
The World of Today

The sun rose, and Ling Yu woke up. He groggily squinted his eyes at the harsh sunlight shining through his windows with black circles, walked towards the bathroom, and took a quick shower before brushing his teeth.

Dressed in a yellow top and commando blue long pants, a fashion blending in society with casualness emitted the modern feel. Grabbing hold of the freshly baked toast and suitcase, with concise steps Ling Yu left the house, leaving behind a properly prim and isolated place.

Ling Yu was the usual corporate slave for his company, working for his factory with a soulless mind. For 5 years, he worked repetitively while his former classmates in an alumni group chat bragged about their daily accomplishments, and only he was stagnating

His situation was actually common in the world... In the previous world that is. This was now a new era. In the year 2100, frightening cracks appeared in the skies of every capital city in the world regardless of how small or big the country was

A year of fear and observance slowly tempered the wills of today while relaxing their vigilance when nothing happened. The lingering darkness that seemed evil actually affected Earth in a 'humanely' way. People became more ambitious and stronger as everyone's physique became tougher

While this may have also affected animals, weapons were still useful against them. But their durability increased as munitions were quickly used up as their most frightening change was the uncontrolled birth of species

This change stirred up the government and major corporations as they realized, their source of strength was immediately depleted. On the other hand, occasional lone figures traveled into the animals' lands and fought them bare-handed. Proving that the age of hot weaponry was over

Nevertheless, the actual danger had not arrived yet. One day, the cracks in the sky completely shattered. The immense aura was already fearful but unlike before, its current state actually killed those with weak minds and this total amounted to 1 billion of the population

Fortune co-existed with dangers as every being on Earth gained the ability to cultivate. The eastern region refined the natural power and absorbed it using the principle of Heaven and Earth bestowment. The western region utilized science to measure a person's innate ability calling it superpowers

Everyone was either grateful or animous towards the crack in the sky but society has definitely changed for the better, despite rising conflicts between humans and beasts

However, a two-stepped danger course filled with opportunity loomed with its greatest doom. The dimensional crack finally revealed the first living being in the 'otherworld' after 10 years, a black wolf emitting a deathly aura appeared with arms actually smaller than a normal human being in the 'post-feudal'.

The wolf seemed to be on its deathbed and despite the cultivators shivering at its aura, they immediately tried communicating with it. Surprisingly, its lackluster eyes had awareness, as the cultivators at the scene soon disappeared along with the wolf before showing themselves to the world again

Compared to their previous state of confidence hiding their wariness, their eyes were now extremely dreadful as countermeasures and a worldwide conference between states' top leaders commenced with details hidden from the populace

Then, a regulation, more like a restriction was imposed on everyone on Earth. Talents capable of reaching the 7th stage of Body Refinement/Superhuman Realm will be enacted into an international academy for specialized nurturing before the age of 14. Those lacking qualifications will, unfortunately, be subjected to labor work for the better of the world

Of course, a commotion was unavoidable as those lacking background, talent or motivation kicked up a fuss against the feudal government that was implemented after the feudal era. Unfortunately, their attempt was in vain as the major organizations calmed the commotion with force with collateral deaths scaring them off.

Ling Yu is a result of the feudal system, someone lacking in background, talent, and motivation, but somehow was in a class filled with high talents and even 'extremity' talents scouted throughout the world.

At the age of 23, Ling Yu lost his passion for cultivation, usually, a person would be ambitious with selfishness, forsaking everything to improve their strengths while in rare cases, people would protect their beloved ones

Everyone had their souls imprinted by a cultivation technique. It was nameless but the people called it [elementary breathing exercise]. This technique not only establishes one's foundations but also determines their talent through observing the progression and combat powers

For some reason, Ling Yu can not absorb natural power, which results in him being isolated from society. Nevertheless, no one disdained him nor toyed with him, only looked upon him with indifference which was worse as his motivation was not sparked

Arriving at his worksite, he went to his section and unlocked his suitcase. There were a bunch of screwdrivers, chisels, nails, and hammers. Ling Yu worked as a construction worker, despite its latent dangers, it was the only job supplied to him due to vacant positions and his exceptional mathematical skills

Repeating the same actions every day of calculating, drilling, hammering, and getting his money. Ling Yu along with his co-workers exited the site and separated at an intersect without saying a single word

Walking down the main road in the city, a large screen featuring a fight between cultivators and superhumans flashed and resonated with SFX. Passerbys stood still at the sight and sighed with jealousy and powerlessness

Despite trying to ignore the screen, Ling Yu's wavering mind left him standing as he heard the nearby people talk about the fight

"Look, that cultivator came from the Pan Family, their family is famous for their movement arts and even if they lose, they can escape in crucial moments." "That's nothing, Craig is a superhuman from the Boulder Foundation, since young, he was deeply immersed in medicinal baths and is a martial fanatic, showing signs of condensing a martial intent"

Nearby, the others were shocked at the words 'martial intent.' Nevertheless, Ling Yu's hesitance stabilized as he headed towards his apartment located on the 5th floor.

Usually, a floor determines one's status, the 5th floor does not represent wealth or power but is not something a mortal like Ling Yu can live in. This was luck and connections that gifted him the opportunity despite actually making his life harder

Wearing his work clothes, he passed by many residents who glanced at him before quickly turning back. Looking upon this, Ling Yu heaved a mental sigh as he walked up the steps with great difficulty

This was the age of cultivation, after the implementation of "Cultivation Talents", many buildings were renovated to continuously train one's physique. The staircase had a gravity function that recognises the soul and changes gravity at a certain level. However, the minimum difficulty exceeded mortals limits and is at the 3rd stage of body tempering.

Initially, Ling Yu shed tears of joy when his classmate offered him an apartment house, Of course, the joy became haggard as he was too embarrassed to call the beautiful class president who kindly lent him an opportunity he should have never gotten

The suffering has indeed tempered his body reaching the pinnacle of a mortal comparable to a world athlete. In spite of that, he was incapable of absorbing natural power and remained stagnant the moment he graduated.

Removing all these useless thoughts, Ling Yu removed his clothes and took a shower. After thoroughly drying himself, he grabbed an apron by the stove and began to cook fried rice

Stirring and swirling the rice around, he poured it into two bowls with different amounts in both. Carrying the bowls, he exited the house and knocked on his neighbor's door, and waited

5 minutes later, the door creaked open with a chubby hand reaching out for the bowl before shutting the door with a loud slam. A complex expression appeared on Ling Yu's face as he once again entered his house, leaving only a lonesome back

The neighboring door opened slightly revealing the entire chubby face that was opposite of greasiness and flaps. A round figure twice the size of a normal human but with an average height actually emitted intimidation and resonance of heaven and earth.

Messy hair rained down his head as the fatty was nothing like a shut-in. Looking at Ling Yu's apartment, he slowly reached out his hand before stopping and immediately retracted it before entering back into his own place

Now it is 12:00 am at night, and a luminescent glimmer of moonlight shined through the window piercing through a lone figure sleeping with orderly snores. Ling Yu unconsciously shivered as his eyes twitched, trying to open his eyes with great difficulty, feeling a force that caused him an unnatural amount of drowsiness, falling into a coma-like state.

At this moment, a voice reverberated within the depths of the universe, "Child, your journey has now begun". The echo vibrated multiple planets eventually revealing a calm, one similar to a raging wave