



Dim lights!!!!


Indecent showing of cleavages and busts!!!!

Holy child!!!

What is this generation of ours turning into?

And why did I come here in the first place?

Heart answers: to stop your blood from being caught up in sin like some persons here all in the name of having fun so we have to bear this for her.


"What would you like to have, Miss Flirtie?" I find my way to the counter after distributing my friends generously to the crowd.


"Yh...you're the girl who was flirting with Freakie right?" she examines me from head to toe.

"That's not true!" I sit on a high stool facing her."A can of Malta  Guinness with some assorted meat".

"Check your bill here, she hands me a piece of catalogue.

" Don't worry,I politely say with a shy smile as I return the catalogue."Thanks,that'll be all for now",I continue before turning away from the waitress".

How can a can of malta guiness cost two thousand naira?

 I've not even recovered from footing Freaki's bill and mine the other day so I'd better stay cool. Thank God she showed me the catalogue first.

" Hey!"A drunk looking guy taps me."I want another shot of tequila!"

"Here's the wait..." I turn to see she's isn't there anymore.

Okay,let's help her. Maybe she'll show some appreciation by giving me what I desire.

I take her position,attending to the needs of the clients.

"Thank you so much,Flirtie" she comes in haste."You see my boyfriend is here and I don't want him to be lonely especially with these hot girls around"

"I understand",she pats my back whereas never had a feeling of trying to protect what's mine not especially an opposite sex."And by the way,I'm Nifemi not a flirt", I offer her a hand.

" Okay",she gives me a handshake."I'm sorry and thank you",she smiles.

"If you don't mind,I can stay with you here all night darling", an average tall guy with a well pointed nose grabs my waitress friend by the waist.

Oh!! I feel very jealous..

No!!!!! There's  no way I do!!!!

Okay,girl.....It's just the hormones!!!! Let's get over it!!!!!!

I hit my face severally.

" Nifemi here has offered....",she stops.

"Are you sure she can handle this?" he looks me like a maniac.

"Yes,of course", I return to my normal self.

" Don't worry,baby",she pulls him to the dance floor."we don't wanna miss Loveboy's performance! wooho!",she screams.

Loveboy or whatever this guy calls himself must be a sworn enemy of this club cause as he gets on stage with his band members in which Timmy is one and Freaki on the turn table,everyone stops comes coming to get drinks. Their eyes,bodies and souls are glued to the dance floor!

I wouldn't blame them either....

This guy might be young but he's so good!!!!

His lyrics portray love like he's the had the experience of a lifetime and his voice lifts up my spirit, makes me feel alive,I can't describe. The very first person that's making me realize I did no harm in loving. It wasn't something I could control.

Who the hell is he to read my thoughts though he's never set his god damn eyes on me!!!!!

"Hey,I've been looking all over for you", Shola sits with me."Two glasses of orange punch".

"Yes,dearie",I serve her.

" The other one is for my bestie",she shits it back.

"I'm not an alcoholic",I remind her.

" Come on. It's non alcoholic",she laughs.

"Just a sip", I agree since I'm very thirsty and my boss hasn't given me an order to take anything but that's not an excuse anyway.

Let's just have a first time experience....

Just a sip won't kill.....

I just pray Bo is not watching....

Following this are two young teens pouring out their lonely hearts about how the young men they love dearly betrayed them and their dates for tonight fell into the prey of hot girls, ignoring this boring ugly girls.

Timmy doing every thing to satisfy his gym girl.....

Kenny racking his head for very funny jokes to make Dammy laugh but he's as dry as a stock fish when we're around.


"Who has been stealing from our bottle, Shola?"I loose balance.

" Just bring another",she opens her brown purse and spreads her new naira notes all over the marble slab."I've got lots of money! I'm not a broke ass who's going to make you go bankrupt like you think",scowls at some flirting guys.


I'm so happy I was able to come here!

This party is turning out more awesome than I had imagined!

