
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · ファンタジー
51 Chs

Chapter 7: Dungeons

A heavy silence settled over us, wrapping around our group like a shroud. It was as if silence was the only viable option, a shared recognition that this moment required undivided attention. Our surroundings, the cold stone walls of the dungeon, seemed to absorb sound, amplifying the stillness that enveloped us. Each of us stood in contemplative solitude, our eyes darting across the chamber's features, searching for any sign or hint that might help us in the trials that lay ahead.

In the midst of our silent observations, a thought occurred to me—a notion that perhaps the others had stumbled upon something I had missed. We were a team, after all, and our combined insights could hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of this place. With a quiet determination, I broke the silence, my voice slicing through the quiet like a blade.

"Guys?" My utterance seemed to reverberate in the air, the attention of each team member gradually shifting from their individual thoughts to focus on me.

"Is there something else you found during our search in the cabin?" I inquired, my gaze sweeping across their faces, eager to glean any information that might prove crucial to our journey. As if on cue, my teammates began to recount their individual ventures within the cabin, each voice adding a new layer to the unfolding narrative.

Atifa was the first to share, her enthusiasm evident as she described the nooks and crannies she had investigated, her animated gestures painting a vivid picture of her efforts. Demea, his normally reserved demeanor softened by the shared camaraderie, elaborated on his meticulous search for hidden compartments. Yvette, ever watchful and astute, detailed her observations of the cabin's layout, providing insights that had escaped the rest of us.

Eli's contribution was laced with a hint of quiet pride as he described his methodical approach to exploration, his words resonating with a sense of purpose. Kyson, true to his playful nature, regaled us with tales of unexpected discoveries and amusing anecdotes that lightened the atmosphere.

As they shared their findings, a mosaic of potential solutions began to take shape, a puzzle formed from the individual pieces of our experiences. The ground before us gradually became adorned with an array of items—trinkets, tools, and fragments of information that held the promise of aiding us in our upcoming challenges. It was a tangible representation of our collective efforts, a reminder that we were greater than the sum of our parts.

With our newfound knowledge and resources spread out before us, the dungeon seemed to hold its breath, as if even the ancient stones were eager to witness the culmination of our collaboration. I surveyed the eclectic collection before us, my heart swelling with pride at the realization that, together, we were ready to face whatever trials the master had devised for us—armed not only with tools and insights, but with the unbreakable bond of teamwork that had carried us thus far.

"Shh, quiet. I think someone's here," Eli's hushed words hung in the air, a sharp contrast to the silence that had enveloped us. Immediately, the atmosphere shifted, and we collectively tensed, our senses heightened as we prepared for the unknown presence that had entered our realm.

"Your guess is right, my boy," a voice, unfamiliar and eerie, resonated through the stone walls, accompanied by the gradual emergence of a figure. A woman materialized before us, dressed in the regal attire of a bygone era, evoking the medieval grandeur of times long past.

"Knights, get them!" she commanded with an authoritative tone, her proclamation piercing the air and igniting a flurry of action among her armored companions. We exchanged swift glances, a silent acknowledgment of the impending conflict that now lay before us. Each of us tightened our grips on the tools and weapons we had managed to gather, preparing to face the formidable challenge that had suddenly materialized.

Amidst the mounting tension, Eli's voice sliced through the air with urgency. "Kyson, protect Zammirah!" His words cut to the core of the matter, his instinctual urge to shield me from harm a evidence to the bonds that had formed among our team. Kyson, ever dependable, nodded in agreement, his resolute gaze locking onto mine.

In that instant, a newfound determination surged within me. I wouldn't be relegated to the role of a helpless damsel in distress. With an unspoken resolve, I met Kyson's gaze, a silent affirmation that I was ready to stand beside him, to face whatever challenges came our way.

"Well, mi amore, I guess it's you and me—" Kyson's voice began, only to be abruptly cut off as I shouted a warning behind him. A knight, clad in armor and brandishing a weapon, advanced with lethal intent, his path directed straight towards Eli. Without hesitation, I moved into action, fueled by a surge of adrenaline and a fierce determination to protect my comrade.

"Behind you!" my voice rang out, a desperate plea that cut through the chaos of the moment. As the knight's weapon descended, I lunged forward, my movements driven by a mixture of instinct and sheer will. Our worlds collided in a flurry of motion, steel clashing against steel, as I fought to divert the blow that threatened to land upon Eli.

The clash of weapons reverberated through the chamber, each strike a testament to our shared resolve. The lady's command had set into motion a battle that would test not only our physical prowess but also the strength of our bonds and the depths of our determination. As the air crackled with tension and the clash of metal echoed, we stood united, ready to face the challenge head-on, side by side.

In the end, as the dust settled and the echoes of battle subsided, we found ourselves in a place of refuge within the grand palace. The clash with the knights had been fierce and unrelenting, yet amidst the chaos, a resounding truth emerged—we had been defeated. Despite our valiant efforts, we had been outmatched by the relentless determination and strategic prowess of our adversaries.

