
Hello Doom!

Turning point; Hello Doom!

Life itself is a mystery it reveals itself in time

Twenty eight years of age. Knowing deaths awaits , inevitable and her still not wanting to change the course of time.

Alita by name. Her going to the hospital finding out of being terminally ill. Meeting a neurologist who also happens to be her friend and the doctor, Mr. Allen. Finally knowing the cause of her frequent dizziness and vomiting.

Having nervous system breakdown, mulfuntiona glioblastomas. Possessing a tumor in a non ideal location in the brain. With an option of going for biopsy which will be risky "Will I die" she asked "Yes" from doctor. The biopsy was going to take a week but with an excuse of not wanting to leave work " I can't" she said . Which the doctor heavily signs to. "I see" , finally saying "okay" agreeing to the decision of not doing a biopsy.

Or having a surgery and living for a year suffering from effects as hemiplegia, speech and cognitive disorders but no surgery living for three or four months, hundred days. Taking all these informations with a bitter smile.

Standing handing over a file "Event on Planning Report for Jingles of Dr. Allen" About and event with Mr. Allen as the protagonist. Alita explaining about to him the event and what he must do and don't . Her reminding him to sending her company

the"70th" episode on his writing by early next month. After explaining the details next with tham exchanging pleasantries, her about to leave was stopped by Mr.Allen saying "Miss Alita" she turns "Hang in there" he said Alita smiles and leaves his office walking absentmindedly.

As she walks she said 'Glioblastoma' thrice inwardly. Stilling walking bumping into another person, a man. Almost falling he holds her by the shoulder to steady her. Looking up she met his handsome face, time seems to freeze for them as they stare at eachother. Alita saying inwardly 'Why is he...' Before finishing he cut her line of taught smiling and saying "I know I'm handsome. But I'm busy" stilling smiling at her but as soon as he turn away from her heading straight into the hospital his face ashen.

His eyes black with a mole directly under his left eyes.Him wearing a lab coat with inner black sweater long sleeves and on top of it a dark green V next thick top, well tucked in his black long pants. Lips light pink and hair black property demarcated in the middle.

She looks at him as he walks further into the hospital eventually turning away.

The man walks into the emergency centre with hands in coats pockets, walking hurriedly. And stops at the third of patient bed towards the emergency centre entrance with, his front facing towards the patient bed then turns and counts "5,4,3,2, One" and siren is heard outside the hospital gates .

Alita went back to pay the hospital bills at the reception. Where she hears the siren sound more loud. She turns to look and saw multiple doctors and other hospital staffs carrying four respective heavily wounded patients on stretcher rushing in. It was a chaotic scene everybody asking " What's happening" When a news was read out from the television about a man who went on a deadly knife rampage in the heart of the country at two- thirty. Having everyone face the television and intently watching the news.

Hearing the details about the absurd accident, Alita said " This is crazy " . Just finishing she was called out by the receptionist showing her the bill of "Total of 686.20". Alita repeating " This is crazy " slightly stunned by amount. She then asked whether she could pay it in installments about three months which was agreed to. She leaves the hospital.
