
Shadow Monarch (Solo Leveling x HsDxD)

Enter Kazuki Tanaka, your regular high school student. Life has always been the same, eat, sleep, school, etc and repeat. That was until a fallen angel attacked him while he was taking a stroll. He was about to die until... ---- Notes: I will change some aspects when it comes to Solo Leveling, you are going to see things such as dungeon creation, observe, etc. - This is not a "Betrayed" book - Rias will not be a pain in the ass - There will be a lot of violence -There will not be a harem -Constructive criticism is accepted You may also see some appearances of characters from other anime and Manhwa. This was originally published on Wattpad and Yes, this is MY story.

Laurentiino · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

V - Igris


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Name: Kazuki Tanaka

Aged: 17

Job: None

Title: Wolf Slayer

HP: 19.400

Level: 54

Fatigue: 10

MP: 2500

Strength: 225

Vitality: 193

Agility: 168

Intelligence: 152

Stat Points: 0

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⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Kazuki couldn't tell exactly where he was at the moment, what he did know was the lurking knights coming from all sorts of directions. "Come on out and fight!" Kazuki says to the knights. That's when one of them did step up. "I commend you for walking straight for your death."

With Rasaka's Fang, he tries to pierce through the armor. It was pretty easy since his strength was over 200.

The knight was un-experienced when it came to fighting. It had a huge opening whenever it swung its huge sword.

-[Skill: Sprint] Was Activated.

-Movement Speed Will Increase By 30%.

-1 Mana Will Be Consumed Every Minute.

Kazuki leaped onto the knight, now on its shoulders. From there, Kazuki crushed its head and removed it. It was revealed that the knights were not at all mobs but puppets of some sort.

[ You have slain a knight!]

"This type of monster is weak against drawn out battles, I couldn't even call it a proper monster."

Kazuki only has a torch that is helping him see throughout the dungeon.

[You cannot leave this dungeon until you have cleared it.]

[In this area, your potion of shop ability is restricted. On level up, you do not receive status healing.]

"I can't leave this dungeon, the boss needs to be defeated for me to get out of here. Unknown difficulty, no healing, no retreat, this dungeon is risky."

Suddenly, more and more of the same knights as before start to appear. "I guess I have to take care of these muscle heads who only trust in their defense."

Kazuki reels his arm back and punches a knight backwards, causing it to ram into others. He jumps into the air and lands onto the head of a knight. Another was put into a headlock and was decapitated. "I see now, if I can't cut them down I can target the areas where their bones are located."

[You have slain a knight!]

[You have slain a knight!]

[You have slain a knight!]

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(Item: Leather pouch)

Type: Container

Desc: A pouch made to carry money.

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(Item: High knight's chest plate)

Item Class: B

Type: Armor

Desc: 7% physical damage reduction (Slows movement speed if your strength is below 80.)

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"The armor-type items don't force you to show their designs, that's good because I would look goofy.

(Item: Leather pouch] Has been opened.)

[You have received (30.000 Gold).

[Total Gold: 863.400G]

Out of pure instinct Kazuki's arm moved by itself, he stabs his dagger into the neck area of a knight.

[You have slain a knight!]

"That thing used a stealth skill?"

From behind Kazuki was a glowing yellow ball of energy coming straight to him. He manages to dodge. "Is that a magician? it's using magic."

A variety of monsters are trying to kill Kazuki, he holds his own against them all but there are too many. Kazuki gets more tired the more he fights.

[Fatigue: 66]

Once done defeating them all, Kazuki decides to rest to get his fatigue down. That's when an arrow is shot, he catches it just before it could penetrate his eyes. "Damnit, I'm not going to get any rest."

Kazuki defeats the remaining puppets.

[Water bottle filled will lukewarm water has been obtained.]

"Water? This is great, I am so thirsty."

"I leveled up quite a bit, and gathered a lot of items. My fatigue also lowered so I can get to the next stage."

[Wardens Necklace: A]

[High Knight's Chestplate: B]

[High Knight's Gauntlet: B]

[Archer's Gloves: C]

[High Magicians Ring: B]

[Assassins Boots: B]

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Name: Kazuki Tanaka

Aged: 17

Job: None

Title: Wolf Slayer

HP: 19.400

Level: 54

Fatigue: 10

MP: 2500

Strength: 225

Vitality: 193

Agility: 168

Intelligence: 152

Stat Points: 110

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"So, this is the boss room. The kings throne is kinda throwing me off though."

