

From a once feeble soul to a force now feared by the entire galaxy, his journey echoes the resilience that transforms weakness into unbridled strength.

ASURA_9295 · 都市
30 Chs


As Veer released his suppressed cultivation, the battlefield witnessed a spectacle beyond mortal comprehension. The clash between Veer and the Devil Path cultivator transcended the limits of perception, a battle waged on a plane where the energies of immortals collided with intensity.

The two cultivators engaged in a fierce struggle, their powers meeting in a symphony of cosmic forces. Veer, having transcended to a half-immortal realm, faced the Devil Path cultivator with newfound strength. The battlefield became a canvas of ethereal energies, the mortals unable to fully grasp the magnitude of the confrontation between these formidable beings.

In the culmination of the battle, Veer, demonstrating an extraordinary feat, leaped through the defenses of the Devil Path cultivator. Swiftly, he grasped the neck of his adversary, a move executed with precision. In a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, Veer devoured the cultivation of the Evil Cultivator, absorbing the essence of his power.

Having emerged victorious and ascended to the half-immortal realm, Veer turned his attention to the enemies' army. With a singular purpose, he unleashed a one-sided massacre, a force to be reckoned with that left a trail of chaos in his wake. In a symbolic gesture, he brought the defeated king of the enemy as a gift to his father, Maheshwar.

The battlefield, once the stage for mortal conflict, now bore witness to the extraordinary ascendancy of Veer. His actions spoke of a power that transcended the boundaries of the known, and the gift presented to Maheshwar carried the weight of both victory and the promise of a transformed destiny for Ayothia. The aftermath of this otherworldly battle left an indelible mark on the annals of the empires, a testament to the hidden strength of the underestimated prince who had now become a harbinger of change.

In the aftermath of the battle that mirrored the force of death itself, Veer emerged as a figure of unprecedented power. His one-sided massacre and the defeat of the Devil Path cultivator became a turning point, unifying the seven nations in the mythical land under the banner of Ayothia.

With the enemies vanquished and the threat neutralized, Veer returned to his family, revealing the details of his extraordinary adventure. He shared the tales of battles fought, challenges overcome, and the triumphant unification of the seven nations. However, Veer chose to withhold a crucial aspect of his journey— the fact that he had merged with the core of the Ancient Devouring Beast.

In a joyous reunion with his brothers and father, Veer basked in the happiness of the moment. The unification of the nations marked a significant achievement, and the veil of darkness that had loomed over Ayothia began to lift. The family, unaware of Veer's assimilation with the ancient beast's core, celebrated the victory and the return of their prodigal son.

The happy reunion portrayed a semblance of normalcy, concealing the extraordinary truth that Veer carried within him. As Ayothia embarked on a new era under the unified banner, Veer, the once underestimated third prince, stood at the forefront, a guardian of a destiny reshaped by his hidden strength and the sacrifices made in the shadows. The mythical land, now united, faced an uncertain future with a newfound hope inspired by the courage and resilience of its enigmatic hero.