
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

majestikat · アニメ·コミックス
350 Chs

Tendoki Wants to Be a Teacher Even More

Who was that sniper that day?

Xue lives in seclusion, in the initiator training academy, in the chairman's office, Ling Xue is sitting on the sofa chair, staring at the virtual screen on the desktop, which shows the official investigation report sent by Sima Weizhi.

The bullets used in sniping are fifty-caliber browning heavy machine gun bullets, which are armor-piercing bullets. Rifling has no previous convictions, no trace of use on the criminal record, and. . . . . .

With Ling Xue's fingers moving slightly, a three-dimensional map was formed on the desktop.

More than one thousand meters, Lingxue leaned forward, looked at the place deduced by the computer after providing clues, and immediately narrowed his eyes. Over a thousand meters, coupled with the strong wind above the tall buildings and the continuous drizzle that night, this sniper is not easy.

Ling Xue glanced at the taskbar that was just opened in the upper left corner.

[Random task: Employed by the Holy Son of Heaven, protect the Holy Son of Heaven during the meeting. undone. ]

Yes, the random task is still unfinished, it seems that this matter will not end so easily.

"Master, are you still thinking about defending the mission?"

At this time, Antlers opened the door and walked in with a tray on top of which was a cup of hot black tea. Putting the teacup on the table, he glanced curiously at the 3D virtual reality displayed on the table.

"I guess it's more than 1,000 meters? The strength of ordinary people is simply impossible." Antler speculated: "Lingxue, do you think it might be a cursed child?"

"I have also thought about this possibility. But The Cursed Son is based on the fusion of gastritis factors, and on this basis, a special ability was born." Ling Xue took a sip of black tea from the table and said, "But that's the problem."

"If you want to see the target clearly at a distance of a thousand meters, I can imagine which Gastrea factors have this ability. However, at the same time, they can calculate the wind direction, wind pressure, temperature, raindrops, etc. at the time in an instant. A series of factors and the possible actions of the enemy can cause the bullets to be fired. I really can't figure out why the original enterovirus has this ability."

"That's true." Antler also frowned.

"Ha! What are you White Snake Girl doing here again?"

"You are the one, Tiantong Mugeng, running to Master Lingxue every day when you have nothing to do. Is it because you have evil intentions?"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" It's the sound of gunshots

"clang!" It's the sound of hardware intersecting.

"Zigga! Ziga!" The piercing voice was the sound of sparks flying.


If Guangguang heard the sound of gunshots and hardware intersecting, Lingxue would definitely rush outside as quickly as possible, and he would never allow anyone to hide in his own snow and make trouble. However, at this point in time, plus a conversation heard earlier. Therefore, Lingxue and Antler looked at each other, then sighed in unison, and came again.

I don't know what kind of strange chemical factors are in the bodies of Tiantong Mugeng and Sima Weizhi. Anyway, when the two meet together, they will have a violent reaction. If the reaction is light, they quarrel with each other and sarcasm each other. Respond to the key points, and a full martial arts will be staged.

I don't know if the two of them negotiated well, anyway, since Tendo Kisara and Satomi Rentaro officially relocated the Tendo Security Company here and joined the Xueyin Resident Police Union. The two of them seem to have made a deal, every day when the Initiator Training Academy is over from school, they will add Rentaro Satomi, who came to pick up Aihara Enju, and they will make such a scene on the school playground on time. . Of course, Satomi Rentaro watched with a wry smile. And those curious children also watched from the surprise at the beginning, then they were not surprised, and then they became numb.

However, thanks to their blessings, none of the things near the playground of the Initiator Training School are old, and all are brand new.

why? Because once the two perform martial arts, it is naturally impossible to really make two holes or draw two marks on each other's body, then even if the things around them suffer, bullets and knife marks will "spread" to them from time to time body. And the consequences of doing so are. . . Afterwards, Ling Xue asked them for compensation. For Sima Weizhi, such a small amount of compensation, even if he paid every day, was a trivial matter. After all, the daughter of Sima Heavy Industry was not just talking about it. And Tendoki is even different. Although after joining the police union where Yuki lives in seclusion, he is not worried about not being able to receive suitable tasks, but with Satomi Rentaro's ip ranking, it is obviously impossible to receive high-level and high-paying tasks. Yes, and the tasks that suit them, the rewards themselves are not high, and they can only live normally if they are proportional to one point. But compared to before, it is much better. At least Tiantongmu doesn't need to worry about the high cost of hemodialysis and living expenses. And after removing the hemodialysis fee, living expenses and compensation after performing the martial arts, then the remaining pocket money can be regarded as really not much.

Although every time afterward, when Tiantongmu loses money with a more heartbroken face, he will secretly be angry why he can't control his emotions, and hints that he must ignore that snake girl next time. However, every so-called next time, Quan Wu Xing will definitely happen on time.