I'm extremely having fun making new friends, mostly beauty queens like me.

And you wouldn't imagine I'm taking Chandon Dom Perignon,the official whisky for Diana and Prince Charles wedding!!!!

And that's just a tip of the ice berg,

Freaki sang for me!!!!!

I dance,beating professionals on the dance floor!!!!

Currently, I'm taking a photo with Loveboy,my number one pop star. I've been a fan of his since his career started but I'm not freaking out like Nifemi would speaking of which....

You must have been worried about me drinking but don't worry,I'm not a drunkard and I have high tolerance to alcohol unlike some people....

"Hey there,handsome", Nifemi who's already drunk approaches him. She staggers,miss her steps but recovers quickly and pulls him over to herself.

I'm so ashamed right now!!!!

I can't look her in the eye or say she's my sister!!!

As if I knew nothing good will come out of her following me here!!!!

What should I do right now!!!!!

I'm so confused and irritated!

And his body guards are taking a nap as he told them to.

" Hi",Loveboy's being polite to her.

"I've wanted to tell you this a long time", she cries."But I was scared that everyone would judge me. Now, I have the courage to tell the world how much I love you" she gives him a passionate kiss.

Holy shit!!!!

Things are getting worse!!!!

"Never felt this about anyone at first sight", he reciprocates her kiss.


" Wow!!!!"the room echoes.

Someone get some Holland's evaporated milk ready cause I'm about to faint.

"How dare you bitch?" a distant voice comes closer  to slap Nifemi.

A friend indeed!!!!

"That's enough, Shola",Loveboy comes in between them." Get a hold of yourself!"

"Let me be", she cries."Everyone knows I'm in love with you,how could she stab me on the back. I thought she was different from other girls in MH!"

"It's okay,bestie",a girl named Dolly P comes to her rescue.

" We're just getting started!" Who would have imagined a Nifemi Adeoye free of remorse? "DJ Freaki!" she yells.

My date plays one of my favourite songs,Soco by Whizkid.

What do you think my cousin is doing?

Making fun of herself in front of everyone by dancing way too awkward!!!

I'm so ashamed.

Does anyone here knows she's my cousin except our very close friends?

Of course they do!!!



Just the way I love it!!!!

Oh,yesterday's sleep is one of a kind. Feels like paradise!

But hold on a sec,how did I end up...I clear my drowsy eyes.

It doesn't feel like my bed! it's way too comfy!

I'm not even a fan of  Tinker Bell to wear her pajamas!

My room doesn't have a scenery as superb as this!


Dear lord,what have I gotten myself into?

Have I been kidnapped or raped?

Where is my cousin?

No,this can't be happening! How am I going to face my family? I've failed to perform my responsibilities. I've always been a bad luck. Nothing works in my favour.

It's over....I wipe my tears.

I can't stand this anymore! I have to end this misery...I move to the venetian window side.

I'm very sorry,lord. Please give the strength to do this. You understand how shameful this is,right? I swear I didn't want any of this to happen. I was trying to protect my lil sis.

I take a step..

The door opens but I don't mind.

I'm doing this!

"What the heck are you doing?" A masculine hand grabs and pulls me back to the room then our gazes meet,making me recollect what happened at the club last night.


I kissed him!!!!

How can you be so stupid,Nifemi!!!!

Why would you give your first kiss to a stranger freely!!! It's not like he's gonna cherish it for the rest of his life! You dumb ass! You're so despicable! You've lost your principles! You disgust me!

"This is all your fault! You spiked my drink!" I vent my anger on him."What have you done to me and my sister? I swear I'll kill you!"

"Calm down",he smiles mockingly."I had  no idea who you were until you gave me that kiss of a lifetime. You're quite a kisser! Never seen a girl....."

"That was nothing. I was drunk so I  mistook you for my junior high school crush", I justify my actions though I still reject it a lot deep down.

