
Chapter 5 ~ The Start of Drama

some people made some good points on the mate thing

Tanya would be good cuz she's already in the supernatural world but some say that it wouldn't be that good because she don't have a gift


if it was an oc human girl where she couldn't control her gift would also be a good one of the problems would be picking the gift


Right now the Cullen family is out feeding on animal blood, they left Luna home because of the wolves that she met two years ago. The wolves followed her everywhere she went they also played with her, because of her young age and the amount of exposure she got to them she started to understand them. The wolves showered her with love every chance they got.

Luna however felt something pulling her in a certain direction different from before, she felt that she must go to it or she will miss her chance.

'I must go to it' Luna thought making up her mind

"Come on guys we have to go before mom and them come back," Luna said calling the wolves with her.

Luna and the wolves ran in a certain direction, with every step she took it felt like she was getting closer and closer. Luna ran as fast as she could. Her being a tribrid she was the fastest among all supernatural besides her father, she didn't know that. If you see a blur with vampires, Luna would leave after images every three seconds.

Luna arrived in a field where a man is laying on the ground looking up at the sky, but when she took another step he turned his head in Luna's direction. Luna's instincts were screaming at her to get out of there, but something else was telling her to keep walking. She had to, this feeling was demanding her to.

Luna was walking toward the man laying on the floor, while her legs were trembling. When she reached him she was going to say something to him but her body moved on its own and hugged him right away.

When Luna hugged the man that now could be seen as Ty froze. Ty felt like something inside him exploded, it was the feeling that he pushed down with magic. He didn't know what to do, the feeling of security, happiness, and love. Ty was over the moon he had an idea of who this girl might be he wasn't sure. Ty also saw the wolves that were following the little girl.

He pushed her away and began to question her.

"Who are you," Ty said he was hoping that what he was thinking was true.

"I'm Luna," she said while wiping the tears and snot away.

"Ok. How did you find me" Ty said as he thought the name was cute.

"Uhhhh... I had this feeling, I always had this feeling that I had to go somewhere. I always tried to go to it bus mom would stop me." Luna said feeling a little downcasted.

As soon as she said that Ty felt something crumble, he ignored the feeling to connect with his daughter for seven years. But he needs to make sure that she's his daughter.

"What is your mom's name," Ty said

"Rosalie Cullen," Luna said with a smile.

Ty was sure now this little girl was his daughter. He had the biggest smile.

"Luna, I'm sorry I ignored you for so long but ill be here from now on I promise," Ty said trying his hardest not to cry.

Luna had the brightest smile on her face. They continued to talk about all the things he missed like how she was stuck in her wolf form for a week and couldn't turn back to human for a month, and how she heard him cry two years ago. He got embarrassed about that fact but he was happy nonetheless.

While they were having the lovely conversation, they started to smell a familiar smell. They both stop talking and looked in the direction to see a panicked Rosalie, then her face changed from panic to relief to shock.

"Mom look it's dad," Luna said as Rosalie made her way over.

"You in trouble missy don't think it will pass just because you found your dad," Rosalie said with an angry face.

She then turned to Ty, she had a smile on her face. She was about to say something but was cut off.

"We are not mated. We were never mated. I was charmed and so are you but let me fix it."

Ty cast magic to kind of rest the mental, like hitting the reset button.

But once he did she was livid.

"YOU CHARMED ME!!!" Rosalie shouted in anger.

"Yeah and you charmed me," Ty said while trying to keep calm.

"well it seems to me like you knew," Rosalie said still angry.

Ty lost it at this point he's been trying to control his emotions, but he couldn't. His eyes started flashing red, while they started to shout back and forth.

"STOP!!!"Luna yelled trying to get their attention.

They calmed down and both said sorry to each other.

"Now that's better," Luna said while smiling

Ty was still counting down from 100


also, I need another input

I was originally was going to travel to different worlds and use that to build a pack with Luna

but now I'm thinking that I should just add teenwolf in twilight world because they have a lot of supernatural in that world so I could plan run-ins