Grim reality hung in the air, a stark reminder of the challenges that still lay ahead. But there was a silver lining, a glimmer of relief that none of us had been seriously hurt in the midst of the skirmish. Bruised and weary, yet unbroken, we stood together, our shared experiences forging a bond that had grown stronger through the crucible of battle.

With a heavy heart, I made a decision for the sake of the team. I yielded—accepting the outcome of our encounter and recognizing that sometimes, the wisest choice is to retreat and regroup. It wasn't a defeat borne of weakness, but rather a tactical decision to ensure our survival and continue our quest.

As we settled within the confines of the palace, the weight of our setbacks and the uncertainty of our situation pressed upon us. Yet, there was an unspoken understanding among us—a shared determination to learn from our mistakes, to adapt, and to face whatever challenges the enigmatic master had yet to unveil.

In the midst of our shared respite, I looked around at the faces of my companions. Though our bodies bore the marks of our struggle, our spirits remained unyielding. The battles we had faced, and those that surely awaited us, were but stepping stones on the path to unraveling the mysteries that had drawn us together.

Kneeling before the imposing throne room, surrounded by watchful knights, our unexpected intrusion had attracted the attention of none other than the king himself. An air of urgency hung heavy as an old man, adorned in regal attire, entered with hurried steps. His voice, both reproachful and concerned, cut through the tension, only to be interrupted by the master's commanding presence.

"What did I tell you about touching them, Theodred?" The master's anger resonated through his words, casting a shadow over the room. A terse exchange ensued, laden with unspoken implications and an underlying power dynamic.

With a final, charged glance, the old man—the king, it seemed—turned his attention to us. "Let's talk alone," Master commanded, his gaze holding a gravity that seemed to penetrate our very souls. A deep breath followed, his eyes briefly meeting mine before he addressed Princess Bella, his words carrying an air of authority.

"Princess Bella, please escort them to their respective rooms." The king's directive was clear, his voice brooking no opposition as he swept away with the master, leaving us in the wake of their enigmatic exchange.

Princess Bella, with no choice but to comply, guided us through the palace, her expression guarded yet not without a flicker of curiosity. The intensity of the encounter left an impression, a palpable reminder of the complex dynamics at play within these ancient walls.

Our assigned rooms welcomed us with a fairy tale-like charm, their opulent beauty a stark contrast to the trials we had faced. The promise of comfort and respite awaited, a balm for the bruises and scratches that marked our bodies. It wasn't long before a healer arrived, tending to our wounds with gentle expertise—a silent acknowledgment that our well-being was a priority in this enigmatic realm.

Entering my own room, a sense of wonder washed over me as I took in the ethereal ambiance. The room seemed plucked from the pages of a storybook, adorned with intricate details that spoke of a rich history. A canopy bed, draped in luxurious fabrics, beckoned me forward, a sanctuary that offered solace amidst the uncertainties that surrounded us.

As I settled into the embrace of the room's tranquility, I couldn't help but reflect on the surreal journey that had led us here. The palace held its secrets close, its walls echoing with the footsteps of those who had come before us.

With a weary yet determined exhale, I made my way toward the bathroom, the anticipation of a long-awaited bath coursing through me. The weight of days spent without the comfort of cleansing water was a burden I was more than ready to shed. As the warm water enveloped me, the sensation was nothing short of blissful—a reminder of the simple pleasures that could be taken for granted amidst the chaos of our journey.

As the water cascaded over me, I couldn't help but take stock of my body, my fingers tracing over the various bumps and scrapes that marked my skin. It was during this intimate moment of self-inspection that I noticed a small scratch near my elbow. A sigh of relief escaped me as I realized it was nothing more than a minor blemish, a evidence to the resilience of the human body.

Emerging from the bath, I wrapped myself in a towel, the soft fabric a comforting shield against the chill of the air. My gaze was drawn to a section of the room that hinted at a walk-in wardrobe. With a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, I ventured forth, only to be met with disappointment as I found the space seemingly devoid of clothing.

"What am I supposed to wear?" I muttered, a note of frustration tinging my voice. My sigh was met with an unexpected response—the master's voice, echoing in the room as he materialized before me, his presence both irksome and intriguing.

"You really have a habit of popping out of nowhere, don't you?" I retorted, amusement and teasing lacing my words despite my attempt at a reproachful tone.

"I don't have a habit, but one player has an exception," he countered, his response leaving me momentarily speechless. It was a reminder that this realm was governed by his own rules, a realization that both fascinated and unsettled me.

With his words echoing in my mind, I hesitated before the wardrobe once more, my hand reaching out to open the door. What met my eyes was nothing short of breathtaking—a myriad of garments, each more exquisite than the last, adorned the space before me. I stood there in awe, the room transformed into a sanctuary of style and possibility.

"Dress nicely," the master's voice lingered in the air, a directive that held an air of mystery. Before I could express my gratitude, his presence evaporated, leaving me alone with the stunning array of choices. With a sense of excitement, I stepped into the sea of fabrics and designs, ready to embrace the opportunity to adorn myself in a world that was equal parts enchanting and enigmatic.