
Chapter 2: First Mission

To get to the city it was a forty minute walk for him, by the time he made it there he already started another hack, smiling he walked further in. He wasn't showing it but he was nervous his hands actually sweaty, in his entire life Seth had only been in one fight so it wasn't wrong to say that he didn't know much.

Since he lived in a run down part he didn't enter somewhere amazing but actually another rundown part, but this one was a little more dangerous, seeing as it was called Hell's Kitchen. Chuckling nervously he moved further in, although it was dangerous most of the crime here was done on the border right before you got into the better parts of town.

"Hey man want to buy a dime?" Asked a man where a green hoodie who was standing on the corner looking right at Seth.

"No thanks." It wasn't that he didn't smoke weed or anything but the fact that he didn't know what he meant by dime. It could be weed but at the same time it could be coke so he didn't even attempt to find out.

Thankfully no one else bugged him as he made his was further into the city, though he did see some night workers that were of the sexual kind he ignored them too. After about another hour another hack was done earning him another $400 and some information about a toilet company, it wasn't anything like the juice though.

Seth was excited within a day he had made a thousand dollars, looking at his phone he smiled but it frozen when he finally noticed the top right corner. 'Hack Attempts: 1 of 3 remaining' That was not something he had noticed being to happy at the prospect of money, sighing he still was going to do it.

There was a 100% chance of money either way so it wasn't like it mattered, he still needed to wait the hour so he took this time to look around for anything happening. Seth made his way up and abandoned building and when he reached the top he put the ski mask on, looking at the distant between the two buildings he walked backwards.

When he reach one end he rubbed his hands together before rushing as fast as he could towards where he started, there was only a slight hesitation before he jumped. Seth closed his eyes as he felt the ground leave from beneath him before he landed on the other side in a roll.

Laying on his back he sat there a moment and let himself catch his breath, he didn't move at all just wide eyed looking at the stars. His hands and legs were shaking at the moment while he looked up, slowly a grin overtook his face as he laid there.

Seth use to do parkour all the time but after his mishap he stopped doing it, slowly he became a shut-in so he wasn't sure if he still had the confidence to even do it. Now though he felt that rush of adrenaline that went through his veins from doing something risky, making a fist his fingers dug into his hands as he laughed at what he just did.

Risky? Yes, but this is exactly what he needed to do if he was going to try and fight someone off later, this was just enough that he gained confidence.

Standing there was a light shinning in his eyes as he went to the next ledge, the roof neighboring it was a little smaller but that didn't stop him as he jumped onto it. Soon he was doing this around the neighbor while taking breaks to rest for a moment, eventually he stopped to start hacking again since it was time.

Seth was starting to feel strange, he was wondering why he hadn't ran into anything going on. Usually there would always be reports about something happening around here but at the moment nothing was happening, standing at the ledge of a building he felt the cold breeze on his arms.

Right when he figured he needed to just go home for the night since he had been out for almost four hours and gained another $350 plus some information on a tech company. He figured he might as well try again tomorrow since he knew that he still had over a day to get it done anyway.

Moving to leave he stopped when he heard struggling and a faint whimper, moving back to where he was he saw three men drag a woman into an alley. Seth froze he could hear his heartbeat in his ears as he stood there not moving, the sound from torn clothes brought him out of it though.

Not wasting a second he jumped to the escape stairs that were on the side, luckily his landing didn't make a lot of noise, creeping down he was only five feet from them. Seth watched them a moment but when the biggest started to take off his pants he wasted not time, when his pants were around his ankles Seth jumped.

They all heard the sound of him jumping off and looked up, the biggest guy with his pants around his ankles eyes went wide when he saw that Seth was about to hit him. The other two were staring with wide eyes not knowing what to do, it wasn't until his fist hit the big mans face that they moved.

Seth though didn't notice because after punching the guy they both struggled to stand up, with him almost throwing up seeing the small penis so close to his face. "Get that thing away from me already!" he couldn't help but to shout.

