

Abay walks like a dignitary in ancient times. The robe he wore was made of expensive cloth, black with gold thread with a snake pattern.

But what made his eyes widen was, when he arrived at the end of the hall, there was a glare that shot through his eyes and it wasn't over yet.

Because currently Abay is standing still with his eyes wide. He arrived in a large room, like a hall with huge columns and it took three people to wrap their arms around it. Attached to the pole is a torch stick.

Apart from that, the room was filled with various beauties, sparkling gold and gemstones. But all the glittering jewelry was no match for the rows of beautiful women standing neatly.

Garini is already beautiful, but the others are just as beautiful and beautiful. Not to mention the fragrance that wafts throughout the room. Makes Abay feel like he is in heaven.

There was a foul thought in Abay's mind that these women would become his wives. How happy his heart would be to spend nights with many selected and young women.

"Come this way!"

Abay's dreams were shattered. He was attracted by the sweet voice calling to him. He stepped on the steps and went down to be able to step on the floor of the hall which looked clear as glass.

While walking, Abay's head turned left and right. He didn't forget to flash a charming smile which was met with giggling laughter from the young women. But he didn't see Garini.

In front of Abay there was a stage and an oversized gold-plated chair with a snake ornament at the head of the chair, which was still empty. Under the stage stood a woman with a cold face, but seemed elegant.

"Stop and kneel waiting for Nyi Malini to appear!" said the cold-faced girl under the stage.

Abay obeyed, he didn't think it was a problem, he followed the girl's wishes.

Abay knelt for a long time, until his legs felt stiff. But he could as much as he liked looking at the beautiful faces in the hall.

Until a rattling sound was heard. Abay looked to the left and was shocked, because the sound came from the friction of the chain and the floor. Garini carried the chain, tied her body and pushed in two cruel-faced women. The sharp spearhead was not far from Garini's back.

Then Garini was told to kneel next to Abay.

"Remember, you refuse to allow me to die. But you will accompany me on the same land," said Garini loudly.

Abay swallowed his saliva. Garini's threat seemed serious.

"Mrs. Malini is coming!"

The scream was followed by the sound of drumming, then the atmosphere in the hall suddenly darkened and became bright again when the torches lit up simultaneously.

Abay was shocked and then he stared in amazement. Rows of beautiful women danced before his eyes, enclosing him and Garini in the middle.

It wasn't an ordinary dance, because Abay's sweat was pouring down and his eyes were red with lust. The erotic dance and teasing of Abay's manly blood rose.

"Stay on your knees! Stand dead," said Garini loudly.

Abay, who wanted to get up and join in the dancing, was shocked and he held on as hard as he could, so that his legs wouldn't stand up.

It was really heavy mental torture for Abay. The scent of the girls' bodies stimulated his blood to flow faster, the touch of their slender fingers pinching and stroking made his face turn red, not to mention the deliberate friction of their bodies made him want to hug one of the erotic dancers.

Abay's body shivered. He bit his lip and his hands were busy wiping the corn-sized sweat from his face, especially on his forehead. Then his eyes lowered and saw the sheet of clothing on the floor, then the smooth white legs did not escape his eyes. Having no choice, he closed his eyes.

"Don't close your eyes or you'll sooner rise and die!" whispered Garini

"Ah!" Abay screamed, complaining.

Because Garini is right. When Abay closed his eyes, he imagined many scenes of affection and fondling that he usually did with his wife Endah.

Abay almost got up and pounced on one of the dancers to complete his rising desire. But Garini's words made him realize it. I don't know whether he should thank Garini or not.

Because Abay still remembers Garini's threat. Because now there are only two choices he can take, accepting an alliance with Nyi Malini, who he said would be present, but whose nose has not yet appeared. Then he must choose to be a caretaker whose life will remain poor for the rest of his life.

Remembering little Dina, Abay chose to ally with Nyi Malini. Get rich and move to the city alone with Dina. He had no intention of taking Endah with him.

"Mrs. Malini is coming, wake up!"

The shouting ended the sound of drumming, the women's dancing ended and the torch flames died, replaced by a brightly lit hall like when Abay first entered.

This time Abay woke up without waiting for Garini to say something. It turned out that Garini just kept quiet and stood up.

Abay's eyes glanced around, he wondered where the erotic dancers were. Because if they were still in the hall, of course they would be standing without a single thread covering their bodies. But when Abay's eyes looked at the floor, there was nothing left of the sheet of cloth that had been removed earlier.

The floor is clean and clear like glass. Not even a speck of dust could be seen, where there was a sheet of cloth covering everyone's body.

"Hey, human... look at me!"

Abay turned his gaze towards the sound, towards the stage and he was shocked. I don't know when, on the stage, sat the most beautiful woman among other women.

From the distance Abay was standing, he could see how white and smooth the skin of the woman he guessed was Nyi Malini was, almost without blemishes or blemishes because the transparent black silk that covered Nyi Malini's body seemed completely useless.

Nyi Malini's long, wavy black hair looks radiant, plus a small crown on top of her head with two red stones as snake eyes. The snake-shaped crown is what Nyi Malini wears.

"What's your name?" asked Nyi Malini melodiously.

"Abay," answered Abay, his eyes never blinking at the beauty of Nyi Malini.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Yes, Mrs Malini."

"Hihihi, that's my name. But did you know, I am a snake genie who is trusted to be the leader of this palace by the Great Queen."

"Yes, Garini said so."

"Hihihi, good job Garini!" Nyi Malini nodded at Garini.

Garini says thank you..

"My husband Abay, have you made your choice?" asked Mrs Malini.

Abay's heart was filled with joy when Nyi Malini called himself her husband.

"What is your choice? Become my first husband and gain wealth or would you prefer to be the servant of the caretaker of the kingdom that I lead?"

"I choose to be your husband!" Abay answered firmly.

"Good. Come here my husband!" Nyi Malini moved her hand as if to pull Abay.

Abay let out a small scream as his body flew towards Nyi Malini, then fell into the beautiful woman's lap. A woman who is actually a snake genie.