From behind the shadows was an immense presence. Kazuki turns around to see that he is in the throne of a different type of knight. It was tall and slim, carrying a huge sword, it's armor was red.

[Knight Commander, Igris The Red]

"The color of its name is in orange. Compared to the other orange-named monsters, I took them down pretty easily."

a/n : Kazuki is so much stronger compared to Jin Woo in this part of the story. Instead of the 3 stat points its 10, that's why the name of Igris is colored orange instead of red.

"He's heading my way!"

The speed of Igris was great but it wasn't fast enough, Kazuki dodged the swing of his sword. "Judging by his attacks, his power would be around 80. If i'm right then that means it's defense and agility would be around the same as the strength. This shouldn't be too hard."

Igris grabs Kazuki by the shirt collar was throws him into the wall. He was unscathed by this, the worst that was caused was a couple bruises.

[Skill: Speed] has been activated. Your speed has increased by 30%. 1 mana will be consumed every minute while this effect is in use.]

"My turn." With great speeds, Kazuki sliced clean through the armor is Igris. The red knight didn't even see it coming.

Kazuki gets in dozens of powerful blows on Igris, leaving the red knight paralyzed. He was having too much fun with this. Kazuki was getting cocky, jumping around, mocking, the power was getting to his head.

Igris took this as his chance to catch Kazki off guard. When he was jumping, Igris grabbed his leg and hanged him upside down. Kazuki was sent hurling to the hard ground by the tall red knight.

[HP: 16.976/19.400]

"I deserved that one."

Igris wasn't finished yet, he grabbed his greatsword and swung at Kazuki. The sword was nearing Kazuki but his determination was off the charts. He grabbed the greatsword with his hands.

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Item: High-Ranking Knight's Gauntlet

Item Class: B

Type: Armor

Desc: Physical damage reduced by 3%.

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"I have not lost yet! I'll stop playing around now." Kazuki stabs his dagger into the eye of Igris.

[Critical Attack Lv. 1: 70 Mana required. Your attacks have become more efficient. You are now able to find your opponents vital points and inflict critical damage.]

He then stabs him for a second time. Igris slumped to the ground, unmoving.

[You have defeated {Knight Commander, Igris The Red}.

[You Have Leveled Up!]

[You Have Leveled Up!]

"So maybe next time, I shouldn't play around with my opponents."

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You have obtained the following items:

[Crimson Knight's Helmet]

[The Commander's Touch]

[Leather Pouch]

[Instant Teleportation Stone]

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[Item: Leather Pouch has been opened.]

[You Have Received 1.500.000 Gold].

"I have twice the gold now!"

[Total Gold: 3.115.629G].

"I even got an S ranked item."

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Item: Crimson Knight's Helmet

Item Class: S

Type: Armor

Desc: Physical damage taken reduced by 15%, health +20, strength +20.

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Name: Kazuki Tanaka

Aged: 17

Job: None

Title: Wolf Slayer

HP: 19.600(+20)

Level: 56

Fatigue: 25

MP: 3654/4700

Strength: 225 (+20)

Vitality: 193

Agility: 168

Intelligence: 152

Stat Points: 130

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"I was given a teleportation stone but this dungeon isn't over yet. I defeated the boss though."

[The job change quest will now begin.]

"So there is more?"

[You will accumulate points the longer you stay alive. These points are needed to advance to a higher-rank class.]

A purple portal begins to open up.


[Good luck]


More than a dozen knights and mages appear out of the portal. Kazuki uses a camouflage skill. The knights began to attack when a mage detected Kazuki using a detection skill.

[Skill: 'Bloodlust' has been activated.]

[All opponents' stats will be reduced by 50% for 1 minute.]

"I have to use this opportunity to defeat as many as I can." They kept respawning and dealing heavy amounts of damage.

[HP: 11.983/19.220]

[Passive Skill: 'Tenacity' has been activated.]

"Damnit, only 5 minutes have gone by. It would be best if I used the teleportation stone. I do want to see what the big deal is about this job change quest."

"I can't let things end up like this. I've gone this far, I cannot give up now."

