
Chapter Fifteen

Jin Chen slept beside Yang Lifei, not leaving her side even for a moment. The matter of going to the office together after getting their marriage certificate was put aside. He had to be there with his wife. He looked at her and was glad that they had been married before, even if their marriage was not as blissful and peaceful.

He only hoped that this time, they could make things right. They had already gone through a lifetime together and had seen where there was problems and where adjustments should be made. If they worked together, then they'll be able to have a successful marriage this time.

He didn't blame Yang Lifei for anything that happened. It was not her fault in the first place. He had taken everything upon himself to tie her to his side. She had told him that she was not forced either, only that she got married to him without love.

Her family had persuaded her back then to not get married if she didn't want to but she had insisted since she didn't love no one. There was no need to worry her parents about her marriage when one perfect opportunity had brought itself to her. She jumped at it and wouldn't let them worry and let people start talking bad about her family. Since they couldn't persuade her, they let her.

Jin Chen of the past wasn't able to express his love well either. He had only thought that giving her a better life and providing her with everything she needed was all that was there. This had led to some people coming in between them and manipulating Yang Lifei. The result? The greed of these people killed them and their loved ones.

Jin Chen lied beside Yang Lifei and wondered what could bring his memories back. Do the things they did in their past life? Not a chance, nothing about that lifetime was good. It was all bad memories.

Remembering what Yang Lifei told him, he tried to create pictures in his head only to feel a sharp pain. He almost screamed but only groaned in pain, he couldn't wake her up. He shook his head to clear the images he was creating and only then did he relax.

He shouldn't force himself. He only wished they could come back sooner.

He looked at Yang Lifei and brushed away the hair that was on her face, kissed her forehead gently, tightening her in his embrace. He saw her smile and wondered what she was dreaming about. Seeing that smile on her face made him smile as well.

He wished that she wouldn't cry again. He wanted to see her with a smile all the time. Seeing her in tears broke his heart and he couldn't bear it. Worse, it was because of what they had gone through that he couldn't remember.

He hoped that when she woke up, they should start a fresh. Although he couldn't remember what happened, he wanted them to only focus on the present. Since he had known what those two people had done, then now, it was not just her dealing with them alone, but he will as well.

Even if they couldn't remember what happened in the past, they were the reason why she was in so much pain and agony and he'll make them feel hell. He might he lenient if they didn't do anything in this lifetime but if they did. Hmm.

He felt disgusted when he remembered Yang Lifei saying that, that woman had mainly targeted her because she had fallen in love with him. He was the reason why Yang Lifei went through all of that in their past life, and he wanted to make everything right this time.

Since everything happened in the past lifetime, Jin Chen decided to make everything better in that second chance that they were given. He was going to right all the wrongs he did to Yang Lifei and love her even more. He would love her right and wouldn't wrong her again. For those who were using her, he would deal with them along the way.

Yang Lifei usually had long hours of sleeping after her rebirth so Jin Chen slept beside her for an hour before getting his laptop to finish some of his work beside her. They had planned to go to the office after getting their marriage certificate but since it couldn't happen, he could just sit beside her while she slept and he would finish his work.

Yang Lifei work up two hours later to find Jin Chen busy on his laptop with one hand and the other rubbing her hair from time to time.

"Chen, you didn't go to the office? You could have worked in your study instead then," Yang Lifei said as she sat up still groggy with a hoarse voice.

"No, I couldn't leave you alone. My wife is more important," Jin Chen said as he moved to place a pillow behind her to make her comfortable as he kissed her on the forehead. "Are you feeling better now?" Although he didn't want to talk or make Yang Lifei remember about their past, he was still concerned about her condition.

"Yeah, much better actually," and that was the truth. After she talked to Jin Chen, she felt like a load had been lifted off her shoulder. She wasn't now being weighed by her conscience about hiding things from him.

After eating, they sat in the living room comfortable in each other's arm while enjoying a movie.


Early in the morning, at the entrance of the Yang Group, a rare seen Bentley was seen parked and no movement could be detected from it since no one alighted from the vehicle. Employees stood as they waited to see who came from the car. It was such a rare sight.

"I thought we were going to my company today?" Jin Chen asked Yang Lifei as he dropped her at Yang Group. They had agreed the other day that they were going to his company but she had changed her mind while they were in the car. He had no otherwise but to drop her off.

"No worries, I just need to handle a few things, I'll drop by later, I promise," Yang Lifei said as she dropped a peck on Jin Chen's lips with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Now I can't say anything after that bribe," Jin Chen smiled back at her while bringing her into his embrace and kissing her forehead, "I'm looking forward to seeing my wife then."