
Tortured Fate

The buzz at the front room of the cloth shop was beginning to draw attention as the sales attendants whispered one to another.

"Why have the Priestess come today," one asked.

"I know, right? She almost never leaves the temple grounds except if something dire happens..."

"Or about to happen," another completes, whispering with nervous fear.

"What do you mean by that, " a maiden questioned the last speaker, goosebumps washing over her skin indicating the dread she's feeling.

The whispering voices continued to chatter with the attendants speculating on the sudden appearance of the Priestess in the shop while not trying to make it obvious so that the temple guards that waited for their mistress by the corner of the entrance will not hear. Even though Priestess Liviana is the niece to the owner of the shop, Master Romanus, she never visits here personally. The last time she came, two sales maiden who unknowingly offended her mysteriously disappeared without a trace. It was told that the maidens argued over who would entertain a handsome young master who was not even interested in them nor the Priestess because his eyes were set on a fair maiden named Aeliana back then. Feeling humiliated from not catching the attention of the young man, and still having two lowly maidens argue in her presence over who attends him, Liviana had left in obvious anger. Up to date, their families have not found them. And even though there were rumours telling it has to do with the priestess, no one was bold enough to point accusing fingers at her or prove anything.

"Hush now, you parrots! Who knows we employed workers who leave their work to gossip about things that do not concern them. It will be well to keep your mouths than stand about chirping like idle birds" the head of the sales assistants scolded harshly at them making everyone scamper back to their duties.

In the waiting chamber where Luciano waited, he cast a brief glance at the strange lady who stood at the open door. Seeing it was not the sales lady attending to him, he nodded politely at her in greeting and went back to reading the parchment in his hands. Luciano couldn't put a finger to it, but he feels slightly uncomfortable with a sudden coldness washing over his body. There was something eerie about this Lady who stood watching him like a hawk waiting to pounce on the helpless chicken. Luciano can feel eyes on him so he also watched the lady from the corner of his eyes as she went to sit at the other end of the couch where he sat, making him frown in confusion. He can't ever remember seeing priestesses or temple maidens mingle with people in the city. Has temple practices changed these past years he left home, he asked in his head.

From the lady's attire, Luciano can tell that she may be one of the high ranking Priestess of the sacred temple in Lucca. She was dressed in a pristine white tunic with a head covering adorned with a red ribbon - the sacred headgear for Priestesses. A thin veil modestly attached to the headgear covered the lower part of her face, leaving only her eyes to be seen. Luciano had left home for more than a decade now, but If he remembers it correctly, there were often four to five Priestesses with a High Priestess overseeing others and the temple matters. He doesn't know much about the affairs of the temple even more so now that he has seen the light and known the right way. So he ignored the lady again and went back to his reading.

But a whisper of a voice came unbidden in Luciano's mind, ¹'Be alert, be on watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.'

Luciano brows furrowed in thought as his sixth sense kicked in. Enemy? Alert? Who could that be?

On the other hand, Liviana observed the fine young man from within her veiled face. Her deep dark eyes raked over his features willing him to look her way again. But after his initial glance at her, he never bothered looking her way again. This irked her. Liviano has tasted power and wielded control over others such that she can't tolerate being ignored or overlooked by anyone. She lacks the understanding that not all who come to the city have knowledge of who she is. In her ignorance, she chose to believe that because she is deeply feared by many if not all within the city, that the mention of her will be on the lips of all and will strike fear in their hearts.

Just then, the door to the waiting chamber was pushed opened and a frail figure wearing similar garb as the veiled lady walked in. Although the attire was similar, the latter's tunic was much simpler than the former.

"Mis- Mistress." Aria stuttered in greeting, slightly limping the few steps from the door to kneel before Priestess Liviana. Faint scratch marks could be seen on her fair cheeks and necks. They were long and quite fierce to look at even though they were beginning to fade.

