
Seeking the Peak

Jason Wang, chosen as the successor disciple of the phoenix God tries to find his way through the chaotic change that's about to come to earth. Follow Jason as he creates his own path to find the peak this new world presents to him. He may stumble, he may be broken but he may also find success, may also dominate on his way to the peak.

Dark_Raine · 都市
19 Chs

Young Master??

Silence reigned over the hall as the young man's voice was loud enough to reach everyone's ear.

Judging by the people following him, everyone could tell that he was related to some who wielded a lot of power whether financially or otherwise.

Also looking at him getting angry, people could naturally guess that he was related to the middle-aged man on the floor although no one could guess yet.

No one answered the young man as he was scanning around the hall and looking at everyone before his gaze finally settled on the man on the floor.

By this time, the man had finally gained some relief over the pain in his cheeks and could open his mouth to talk. Although he would still have to endure pain to do so, he wouldn't dare to not answer when the young man asked him a question.

"Yes, sir Antonio forgive me for my pitiful display. I let you see something unsightly and hope that you'll forgive me." The man uttered with pain visible on his face.

"Enough of that talk, I'll surely deal with you for embarrassing me in public like this but for now, what I want to know is what happened and who did this to you." The young man, Antonio, said impatiently.

"Of course sir, I was here to get you a private room as you ordered and I happened to pick the one in front of you here." He said pointing to the door to the gym room.

"I got the resident of the room to come out and gave him sufficient compensation for him to leave the room and offer it to you. He wasn't satisfied with the compensation given to him and instead wanted more but I refused to give it to him so he immediately turned violent. He immediately took the money I offered and slapped me to the ground just before you showed up." The man continued to say while twisting the story of events that happened.

He naturally wanted to be seen as the victim by the small master of his so that Antonio could take revenge for him.

Antonio coldly looked at the man narrating the story to him and couldn't help but sneer in his mind. He knew that his servant definitely twisted the facts a bit and he didn't know to what extent.

But he didn't care much about any of that. He was more focused on the fact that someone had dared to slap his servant.

"Alright alright stop saying rubbish. Now tell me who did this to you? Who has the guts to commit such a brazen act to you?" Antonio said while scanning the crowd.

"It's him, he's the one that was so brazen as to slap me and not put you in his eyes at all." the man said pointing to Jason a few steps away in the crowd.

When the man pointed at Jason, everyone around his moved away so that they wouldn't be mistaken to be associated with him.

Antonio turned his eyes around and got the full view of Jason. He looked at Jason while assessing him.

Other than having a good figure and being dressed smartly, nothing really stood out about Jason so he quickly deemed Jason to be inferior to himself.

"So you're the one that slapped my servant huh. You must really have some big balls to even try something like that. You don't put the Fibonacci gang in your eyes huh?" Antonio said with a sneer on his face.

The crowd around immediately understood when he mentioned the Fibonacci gang. After all, most of the members of the gym were normal people in society and have heard a thing or two about the gang.

They all started feeling apprehensive and started to slowly back off from the hall because anytime the Fibonacci gang is involved, it was the normal people that suffered.

The gang had the notorious reputation of always using violence to solve all of its problems so no one wanted to stay to incur trouble on themselves.

While retreating, most people couldn't help but look at Jason with pity in their eyes. To them, Jason was going to be lucky to see the sun tomorrow. The best-case scenario for him would be to end up in the hospital with broken bones.

Antonio took in the fear in the face of everyone in the hall and he enjoyed the feeling of being feared by everyone.

Once he turned to Jason, he could see a helpless smile on his face. He immediately interpreted it as Jason beginning to realize the mistake and thought he was going to start begging.

In fact, he thought too much. Jason did indeed have a helpless smile on his face but it wasn't because he realized that he should beg. Instead, he had a helpless smile on his face because he thought that it seemed to be his fate to go against the Fibonacci gang.

Looking at the attitude of the young man, he seemed to be used to using the name of the Fibonacci gang to terrorize normal people.

"So what if I slapped your servant. I did it because he deserved to be slapped and nothing else." Jason said as he was observing Antonio and checking how he would react.

As expected, Antonio's face turned red with anger and he immediately started shouting.

"Good good good, you actually dare talk like that to me huh. My servant deserved to be slapped huh. You're the first person to say that to me and you'll definitely be the last. I'll make an example out of you today so that everyone knows that they cant just behave anyhow they like. As they say, when you beat a dog, you have to look at its master first. I'll show you the consequence of not giving me face today."

Antonio was trembling while shouting and pointing at Jason. He seemed to be really agitated.

Antonio was really agitated but not completely for the fact that Jason slapped the middle-aged man.

He was agitated because when he saw Jason's helpless smile, he had already thought victory was in his hands and he revealed a complacent smile while praising himself only to find out moments later that he was completely wrong.

At that point, he was really embarrassed and wanted to vent.

He snapped his finger and pointed at Jason, telling his 2 followers to immediately capture Jason. He wanted to deal with Jason himself so he could release all his frustrations properly.

The 2 burly men approached Jason quickly and ferociously as they looked like they wanted to tear him to pieces.

One look was enough to tell that they weren't ordinary fighters, they seemed more like street fighters so they must have some kind of experience in a fight.

Everyone left in the hall quickly averted their eyes as they didn't want to see a bloody scene. In their hearts, Jason was going to suffer greatly after encountering Antonio.

Several seconds passed before everyone in the hall heard grunts twice followed by a large thudding sound as if something hard had hit the ground.

Everyone opened their eyes to see a scene so incredulous that they all believed they were dreaming.

The two burly men were lying face-first on the floor in front of Antonio while their arms were twisted at an impossible angle.

Looking at the two huge men and then looking at the average young man on the opposite side, the crowd couldn't piece together anything concerning what just happened no matter how many times they looked between the two.

For an average man like Jason to beat up and cripple the hands of two men that were bigger and likely stronger than him, could be nothing short of a miracle.

Yet it was precisely this miracle that happened in front of everybody that they couldn't believe.

"Good Good, it seems you knew martial arts, that's why you were so confident huh, it seems I underestimated you somewhat," Antonio said with a snarl.

Everyone heard what he said and were astonished. It seemed that Jason used martial arts to take care of the two guys which to them, made perfect sense.

Jason would have to be well versed in martial arts to do that so they all thought that it could only be expected if that were the case.

As everyone managed to sort out their own thoughts, Antonio continued.

"But this is where your luck ends. You have the misfortune of encountering a karate brown belt like me. I'm only missing a little bit to become a black belt. Before me, your martial art is like trash and won't be able to help you at all. Quickly surrender before I have to make a move myself." Antonio said as he pointed to the brown belt on his waist.

When Jason laid eyes on the brown belt on his waist, his eyes lit up in excitement. He couldn't help but exclaim in his mind.

"How lucky!!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Dark_Rainecreators' thoughts