported.

Seeing Beru and Igris, I was surprised, noticing that both had become even stronger than before. They had leveled up again after facing a formidable opponent.

Beru had acquired Mystic Eyes from the Alter Medusa Servant after consuming her. And this ability is not effective for him but he can cover it with his poision.

Olga recognized Fou and began to complain about how Fou had come along with them.

"Master," Tamamo said with a serious expression.

"I know, Tamamo. You can come out now, Rogue Servant," I said.

"Yo! Well, aren't you fast? It's not like I'm trying to hide," a voice echoed through the area.

A blue-haired man in a blue robe could be seen standing on the roof, holding a mage's staff in his right hand. He jumped down, approaching us.

"You're a heroic spirit, right?" Tamamo inquired.

"Yeah, I'm the Caster of this Holy Grail War," he confirmed.

"What? Do you know what happened here?" Olga asked.

He nodded.

"How about we exchange information first!" I suggested.

"Sounds good to me," he agreed.

Then I started to explain what is Chaldea and what happened to it. 

"I see," the Caster said vaguely, leaning on his staff. "Your situation doesn't seem the most pleasant. I'm not in a better condition, though."

"Here in the Holy Grail War, I am the only survivor."

Nodding towards the area still bearing the imprints of the recent battle, the man sighed and placed his hand behind his head, patting his neck.

"It was an ordinary War, as much as you can say about any Holy Grail War, but one day everything changed. All the Masters disappeared one night, then the city was engulfed in flames, and Saber..." Caster shivered slightly. "Every day, that psycho becomes more and more insane. All the Servants with half a brain tried to flee from her. She defeated everyone who dared to attack her. And then, they all disappeared."

Gazing at the site of the recent battle, where the bodies of the Servants had already turned into black smoke, Caster frowned. "They all vanish into black smoke. These are not even Servants, just monsters that assumed their forms. Like worms infesting a corpse... And now, only I remain, wandering through this fiery hellhole."

"So, what you are saying is, the only ones remaining in this War are you and Saber?" Olga Animusphere, while allowing me to speak freely, still interjected with questions as the boss.

"Yes, that's correct," Caster sighed, running his hand through his hair. "At least, that's what I believe."

"In other words," Olga sighed, "you're proposing we team up so you can defeat Saber, as you don't stand a chance alone."

"Well, that's one way to put it, but yes. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement, considering our aligned goals," the mage replied, extending his hand to Olga.

"We will assist you in defeating Saber," I affirmed, shaking his hand.

"Haha, I like your spirit, kid," the mage chuckled.

"Hey, ....Ritsuka.....Fujimaru...., I'm supposed to be the leader here," Olga protested, her face turning red.

"Apologies, Director, but we can't afford to waste time. We need to address this issue," I insisted.

"Alright, you're right," Olga conceded.

"Oh, and one more thing, the source of this singularity? I'm willing to bet it's the Greater Grail," the mage asserted.

"The Greater Grail?" the director inquired.

"Yes, you could say it's the true 'heart' of this land," the mage elaborated.

"That being said, Saber is guarding it, along with the remaining Servants, which should include Archer, Assassin, and Berserker after the recent skirmish," he counted the remaining corrupted Servants on his fingers.

"Well, we don't have to worry about them if we didn't encounter them," I interjected, knowing my shadow soldiers had already taken care of them except Saber.

"Yeah, but we still need to be cautious," the Caster advised.

Suddenly, Romani's call contacted us again.

"Director, I have an important matter to discuss with Ritsuka Fujimaru," Romani's image appeared on the screen alongside Da Vinci's.

I could already tell what was happening from the expression on Da Vinci's face. She must have informed the Chaldea staff about me.

"Ritsuka Fujimaru, I've prepared the product you requested. So, why don't you tell us your intentions and who you are? You've demonstrated abilities beyond what humans can do. I understand you're trying to help us by supplying Mana to Chaldea, but without trust, we can't move forward," Da Vinci explained.

"What product? What does she mean by that? Ritsuka Fujimaru, tell me what she means," Olga asked me, her tone concerned.

"Master," Tamamo chimed in, also worried.

"Calm down, everyone. I understand you may be suspicious of me and even suspect me of being behind this, but I assure you, I'm not," I reassured the Chaldea members.

"I came to Chaldea today because all humans and other life forms disappeared from outside, except for Chaldea. This is why you haven't been able to contact the outside world. I'm here to investigate, and after that, you two know what happened," I explained, gesturing towards Romani and Da Vinci. My revelation brought chaos to Chaldea. They couldn't believe it, but they also couldn't deny it.

"I see, it all makes sense now," Da Vinci remarked.

Romani wore a serious expression, knowing this was bound to happen but feeling the weight of it, especially at such a dire time for Chaldea. However, he didn't voice his thoughts.

"But who are you?" Romani asked, seeking reassurance in my words.

Both Romani and Da Vinci had lost hope in Team A members, so they were willing to believe in me, hoping that Ritsuka Fujimaru could save the human order.

As I looked at everyone, I declared,

"My name is Ritsuka Fujimaru..."

My eyes began to glow with a purple light, and my body was enveloped in a purple aura.

"...I am the Ruler of Darkness, the God of Death, Guardian of Earth..."

Then, my fake Saint Graph vanished, and my mana surged at an unbelievable rate, surpassing Chaldea's ability to observe me. Their technology couldn't read my Black heart.

"...I am the Shadow Monarch."
