2 Chapter 2 : Just A Dream

After Ralph and His Friends Stop Talking they continued to go to classes the whole day. after school Ralph decided to go home and eat dinner, brush his teeth and then go to sleep.

After That Ralph dreamed about Paolo kissing him.When the morning comes Ralph woke up sad and disappointed knowing that it was just a dream.

So he did his normal Morning routine after that he went back to school and after realizing that he got the spot NEXT to Paolo He jumped happily."OMG YESSSS IM SO HAPPY!!!" Ralph said,

Everyone then looked at him. and Ralph Became Quiet. after that he went to class. He was waiting for paolo to Arrive and sit with Him. But After Class Paolo Didn't Come.

That was the Time Ralph Felt Curious About Paolo Not Attending class. He Might be Lost Cause He Is New To this School Or Skipping School? or maybe Sick and stayed home?. So He Wondered If Paolo Was At School so he Waited in Every Class Till School Ended.