He began to destroy the dozens of knights and mages. Something caught Kazuki's eye.

[You have failed to complete your daily quest.]

[You will be transferred to the penalty zone.]

He opens his eyes to see that he is in the desert. The centipede like monsters rush Kazuki. It seemed like they were slow, extremely slow. Kazuki leaped onto every one of them and killed them.

"This will only make me stronger."

The 4 hours were almost done and Kazuki leveled up his critical attack.

[You Have Leveled Up!]

[You Have Leveled Up!]

[You Have Leveled Up!]

[You Have Leveled Up!]

"I need a stronger weapon...shop"

"I need a weapon suited for breaking through armor."

[You have purchased 'Knight Killer'.]

"This thing was very expensive, 2.8 million gold... this should be enough."

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Item: Knight Killer

Item Class: B

Type: Dagger

Attack +75

Effect 'Knight killer': Attacks used against armored units will inflict 25% additional damage.

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"All I have left is this item."

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Rune Stone: The Commander's Touch

Breaking this stone will grant you a skill.

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[You have learned "Skill: The Commander's Touch."]

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Skill: The Commander's Touch Lv.1

Active Skill.

No Mana Required.

The ability to physically control objects without touching them.

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The penalty dungeon expires and he is back to the job change quest. "The numbers have increased te told since I was gone." Kazuki slices through the knights like butter. "Knight Killer is amazing."

"Even though i'm killing so many of these, I don't feel like i'm earning experience. I was able to level up in the penalty zone by defeating those centipedes and the knight commander. The system said it would disable the status recovery that comes with leveling up, but not that I would no longer be able to level up."

"What if these mages are summoners? These magic beasts don't have any autonomy and that is why I am not gaining any experience? If that is the case, I have to kill the mages."

[You have defeated a mage!]

Kazuki activates his camouflage skill, the mages use their detection skills in return. Now Kazuki can tell where they are all located.

He uses commanders touch and defeats the mages one by one until they are all gone. "Whew, is the quest over now?"

[You have defeated all of the monsters in the testing room. The job change quest has now ended.]

[You are qualified for a job placement in a high-rank class due to the number of promotion points you have acquired.]

[The appropriate job will be assigned based on an analysis of the payer's records.]

[The smell of blood fills the air, and the player leaves a trail of corpses at his wake.]

"Wait, what does that mean?"

[The player also yearns for great power, and does not rely on the help of others. The player makes his own way in this world.]

[Your desire to become powerful is strong enough to call forth the wandering spirits within the valley of death. An army of the dead will follow your every order, single-handedly clearing the path upon which you will walk.]

"Is this my job? Coool."

[You have been assigned the 'Necromancer' class.]

"Even though this may seem cool, all of my stats will become useless!"

[Accept this job assignment?]

{Accept} {Decline}


[Your job has been decided.]

[You have been promoted from 'necromancer' to 'The Monarch of Shadows']

[You have obtained the title, "conqueror of adversity".]

[Shadow extraction may be used on this target.]

[Shadow extraction may be used on this target.]

[Shadow extraction may be used on this target.]

[Please specify a designated command for the shadow extraction skill.]


The corpses of the knights begin to come to life, as well as the mages.

[Number of extractable shadows: 30/30]

[Number of preserved shadows: 0/20]

"I can turn the opponents that I Killed into summoned beasts."

Kazuki looks to Igris the Red and wonders if he can even extract his shadow. "I'll terminate 11 common soldiers."

He faces the body of Igris. "Arise."

It doesn't work. "I have two more chances, "Arise."

"Let me try something else... the owner of that trone is gone, stop guarding an empty seat. How about protecting me, someone who's standing right here in front of you?"


A brilliant blue light fills the area.

[You have successfully enhanced the shadows power.]

[The shadow will start at Lv. 7]

[Shadow soldiers that rank, "Knight" or higher can be named.]

"How about, Igris. Calling you Igris the Red is a bit cringe."

[Igris Lv.7]

[Rank: Knight]

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Name: Kazuki Tanaka

Aged: 17

Job: The Monarch of Shadows

Title: Wolf Slayer

HP: 20.000

Level: 60

Fatigue: 0

MP: 7400

Strength: 242

Vitality: 193

Agility: 168

Intelligence: 152

Stat Points: 170

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