1 #001 Prologue

In this land of Valedine there are many supernatural creatures who posses magic and there are laws to protect those who are without magic. Law number one of Valedine: Those who can cast shall not cast harm. Those who break this law shall be stripped a quarter of said offenders power. Amendment one of law one: to protect caster from harm a defensive cast is permitted and a penalty will not be issued.


The first time I encountered a werewolf I was only 216 years old, still considered a child amongst born Vampires. I had snuck out and ran until I found myself lost in a forest that reeked of canine. I had never encountered werewolves as I had lived amongst the safest places by my parents side with other vampires so I couldn't guess what would happen next.

A large man stalked out of the brush and was scared when he saw me. He reeked heavily of wet dog. As I crouched into a defense position, he seemed to grasp me as a threat and morphed into a large wolf. I easily felt in danger and wasn't ready to fight so my flight instincts took over. I turned to run and he lunged at me.

I turned away ready to fly away using my raven form. I successfully gained raven shape and I turned to look for my pursuer, only to see him thrown to the side by my father. I turned to flee but was caught by the tip of my left wing by a female werewolf.

Slammed down to ground I was thrown back into my human form. My raven form a wing was damaged but as human it was my left arm and my shoulder blade. Only the sun, another vampire, and a werewolf were capable of harming me.

A large raven appeared and struck the werewolf down without changing form. It was my mother, I tried to get back into my raven form as soon possible. Just as my parents gained the upper hand a flurry of bats, ravens, and cats appeared. It was the Dark Guard, a secret army assigned to protect the born Royals, and a handful of other Royals.

The werewolves called for their pack and just like that I had caused a battle that greatly took lives of both groups of Immortals.

My parents were met first with the werewolves and I tried to rush in to save them only to get beaten down by a set of small werewolves. I was saved by the second royal family's Queen, Adamara Marcholet Olev-Alistair, my mother's sister and closest friend.


I was heavily injured in the battle and having been rescued by the Alistair Queen I was taken to safety promptly. I had fallen into a deep sleep lasting six months only to wake up to find out that my parents had died.

With my family's passing and my clan being of only two other elders who couldn't care for me. I was momentarily on my own in the care of my great aunt alone. As I slowly recovered the King and Queen couldn't bear to send me away and instead they decided leaving me in the care of the ruling royal family the Alistair Family was the best option.

I was one of the last three Bai Ven clan members and the last of my family members. As the Bai Ven Clan had been in power until my parents demise, the Bai Ven Clan is still a strong clan even with it's small number of members. I am considered even more precious as a remaining member of the former ruling family member and so many of the old powers sent their family and clan to try to marry me. I was shocked by my parents death and reject them promising after I observed a mourning period of three years I would marry someone.


Two Years Later

Dark shadows danced in the night and in the light of a million fire insects I danced. I had long ago found an abandoned palace and all around the small but large buildings in it were surrounded by wild foliage and living water. I had spent the last two years making this place my home.

In my courtyard I planted many fruits, flowers, and herbs, in every season I could eat, admire, and harvest from my garden. I had noticed the pond was muddy but still held water, having cleaned up the pond I expanded my water network and many small ecosystems formed.

I made it habitable enough for my aunt to come if she needed to see me. I would of course see her everyday, wherever she was, for at least half an hour I'd accompany.

"Mel! Mel... A eme lia!" a woman was shouting. "Oh there you are doll, are you taking visitors?" a voice called. It was Silvea Ferll, I called her Silvery as her last name Ferll sounded like Ferry, my great aunt's nanny as well as my mother's nanny.

"If I say won't you still be here?" I joke to her. I make my way towards her with a smile and she laughs.

"You are right, you have no choice, I'm already here," Silvea says. Silvea produces a small letter and a basket of peaches, a pair of pears, and plums.

"A letter from who?" I ask not recognizing the seal. Silvea smiles warmly but looks away bashfully. I take the fruits and begin eating a peach while studying the unrecognizable seal.

"Won't you take a look? I bet if you open it, you'll find out who sent it," Silvea answers intrigued. I turn the small letter over in my hand. I put my peach down and carefully open the letter. It's from my royal king-to-be Crown Prince but ready to ascend his thrown suitor, we became friends because he used to send me letters using his sister.

I realize the seal is that of my clan, the royal clansmen seal, and that of the nomad king's overlapping each other. I feel as though maybe being married isn't what I want at the moment but if I married him I could be comfortable and live a life full of potential opportunities to improve my life and the life of my people.
