5 Final Desicions.. Hopefully - Tokyo Ghoul (4)

"I choose the CCG" (even though the ghouls are probably stronger, I don't think I could live with always having to eat human flesh. Even just the thought of it sickens me so that's a no-no)

[Understood, as Number 1007532 decided to choose..]

"Can you stop calling me Number 1007532, didnt I have a name previously. Though I can't remember it, you must know it right so could you use it"

[Understood, we shall call you Uquan Ekorov from now on instead of Number 1007532]

"You can just call me Uquan (Huh, I guess Uquan Ekorov is my name, that.. Actually sound pretty shitty.. Or not I really can't tell )"

[Now as Uquan has chosen to side with the CCG, you shall receive a quinque. As there are many types of quinque, the user shall decide which quinque to use.]

"Out of these 6 which 1 will the user chose right. (MORE DECISIONS, You serious, how many more are there.)"

[You are correct, now. Out of these 6]


[which 1 will the user chose:

Z3US - A quinque made from the chimera kagune that consists of a koukaku and rinkaku of an A rank ghoul that take the form of a 6 cm thick hexagon shield that is 10 cm on each side of the hexagon that has one of the sides with an edge extend 1 meter as it the side slowly gets thinner to create a sword like edge.

Kigen - A quinque made from the rinkaku kagune of an SS tier ghoul that is in form of a 4 meter whip that could extend to 10 meters made that has a diamond shape end.

HERC - A quinque made from 2 -S rank ghouls who have similar Koukaku type kagune that form 2 giant hands that has an arm that is 1 meter long and has a diameter of 50 cm with thick fingertps.

Kueng - A quinque made from the chimera kagune that consists of a rinkaku and ukaku from an A rank ghoul that takes the form of a 1.3 meter high, 3 cm wide and 5 cm long double edged longsword with a thin long handle that could transform into an SMG looking gun that rapidly shoots bullets made out of RC.

ThnderX - A quinque made from the ukaku kagune of an +S that that takes the form of a sniper gun that can shoot powerful bullets made out of RC at very long distance and can change into a rocket launcher that shoot powerful beams of electricity.

WallowS - A quinque made from the bikaku kagune of an SSS rank ghoul that is in the form of a huge broadsword that is 1.7 meters high, 5 cm wide and 10 cm long that has a an big handle]

Calming the headache that Uquan feels coming out of nowhere he starts off by asking the system about his options

"Okay so I know what a quinque is and the different types of kagune but how does it make a difference to anything also what are the different levels like A, +S and etc?"

[As previously stated there are four types of kagune. Bikaku, Ukaku, Kaukaku and Rinkaku. The Ukaku kagune appears at the shoulder area of a human in the form of crystal lake wings that are able to shoot out fast sharp diamond like projectiles and ukaku types are known for their fast speed, weak endurance and short stamina. The Koukaku is released form below the shoulder blade that take the form of something big and heavy and they are known for the defense, endurance and low speed because of their RC dense kagune. The Rinkaku is a kagune released from the back of the waist that takes the form of tails and they are known for their high regeneration, strong attacks and weak defense. The Bikaku is released from the tail bone that takes the form of a tail and they are now for how balanced they are at attack, speed and defense. Though most ghouls only have 1 kagune, it is possible for a ghoul to have more than one, maybe even all of them, and these are called chimera types. To tell how strong an ghoul is, they have created rankings ranging from C, B, A, -S, +S, SS, and SSS and these rankings are based on how many investigators of what rank are needed to fight those ghouls. The type of kagune affects and the ranks of the former Ghoul affect the quinque based on strength and type.]

"Okay so like if the kagune, I mean quinque is made from a Kaukaku kagune, the quinque would be more durable and heavy while the stronger the Ghoul is, the more powerful the quinque"

[You are correct but not all ghouls of higher ranks may always have a stronger kagune than one of a lower rank though it could be seen as a rule of thumb. Now Number Uquan, which will you choose]

"Well.. (even though they are all sound super cool, especially ThndrX, I want to stick with a sword so that narrows it down it to Kueng and WallowS. Now Wallows is the stronger option but Kueng allows for more versatility and the ability for longer ranged fighting. Even though lich touch needs me to get close I'd still prefer to be able to fight from longer distances if I could but the greatsword damn. Though I prefer katanas I feel like I would still appreciate this sword and it its made from an SSS ranked one so it should probably be really strong but still… wait ) system, is my sword able to absorb these quinque"

[As long as they are in the form of a sword or a base material than yes. Your sword will be able to absorb it]

"Shit thats cool (So that means my sword will absorb the quinque to make it stronger and maybe it'll even look like a katana. So now which sword do I want it to absorb, the more powerful one or the one that.. That could change into a gun.) system if my sword absorbs a sword that could change into a gun will my sword also be able to change into a gun."

[You will have to figure that one out by yourself]

"Fuck (should I take the risk or take the safe option. Most of my previous options had been on the safer end of the spectrum and as all previous options were good I would still benefit in the end. But this time if I get it wrong then I could be left with a weapon that my sword can't absorb. I mean is a sword that could change into a gun or vice versa still considered a gun… You know what) fuck it, system I choose the Kueng"

[Understood, user will receive the sword int 3, 2, 1]

Just like before another bright light shines and once it fades away what appears is a case and the moment you open it you can see a dull red sword that reeks of death and blood. Reaching his hand out, Uquan picked up the sword. Standing up from the bed, he pushes the random stuff on the floor away from him to create a small place of clean wooden floor for himself. Lifting up the sword in splendor, he starts to hold the handle of it firmly. As he feels like he had pressed something, the sword seems to come alive as the previously dull red sword turned to a red glistening splendor. Uquan feels a sort of power coming to him and familiarity with the sword, he swings the sword down in a downward slash. He repeats this 2 more times before he lets out and amazed voice at the sword. Whenever he swings the sword, it felt like it was cutting through the air itself and as he starts to fiddle around with the sword, the form changes from a sword to an SMG. as he feels the trigger he stops himself from pressing it as he knows that it would be bad to shoot it now.

[The rest of the equipment for this scenario will be received in 3, 2, 1. They are:


Profile Letter


Like before, another light flashes but this time it covered nearly the whole room. Tis flash of light lasted much longer than the previous ones and as he opens up his eyes, he sees that the whole room had been cleaned and on the newly clean wooden floor appeared a mentioned items. Standing up, Uquan went up to the the biggest item, the suitcase.

Opening it up what appeared where many sets of clothes, some daily necessities and other random assortment of stuff like a map. The suitcase looked like what a person would bring on their vacation. Next he opened up the item right next to it. Opening up the letter he starts to reader the paper with neat handwriting. As the letter was really big, he just skimmed through the whole thing. The letter basically informed him all about what the use of the other items are, the basic history and information of the world and most importantly who he was. It wasn't who he was in his previous world but who he is in the world of Tokyo Ghoul. It mentions that in this world he still has the same name, appearance and age but his whole family was dead because of ghouls. It said that because of it, he had pursued to be a ghoul investigator and after going to a school meant for ghoul investigators he graduated with stellar grades. He then quickly improved and became a 1st rank investigator who only needs to do a little bit more to become a first class investigator. After digesting all of the information he neatly folds it back up and places it safely next to him.

He then went and looked at the other item which was his wallet, inside was his ID card, a bank card which apparently has enough money for him to live 3 lifetimes based on the letter and other stuff like a driving license and some vouchers.

[Uquan, as you have now received everything you need to receive, you shall now receive your task for this scenario. We hope that you would be able to accomplish these tasks]

"Well then, let's see what I have to do"
