

The scorching virus outbreak has driven Galea's ecosystems into chaos, infecting not only life forms but also advanced technologies. With no antidote in sight, the people of Galea turn to their last hope: the Authonoids, Authorized Androids engineered to combat this relentless virus. These androids are designed to fight the virus while being immune to its effects. But, the virus evolves rapidly, and the battle is far from over. As if the relentless virus wasn’t enough, some elites exploit the chaos, using the virus for their political gain. Tsuyuki, one of the Minerva's Authonoid, and his companions must find a way to accomplish the desperate struggle against the outbreak, political corruption, and unforeseen threats lurking in the shadows, before all is lost. "Mankind is dying, disorders are kings, heaven copulate hell." Content Warning: This novel contain explicit contents of violences, gores, profanities, and slight sexualities. PS 1: This is my passion project. So I will take it slowly yet consistently, where each week has new chapters. PS 2: The cover art wasn't mine. Sauce: https://wallpaperdot.com/devil-may-cry-wallpapers/ PS 3: If you wanna listen to my OSTs, here's the link: https://www.bandlab.com/mansonfd7/tracks?sort=popular PS 4: I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/315742/fictions You can support me and my work on ko-fi: ko-fi.com/mansonfd7

MansonFD7 · SF
58 Chs

Living Hell

With her right hand, she tightened her grasp on her katana.

And then...


She slashed Pope Enzio Busso's face with her Tsuruki, causing blood to splash over the preacher's table and the surrounding wall, which was reverberating around the church hallway.

The shock of the deafening, cutting voice caused the devotees to stop their prayers. They glanced up in shock to witness the lifeless body of Pope Enzio Busso falling on the altar, a result of the unforeseen encounter.

Standing over the preacher's table, Rukia clenched her Tsuruki and pierced me with a menacing crimson gaze over her right shoulder as blood splattered over her right cheek.

My heart felt like it was about to explode from the intensity of the meeting. And judging by her crimson gaze, she aimed to eliminate me as well as the Cleanser Squadron.

But I fail to understand her motivation for pursuing me. Perhaps it's due to Adipati's flash drive? Or is it due to Dr. Leah's elaboration yesterday that she's to blame for her attempts to stop me from uncovering the truth?

Terrified of an imminent bloodbath at Rukia's hands, the congregation frantically fled into the darkness, pleading for help as they went. People came here to seek absolution, but Rukia's unexpected slaughter turned it into a living hell.

Witnessing Rukia's brutality towards Pope Enzio Busso, Antonio and his companions swiftly prepared their Lancers to defend against the imminent threat.


Antonio and his companions quickly sprinted up to the altar to shield the fleeing devotees as they aimed their Lancer's large tip at Rukia.

I tried to get a closer look at the action, but the terrified devotees were blocking my view. As Christine drew me out of the building with the latter, my friends gave them instructions on how to escape.

The passage resounded with the sound of blades slicing and parrying as Rukia violently kicked the Cleanser Squadron guards' corpses, whom she had brutally slashed to pieces, causing blood to spill over the floor.

During the intense battle with the invading Rukia, I witnessed Antonio kneeling behind the preacher's table to monitor Pope Enzio Busso's splayed corpse.

Unfortunately for him, it's already happened. Rukia's devastating slice with her Tsuruki instantly took his life, as he hardly felt his pulse at any place.

On the verge of crying, he ragged his breath from his eroding faith and pent-up rage at Rukia for the murder of his beloved Pope. Unfortunately, he won't have much time to mourn, as he had to deal with Rukia before she could cause any more problems.

The guards were standing firm on the bloodstained altar, summoning any available reinforcements to assist them in defending the church. Unfortunately, Rukia's demonic brutality, which seemed to be growing stronger with each passing moment, completely outmatched them.

While Antonio was tending to the remains of Pope Enzio Busso, still weeping over his loss, Rukia sneaked up on him after she had slashed every guard into a splay of gores with her Tsuruki.

Unaware of Rukia's impending attack, he failed to notice her creeping up behind him, raising her Tsuruki high in the air to strike. Christine paused her step, saw Rukia's impending slaughter, and stared at Antonio, who was in grave danger.


She hastened to the bloodstained altar to protect Antonio from Rukia. But she made a huge mistake by putting herself in a treacherous situation from which Rukia could brutally kill her. And to prevent her from entering the death chamber any farther, I extended my hand and screamed.


Sadly, she had already rushed to the altar to save the endangered Antonio, and I was too late to stop her.

But while Christine fixed her gaze on Antonio, who was still tending the lifeless body of Pope Enzio Busso, suddenly...


Rukia thudded her right elbow down on Christine's face as she slid to the floor of the altar.

Christine heftily rose from the altar's floor with her hands to support her weight. She couldn't help but witness Rukia's crimson eyes, a warning not to act foolishly given the consequences.

Even if Christine did anything foolish, I wouldn't let anyone harm her in the slightest. Only I am capable of doing even foolish things and yet surviving! Hurriedly making my way to the altar, I dropped a heavy boot on Rukia's face and let out a low snarl.


As I saw her tossed body almost colliding with the nearby wall, I swiftly drew my Kiryu and squeezed the trigger just long enough to fire a charge shot.


But in the blink of an eye, she sprang to her feet in midair, rolled to avoid my gunshot, and thrust her Tsuruki into the body of the massive statue behind the preacher's table.

As she climbed into the palm of the towering statue's hand to regain her footing, I grappled myself to the statue's hands and swung my left foot up to kick Rukia's face.


She dived just in time to avoid my left foot kicking her in the face, but it instead slammed into the statue's forehead, leaving a little crater.

I swiftly landed on the palm of the statue and drew my Kiryu in her direction. In turn, she directed her Tsuruki at me and pierced her crimson eyes at my sight.

It does take my Minerva's companions aback, as they witnessed my sudden, nonchalant action to protect the surviving, escaping believers from the rampaging Rukia.

Christine, who was protecting the horrified child devotee, yelled at my nonchalant action.


While the latter was carrying Pope Enzio Busso's lifeless body, Commander Katoki shouted at me.


But as I was still aiming my Kiryu at Rukia, I yelled out a command in response.


On noticing my sudden order, Antonio replied loudly.

"I will return with help! YOU STALL HER UNTIL THEN!!!"

As they carried Pope Enzio Busso's lifeless body and guided the remaining devotees to safety, my companions and the remaining Cleanser Squadron's guards managed to escape the partially destroyed cathedral in the aftermath of Rukia's rampage.

Once everything had gone silent, I subtly threatened her while holding my Kiryu, which was still hot in my hand, and directed it at her face.

"I won't hold my breath!"

To focus on fighting Rukia without interruption, I briefly shut my eyes and jerked my head to the left, removing the earpods.

And all of a sudden...



Massive Devil May Cry 4 reference, LET'S FAW KING GOOOOOOOO!!!!!

o(≧口≦)o o(≧口≦)o o(≧口≦)o

MansonFD7creators' thoughts