"Who told you to jump on me huh?!" The big man yelled while hurriedly trying to put his pants back on himself.

While the two were bickering and about to stand the other two already rushed Seth and both punched him, not seeing it coming he groaned but stayed up. Looking up again he saw the woman running out the alley, leaving her purse and she also didn't bother to fix her clothes to scared to actually do anything but run away.

Seth sighed happily, he just needed to hang on now until the woman got the police then he would be fine. Going into his amateur stance he stared down the three men surrounding him, two with knifes while the big guy was scowling with flushed cheeks.

"Damn it! You let her get away so you need to leave at least an arm here, she was a solid eight and we were going to have fun all night with her." The big guy said before sending his two lackeys to attack Seth.

Seth dodged the first but his arm was cut by the second person before he could move again, groaning he moved quickly and swung at the guy hitting his jaw just barley. Panting he didn't have time to grab his arm as the other guy came rushing at him, moving slightly he dodged but still felt the blade touch his shoulder.

Looking panicked he backed up and stopped when he hit the wall, at least this way no one could attack him from behind. The big guy didn't move this entire time but showed a creepy smile with his arms crossed, at some point he took out a cigarette and started to smoke.

Seth after ten minutes of fighting didn't hear any sirens and started to get worried, seeing that no one was coming for him he said Fuck it and went more violently like a rabid dog. When one rushed him he kicked him right in the balls making him drop the knife, not wasting a second he picked it up.

While he was bet over to get it the other guy rushed him, Seth rolled on the ground and stabbed out, he felt the knife go into skin and heard a groan. Looking up he saw he got the other in the stomach and his eyes went wide, the man was stunned too before he fell.

Grabbing the knife again Seth was shaking but looked to the big guy who was staring wide eyed panicked, wanting nothing more then to leave Seth rushed him. For someone who looked vicious the big guy was actually a wimp and he dodged throwing himself on the ground, Seth took that chance and ran out the alley they were in.

He was exhausted but with blood on his hands and seeing that he wasn't that far Seth thought better of stopping and kept running, his mind slowly catching up to what happen tonight. That woman never called the cops she left him there so that he could defend her while she got away, even thinking of it got Seth pissed.

Although he felt faint he dragged himself home keeping his arm wrapped with the hoodie he was wearing, he didn't want anyone to be able to follow him from blood trails. Eventually he made it back to the house and fell when he made it to the living room, using the little strength he had he crawled to his bed so he could rest.

The moment he got onto the bed he passed out.

.........When Seth woke up the sunlight was glaring in his eyes, when he tried to move he felt like his entire body was frozen due to something. Looking down he saw bruises all over his arm, he was surprised and happy to see that his arm although cut was slowly healing.

Remembering that his bed could treat him Seth didn't see a reason to get out of bed and lied there staring at the ceiling, he didn't check the mission until thirty minutes later. Instead he was going over what happen last night and shivered some realizing that he almost died, but when he thought of the gains he clenched his fist.

[Mission Complete! Rewarded: +1 Bronze Attribute Point]

The system rung at that moment when he was still thinking about it and he smiled slightly but it went away when the system went on.

[Mission #2- In Distress

Description: Save anyone that is in danger ten times within the next Week.

Progress: 0/10 Saved

Reward: 2 Bronze Attribute Point]

He frowned seeing that of course it was something he was going to do but when thought of the lady who didn't save him last night he got pissed, he could have died there. She didn't even call anyone after getting home, that fight was thirty minutes so it was more then enough time for her to get to safety and for them to reach him.

But she just left him there to fight for himself, remembering that he decided that he would do it but that he would demand something from them before helping, he wasn't letting it happen again.

Leaning over he reached for his phone and started the first hack of the day, he was going to collect money and rest for the rest of the day, hopefully he would be well enough to move tonight. He also considered getting himself some fighting lessons but he couldn't decided on what type he wanted so he put that in the back of his head for the moment.

Closing his eyes he went to sleep again.