

in order to clean up the mess that Zendaya created, everyone needs to stay put throughout the outbreak of monsters

3 Chs


(two authors have this novel as a collaboration, my sister @AraMin_09_28_07 and I have collab and wrote this novel)

"Good morning Joey," said Zendaya to her boy best friend in a happy tone,

"good morning baby, how was your sleep?"

'baby' was a term that Joey would only use for Zendaya, no matter if they fought or are in trouble the word baby never left Joey's lips while talking to Zendaya.

"it was more awesome than ever, bae," said Zendaya,

"oh really baby, stop lying I can see big dark circles under your eye," said Joey,

"OH MY GOD! it is visible!" said Zendaya before running away to the girls' bathroom,

Joey sighed and walked towards the class cause this is common for him whenever he asks her why she has dark circles, and why is she lying she would say she was late up at night studying, and since she is the top student some might believe her, but Joey is her childhood best friend he knows that she is lying, he knows she is keeping secrets from him.

A few minutes later Zendaya came into the class and sat beside Joey and spoke

"Joey I feel like I should tell you this before it's too late"

"I also have something to tell you too, but sooner or later I know what your answer will be" he spoke the last line under his breath,

"huh?" said Zendaya as she was about to ask teacher walked in.

after a few hours, the class ended and it was lunch break Zendaya went to the girls' bathroom to fix her make-up while Joey went into the cafeteria,

soon Zendaya came into the cafeteria and saw everyone whispering she didn't mind it though, cause during lunchtime everyone talked with each other, she took the tray of food in her hand and walked towards Joey who was sitting near the glass window,

"they have pork cutlets today, those are my favorite," she said while sitting,

"I know" spoke Joey while he keep looking outside the window,

"what are they whispering for it seems unusual," said Zendaya while cutting her pork cutlet into half,

"you don't know?" said Joey, Zendaya found it odd in Joey's behavior but she continued with the conversation

"huh? no I don't know so tell me, Joey"

"Strange..." this happened to be the first time joey has not said 'baby' while talking to Zendaya

"be clear joey you are acting strange," said Zendaya in an angry tone

"look outside the window something is wrong, so very wrong that we need to shut down the school"

Zendaya looks outside the window her expression changed into anger, scared, and sadness she panicked and spoke,

"shit! Joey, I need your help find me a quiet dark place hurry" before running outside the cafeteria...