"It's okay",he puts me back on the bed and feeds me some bouillon soup."Your niece is having breakfast with Freaki in the garden".

"Thanks",I can't help blushing like never before.

Lord,I'm very very grateful. I feel so happy. Am I that important that I guy like Loveboy will choose to help me?

I can't believe this!

However, I promise never to take alcohol till the day I kiss the dust!

"Why are you doing this?" I ask the pretty young boy.

"Because you're my first girlfriend",he replies.

" What're you talking about?"I laugh.

"You agreed,last night",he shows me a video on his phone.

Oh lord! I'm screwed! What if grandma sees this? Bo will hate me for the rest of her life!

" Please, "I go on my knees." I know you have the resources to make it disappear. My guardian will kill me if she sees this".

"You on have to worry",he opens a drawer from the closet and brings out a document." My scandal with you has brought me so much popularity than ever before which is why I want our relationship to continue for a while. It's gonna be strictly official".

"And I'll receive many opportunities in return",I go through the files.

" Yes,think about it",he winks at me.

"Korah, do you want to blow down the whole kitchen!" a scream from the first floor interrupts our conversation. Hastily, We climb downstairs at the same pace.


It's the club attendant. Don't tell me she's cheating....

"This is my maid,Puposola",Loveboy introduces her.

What a shallow mind I've gat! I should have thought of something else. Look  what yesterday's event has done to me!!!

" It's nice seeing you again",I offer to help her clean the messy kitchen but she declines.

"You almost made me lose my job!" she says angrily.

"I'm sorry", I scratch my neck.

" Hey",Loveboy defends me."She's now my girlfriend so don't disrespect her".

Says who?

This guy must be out of his mind!

"What's going on here?" Finally, I see my chocolate.

"It's nothing serious", Pupo sends us out as Freaki coughs.

" Good morning ",I greet them,looking away shamefully.

"Excuse me",I leave for the nearest restroom to throw up after which I feel a hand rubbing my back."Eh! I've not agreed to be your girlfriend yet".

" You can see it as a bribe if you want",Korah opens the hand shower. "You should have a bath,finish your bouillon soup and get some rest afterwards".

"Grandma..."My heart beats faster.

"Going home like this will only complicate things for us besides grandma also had a vigil so she'll still be asleep", Bola cuts in."Don't worry".

" Pupo,we need some towels here",Korah yells.

"Oh my!"she comes swiftly like a jet and wraps the cotton material on my wet body.

"I'm okay", I leave for my temporary bedroom, losing balance halfway on the stair case.

I open my eyes after a while feeling completely relieved but starving. Beside the Venetian blind is Bola sitting comfortably on a wing chair and flipping the pages of a fashion magazine at intervals.

I apologize to my lil sister once again for embarrassing her at the party as we settle down for a discussion but she seems reluctant to for forgive me so I go on,asking for her advice regarding Loveboy's proposal since I have no one else. Also,I think she's smart then me in that aspect.

In response, she calls me stupid for putting myself in a difficult situation and agrees with his proposal after all it's official and will do us more good in terms of popularity,connection,money. Getting intense in thinking about the benefits, she shouts at me for being so dense,and orders me to quickly sign the contract with a promise of chopping off my hair if the young pop star changes his mind.


Things are getting way too complicated!!!!

Is she thinking straight or wants to get back at me for disgracing her?

I'm all on my  own!!!

Who do I choose? Grandma or Bola?

Perhaps what I want?

A/N: I'm so sorry it took a while for me to upload, guys😁 I've been busy these days. However, I promise you guys another post before the end of today or early tomorrow. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Lemme know by commenting and sharing.

Apologizes for any grammatical error or impolite words or scene you might have come across in this chapter.

Thanks for reading..enny loves you all😍

You can join me on wattsap @ 08120654769 for more post, Eniola Oluwamuyiwa on Facebook, Instagram and wattpad,enny da blogger on web novel and horlamide Joanne on mirakee.