
Secretly falling for you

AyuzawaAllego · 若者
2 Chs


*"Happy Valentines Love. Since I don't have someone special to greet. I'll make you the special someone to me for now. I love you and I always will. And I want you to find the guy who will truly love you and who will love you more than I did. I love you" I never knew this was the last message I'll receive from him. I never thought this day would come. I wish I fought for him. I was too late. I was too coward and now. I can't have him anymore.*

I was crying while taking a bite of my Oreos. Tragic stories never fails to make me cry. I stretched my hand and took a breath to calm myself as I watch the girl character of the movie cry near the grave of her beloved. It's too late for her to have him, he died because of cancer and she can't do anything about it.

I averted my gaze and turned to the door when I heard it clicked. My oh so nice twin brother was peaking at my door while wearing his grinning face. I rolled my eyes as I reached for my remote to turn the TV off.

"What?" I asked at him with an irritated tone. His grinned widened even more when he saw my puffy face.

"Oh, you're crying again? Pfft. What a weakling" he teased. I raised my middle finger to him as a response. I always do that when I don't wanna argue with him.

"Mom was looking for your ugly face" he said and walked away. My irritation vanished and was replaced by excitement. I quickly got off my bed and went straight to our living room, and there I saw a woman figure who's back was facing me. I run to her and hugged her in the back.

"Mom! I missed you!" I said as I locked her in my arms. I heard her chuckle and then she removed my hand and faced me.

"How's my daughter?" She asked and pinched my cheeks like she always do.

"Still being the cry baby, I saw her cry in her room" my brother entered the room and told mom.

"Wait what? Are you still affected by-" she was about to finish her sentence but I cut her off.

"No Mom. I watched a tragic movie and I cried because of it. Nothing to worry about" I told her, she then nodded as a response.