Dragging her emotionless eyes from the handsome man who had ignored her presence, Liviana fixed her gaze on Aria who knelt before her with her head bow. The frail thing quivered with hidden fright. Fear was now her constant companion since the Priestess set her dark desire upon her. Liviana raised her right hands towards Aria's exposed neck and touch the pulse beating erratically at the base that shows how fearful the little thing was. Liviana's lips lifted in a ghostlike smile. She can smell the fear and she absolutely loves it. That way none of her subjects would ever think to betray her. She traced the scratch marks which she has personally inflicted on the girl in moments of mad passion. Liviana watched Aria gulped audibly. 'Poor thing. I must have been too intense with her.'

The night before, she has invited one of her male worshipper who has come to offer offerings to Eros to be with her. She has held Aria in her hands whilst the man pleasured her from behind. Being who she is, she never let any of her invited male companions lay with her from the front. Only her chosen maidens are allowed that privilege. And so in the heat of erotica, Aria had borne the marks of her pleasure. Her tender breast has suffered teeth marks whilst her face and neck has been skewered with her sharp nails. To soothe and reward her, Liviana decided to bring her along to her Uncle's cloth shop to gift her some erotic undergarments which she would require her to wear for her in their privacy.

"Rise, my pet. Come sit on the couch here." Liviana patted the space beside her for her to sit.

Aria got up with difficulty, wincing at the pain that shot through her chest and shoulders. Sitting beside her mistress, she cast a furtive glance at the man reclining at the other end of the long couch.

Luciano who has observed the whole scene from the corner of his eyes saw the desperation in the young slave's eyes. His heart reeled with pain for her. She looked to be the same age as his sister, Flavia. But what can he do? Everyone knows no one is supposed to interfere in affairs between masters and servants or slaves.

"Wait here for my return, my pet -" Liviana suddenly said to Aria, gracefully rising from the couch. "I will be with you in a while." She sauntered towards the door.

Aria who has been holding her breath breathed out once the door closed behind her mistress. The gods have deserted her, leaving her to suffer this tortured fate at the hands of the High Priestess. Back in Germania where she came from, it is sacrilege for a female to lay with a female. Anyone caught in such acts was drowned in the bog that lies in the dark forest of Germania. Would she meet with the same fate if she were to return home because of what she was forced to become, Aria wondered?

Her soft brown eyes glistened with moisture. Where were the gods of her land when she was captured by Roman soldiers and sold into slavery? Where are the gods her mother taught her would protect her always? Even the foreign gods she has come to know and serve can't seem to help her. The tears Aria fought to hold back brimmed over and slid down her cheeks. She wiped at them furiously and bit down on her quivering lips. Her fellow temple slaves tell of how blessed she is to have the mistress favours. But what blessing is in being bitten, scratched and touched in her private places like the wanton women gifted gladiators as a reward after each gladiatorial fights at the Coliseum? Where is her dignity as a breathing, living person? This is no blessing - this is a curse!

"Why do you cry, fair Lady?"

Startled out of her thoughts, Aria glanced wide eyes at the man who has spoken. Deep in thoughts, she has forgotten that there was one more person in the chamber. Feeling flustered and scarred at being caught crying, she turned away without a response.

"Do not fear. I mean you no harm," Luciano encouraged. "Tell me - what troubles you?"

Aria fiddled nervously with her fingers. Being a new slave at the temple, she has had little interaction with the opposite sex. Even before then, her interaction with males has been limited only to her father and two younger brothers.

Seeing he wasn't getting any response from the young maiden, Luciano tore a piece of the parchment paper in his hands and scribbled something on it. He neatly folded it and stood up. Luciano approached the maiden and proffered the paper to her. She made no effort to take it but bowed her head further. Luciano sighed quietly to himself. Apparently, the young girl is scared of being caught by her mistress accepting things from a stranger. That often leads to severe scourging or sometimes death as Luciano has seen many times.

He doesn't even understand why he is getting himself involved in affairs that shouldn't be his concern. Still, he can't help but try to at least reach out. The world is a dark place, especially for a slave. A little kindness or two shown to others in a while will shed some light and comfort. One may not know what life can be saved with that.

He dropped the piece of paper on the young maiden's lap, just as the door opened again. Aria's eyes widened in great fear.

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