After a while, Ling Xue, who was drinking tea, heard that there was no movement outside, motioned for the antlers, and went out.

Sure enough, on the playground, a large piece of equipment for the children to play with was scrapped again. Ling Xue looked around blankly, and said, "Give me the money, girls. Antlers, go up and collect the money.

" Woo~~~ Why can't I control myself?" Tendoki, who had already "woke up" his head, bent forward in frustration, as if he was regretting why he didn't control his emotions.

"Oh, this is a crime." Although he said so, Sima Weizhi still gave his check with a smile on his face, and then glanced at Tiantong Mugeng who was in the orz state, his eyes were full of gloating .

"Weizhi, although you have to pay compensation every time, it takes a lot of energy to buy these things and replace them. You can't say a few words and provoke a few words every time."

Seeing this , Ling Xue On the other hand, there was a look of helplessness. Ling Xue didn't know whether there was a special factor in the two of them that would explode at the touch of a touch. The only thing he knows is that Tiantong Mugeng's "burning point" is very low, while Sima Weizhi's "flaming" skill is very high. It's not wrong for two people to quarrel every time they meet together, but once Quan Wu Xing is staged, it is undoubtedly Sima Weizhi who ignites Tiantongmu even more.

"Ah, people who sit in the office all day say that you must exercise." Sima Weizhi opened the folding fan to cover half of his face, and smiled.

Alas, it was this sentence again, Ling Xue covered her head like a headache, every time Ling Xue only said a few words, Sima Weizhi would use this sentence to fight back. Lingxue scratched her head, then glared fiercely at Rentaro Satomi, who was smiling wryly, and said, "Laugh, laugh at your sister. At least he is a man, he is a policeman, he has fought gastritis before, You can't stop the two of them, can you?"

"Hey, hey. I'm really sorry. After all, I still want to live for two more years." Satomi Rentaro replied as if he was coping. However, he didn't say that without reason. When Sima Weizhi and Tendo Kigeng staged the whole martial arts, Rentaro also stopped it, and the result was that the sword light and "Varanium" were playing in unison, if the right arm was not composed of "Vn" After resisting for a while, it is estimated that Rentaro is really dead. Even so, Rentaro was also frightened into a cold sweat. However, it is also estimated that Tendo Kigeng and Sima Miori knew that Rentaro could stop them.

And since that time, whenever two people quarreled, Satomi Rentaro would definitely stand aside wisely. The reason, as he said, was that he wanted to live for two more years.

"Then, you have finished the usual demolition of the playground, can you leave now?" Ling Xue shook her head speechlessly, and was about to turn around and go back to the office. After all, there are still a lot of unreasonable things waiting for him to think about.

"Wait a minute, Lingxue." Tiantongmu didn't know when he recovered from Orz's state, and stopped Lingxue.

"What's wrong?" Ling Xue asked in confusion.

"Well, I know it's rude, but can I ask you to be my master?" Tian Tongmu bowed and said to Ling Xue.

"Kisara...you..." Satomi Rentaro heard that Tendo Kigeng wanted to worship Ling Xue as his teacher, and he understood Tendo Kigeng's purpose in an instant.

"Although I can probably guess your purpose, I still need to confirm why you want to worship me as your teacher." Ling Xue turned around and looked at Tiantong Mugeng indifferently.

"I'm going to kill them, the current head of the Tiantong family and the three elders." Because Tiantongmu lowered her head, everyone couldn't see her expression. However, everyone could hear the deep hatred from Tiantong Mugeng's Huazhong.

"So, revenge?" Ling Xue nodded lightly, thought for a while and said: "You choose the path yourself, and I can also give you the power of revenge. Because I know what I want to protect, but When you can't protect because you are powerless, that feeling of hating why you are so weak. However, I will make an agreement with you for three chapters. If you can agree to the following request, I don't mind giving you some pointers."

"Really? That's great "Tiantongmu raised his head even more pleasantly, nodded quickly and said: "You say, I will definitely agree if you can."

Lingxue stretched out her first finger and said: "First, although I don't know how to flow, but I will try my best to help you refine the Tendo flow. But no matter how hard it is on the road of revenge, you must keep your heart and don't be fooled by the powerful force. Remember, it is you who drive the power, and It's not power that drives you."

"Second." Ling Xue stretched out her second finger, and said, "After revenge is over, immediately return to the life of ordinary people, and forget everything about revenge."

"Third " Lingxue glanced at Tiantong Mugeng's slender waist, and said, "Go and get your kidney replaced, or you won't be able to bear the exercise."


After thinking for a while, Tiantongmu nodded more emphatically.

"I hope you can do it, otherwise I will stop at any time." Lingxue turned around and continued to walk towards the academy. When she passed Satomi Rentaro, she left a word in a low voice.

"When you have nothing to do, enlighten her more. After all, you are also childhood sweethearts. Although she promised straightforwardly, it is not so easy to really do it.