

Chen's life came to an end when her family decided to sacrifice her for the safety of the kingdom. she was married to the most feared alpha King who also hated the witch. Pains as the Alpha King tortures her for the sins she knew nothing about but at then her stupid mind won't keep on longing for him. Will she forget about his hatred for her and make him fall madly in love with her?

DaoistXterian · ファンタジー
61 Chs

Chapter 10


I had walked angrily to my study. I was supposed to head to go train the pups but then if I go like this I will end up pouring out my anger on those little ones that did me no wrong.

My mother walked in with a sad face.

"What do you want again?" I shouted at her.

I was angry and she is also part of the reason for my anger.

"Alpha, I didn't know what happened but I'm sorry it did happen," she said to me calmly, not minding how I spoke to her.

"Don't you tell me sorry? I don't need it. Just get that little witch out of my sight. She is testing my patience" I said between gritted teeth.

My mother sat down and looked at me.

"Why not try to get along with her?" She asked me calmly.

That has always been my mother. She is a very calm woman and that was the reason my father was able to treat her the way he does but then I would have preferred her kind to that of that little witch.

"Get along you say? The only thing I want to do to that witch right now is to snap her neck" I said with growing anger.

" You have to calm down, " my mother said to me.

I don't want to calm down anyway. I want to show that witch that I'm no one to toil with.

"You better get that witch out of my sight because immediately I see her, she is dead meat!" I swore.

My mother just kept looking at me while I opened a book and tried to distract myself from it.

After a while, my mother decided to leave. Then my Beta came and told me that the smell of smoke in my room was much and he doesn't think that I will be able to sleep in that room tonight.

I nodded at him. At least that would make me not see that witch tonight. Not too long after that, I decided to go to the training ground for my pups.

As I drew closer, I was hearing sounds that didn't sound like they were training as usual. I looked at my Beta and he also looked at me.

"When did my training ground turn into a playground?" I asked him.

He looked at me with a confused look.

The Gemma was supposed to be with them. He had always trained them, while I just went there for a few hours. This has never happened before and it was really strange.

But when the training ground came into view, I saw a really surprising thing. The pups were not training but running after someone shouting.

I stopped at my track.

I looked at the guards and then I saw Gemma standing in a corner. Immediately he saw me, he panicked.

I looked at that little witch that has been annoying me all the while playing with the pups that were supposed to be training. This is serious.

She was performing little tricks for them and it was amusing my pups. This woman that I have accepted into my pack and she's already behaving like she owns it.

"How dare you use magic in my Kingdom and to my people!" I said in anger.

Any time I see her, my anger comes from nowhere.

Everyone stopped. Normally when the pups hear my voice, they would run to me happily to greet me but now they were all hiding behind this stranger, and seeing her she was also doing like a mother hen, it got me quite jealous.

This is my pack and they are my pups. I should be the one protecting them from her, not the other way around.

"Did you bewitch my pups!" I said to her in a very unfriendly manner.

She didn't move. She stood there looking at me.

I looked at those pups.

"On your lines" I ordered.

They quickly went from behind her and arranged themselves in straight lines. She looked at them and I could see sadness flash through her eyes. I didn't know what she took me for.

Even if I'm to punish anyone, she's the one I will punish.

She then stood right before me confidently.

"You won't touch those little ones," she said to me sternly.

I snorted.

The air surrounding the environment where I was felt tense. This isn't the first time I'm training these kids but then under the burning eyes of that witch, I felt tense. I gathered the pups, arranging them in an orderly manner, preparing them for the training.

"Make sure your partner is not close to you in any way," I ordered them but they didn't seem to respond.

What exactly is wrong with those pups? I've they also been bewitched?

Everything I said fell on deaf ears. They clustered together and weren't paying attention to what I asked them to do.

I traced their eyes and discovered that they were all staring at Chen. A rush of jealousy grew within me. These kids have always paid attention to no one besides me. They love me and I love them too but it seems like someone is already getting their attention away from me. I stamped my feet slowly onto the floor.

"Am I wasting my time?" I yelled at them. My voice thundered, shaking the whole place and they all looked back at me with puppy eyes.

They shrank together at my voice and I felt like I had overdone it. It's all that witch's fault.

I exhaled hot air out of my nostrils. I was still angry at Chen for what she did earlier. I can't believe she will come in here and try diverting the pup's attention from me.

Who does she think she is? Seeing her alone makes my skin crawl. How I wish I could just strangle her.

I don't know why? Anytime I see her, I seem to remember someone. Someone I hate so much. Someone that makes me feel so uneasy like she's got a hold on me.

The most annoying part of all this is that I can't even remember the face of the very person she made me remember. I don't know how we linked up and that is super annoying.

So many thoughts ran through my mind as I gritted my teeth.

"Listen to me," I started, stressing my words. The pups looked at me eagerly and two events still stole a glance at Chen. I decided to spare them this once.

"I don't want to see any of you look in that direction. Do you understand?" I asked, pointing my hands to where Chen was.

"Yes, your Highness" they nodded and I crossed my arms, staring at them.

"Anyone who flaunts my order will be punished. As a pup, you must have undivided attention. Know who is your master and who is not," I threatened.

In a way, I was informing them not to associate with Chen. But they are nothing but pups who can be deceived by anything.

"Chen!" I called her and she looked in my direction. Her eyes were daring as if she hadn't done anything wrong to annoy me. Although, her first crime was being a witch.

"Yes, your highness," she answered.

"Get out of this training ground and never return. I do not want to see even your shadow close by," the words rushed out of my mouth and she bowed slightly and left without uttering a word.

That was something I didn't expect. I thought she would try arguing with me or exchanging words with me.

I watched her as she left quietly and I couldn't help but notice. After a while, I shook my head