
Seven nights with CEO

"Spend a night with me and I will pay you for your services," Arthur who was mesmerized by the beauty in front of him asked Bella assuming that she is some random girl "I am Bella smith and you can't afford me," Bella said angrily and slapped Arthur on his face and leaving a lasting impact on his ego Bella did the biggest mistake of her life by raising her hand on Mr Arthur William who was the biggest businessman in the country and the CEO of William corporation. *********************** "Please help me, is m ready to do anything you want" Bella begged in front of him and looked defeated "Convince me to help you," Arthur said with a smirk on his face and leaned on his sofa because the games had just begun. join the journey of Arthur who was known as the king of the business world and how he vowed to destroy Bella, the innocent girl who dared to raise his hand on him.

mahima_chauhan · 都市
20 Chs

Everything comes with a price

"What price you are talking about," Bella asked with confidence in front of him. She knew what he was talking about but still, she took the chance.

Bella was one of those women who would not show the fear on her face. She stood confident in every situation.

Arthur smirked looking at the confidence of the women standing in proud of him.

"Have a seat miss. Smith, then we can talk about the price of your mistakes" Arthur folded his hands and signalled Bella to take a seat opposite him


Bella calmed herself down and sat in front of him confidently.

"You see, you raised your hand on me, the billionaire and I don't forgive easily and in anger, I withdraw my funds from your father's business but I am sure you can make it alright," Arthur said and smiled, he liked to maintain the suspense in the eyes of his predator.

Bella listened to him every word quietly and with every word her heartbeat increased.

"So I am ready to again invest in your father's business but you have to be mine for 7 days," Arthur said bluntly and Bella got surprised that how the biggest billionaire in this country could demand something like this.

"Excuse me, have you lost your mind. I belong to a prestigious family and you are talking to me like this. I know I have done a mistake by slapping you and I apologised for it but I am not for sale" Bella said getting angry, she thought an apology would work but she was wrong to expect something from the man who didn't value women and consider them as your property.

"Miss smith I am a busy man and I don't have time to listen to you so show yourself out since you are not interested in my demands, and soon your prestigious family would be on-road," Arthur said professionally like he was on some business meeting.

Bella felt insulted and stood up from the chair in anger.

"You know what, you are such a shameless man and if you think that I will sacrifice my dignity under your pressure then I am not. My father and brother will definitely find out something to escape the hard times" Bella snarled at him and that made Arthur angrier but he didn't show it on his face.

Something very dangerous going on in his mind and he didn't want to spoil the fun so he managed his anger.

"I would really love to see you try, anyways show yourself out," Arthur said pointing towards the door and rolling his pen in between his finger

Bella turned around to leave but she felt insulted by Arthur's demand so she turned around and look at him like he was the disgusting man in this whole world, and for Bella indeed he was.

"And one more thing Mr Arthur William, everything is not for sale. You are indeed a famous billionaire CEO but humans don't come with a price tag" Bella said to him with hatred in her voice.

"Oh trust me, sweetheart, everything comes with a price but don't worry, soon you will understand," Arthur said with hidden meaning and a smirk.

Bella shake his head and thought it was a waste to talk to him and that she shouldn't spend a single minute with a man like him who saw women as an object.

Bella left the office and calmed her anger.

She was usually one of the calm people but since Arthur entered her life she lost her calm because she never met a man who degrade women like this.

As soon as she left the office, she received the call from her beloved James and a smile appeared on her lips

She picked up the call on two rings

"Where are you I have been waiting for you," James said over the call and he sounded a little bit rude but Bella ignored the fact.

"Baby I am on the way and I want to tell you something," she said sweetly over the call and sat inside her car and instructed the driver.

"I am waiting," James said in a monotonous tone and cut the call without saying goodbye:

Bella found it weird but ignored it because she loved James and these little things didn't affect her.

She believed that in love certain things need to be avoided for a happy and long relationship.

She reached the coffee shop in fifteen minutes and entered the elite coffee shop.

She saw James sitting on the private lounge and waved at him but James didn't react happily looking at her.

Bella reached the table and sat in front of him. James had a straight face throughout

"James, where were you. I called you last night and do you know what happened with me" Bella said in one go and put her hand on James' hand but he retrieved it back.

"It's not working," James said without beating around the bush and he kept a neutral expression on his face like he wasn't saying the big thing.

Bella didn't understand what James just said

"I don't understand what is not working," Bella asked innocently unaware of the intention of James

"You and I are not working so it's better if we don't meet each other," James said and Bella felt like the land slipped beneath her feet

"Are you saying that you are breaking up with me?" she asked in her wobbly tone and the blood pumping faster in her body because she couldn't imagine in her lifetime what James had said.

"Come on Bella, don't act like a child, I and your brother are rivals and nothing could happen to our relationship so I want to go further in my life," James said like it wasn't a big deal to break the relationship of 4 years.

A lump appeared in Bella's throat and she failed to form a simple sentence, her life turned upside down with one sentence from James.