
Chapter One

Scarlett's P.O.V

Scarlett looked out the window of the taxi. The day still looked dreary after the rain stopped falling. Long rows of pine trees lined each side of the road. Scarlett legs felt cramped after sitting in the taxi for almost two hours, and her back hurt. But mostly, what hurt was her heart. It was heavy, and it ached with grief. A lump formed in her throat and she blinked back the tears that were stinging her eyes. It still felt surreal to her that both her parents were dead.


In one night, she had lost them both to a very ghastly accident. She came back late from school that day, to find a note on their kitchen table, saying that they were out for the evening and would be back soon. She had her supper, watched some TV, and then slept. When she woke up at around 12 a.m., they still weren't back. She became very worried, only for her cell phone to ring, and, when she picked the call, she received the most devastating news.

The police were able to look for her closest relative, her grandmother, to live with as her new guardian. She had been shocked to hear that she has a grandmother, and then puzzled as to why she never came to visit them. More importantly - why her parents never mentioned that she had a grandmother. It was strange.

She wondered how she will cope in a new town, without her now dead parents, and whether she will like living with her grandmother, or not. It's not like she had a choice, anyways. Her birthday was tomorrow, and she should be with mom and dad planning for it....

"Miss Moon? Miss Moon?" Scarlett snapped from her thoughts. It was the driver calling her.

"Yes?" She answered the driver.

"We're soon reaching the residence." he told her. He gave her a quizzical look which she saw reflected in the rear-view mirror.

He's probably wondering what's wrong with me. She thought. She put her head out the window a little, and saw a huge sign board that said, 'Welcome to West Deson!' The town was surrounded by long pine trees and tall, white mountains that loomed over the huddled buildings. The town looked beautiful with its red brick buildings and evergreen trees.

The taxi came to a stop several minutes later, at a small cottage. Scarlett stepped out of the taxi. The cottage stood in a grove of trees, surrounded by lush greenery. It veered at the edge of a small stream, with stones strewn on its edges. The cottage borders on the outskirts of West Deson.

As Scarlett looked around, a woman came out of the cottage. She was tall and plump with long, black hair streaked with gray strands, held back in a tight bond. She wore a striped button up shirt with brown shorts. She walked with a surprising agility and looked very young. She approached Scarlett where she stood, near the taxi.

"Hello, you must be Scarlett. I'm Grace King. You can call me Grace. Welcome to West Deson. I hope you'll like it here." She said as she smiled really big. Her eyes were of a golden hue, beneath very thick eyebrows, and her gaze was oddly penetrating.

Something about this woman is very unnerving, Scarlett thought. She suddenly felt wary of her. She also noticed that the woman's canines seemed to be a bit longer than normal. Not withstanding, she managed to smile back in return.

"It's a very beautiful town," Scarlett complimented, "and your home is just as lovely." she added.

"I'm glad you think so." Grace returned.

"Let me help with your luggage."

"Thanks." Scarlett said.

They both helped the driver to unload the remaining luggage and then carry them towards the cottage, while the taxi drove away.

Scarlett stepped into the cottage, trailing Grace behind. The house looked cozy with its unique decor style; the muslin-coloured walls looked spectacular with the flowery upholstery of the soft, down-filled cushions. A central hearth stood at the far end of the parlor. The triangular, timber, high ceiling made the scenery look nice and comfy. A wide, glass window overlooked a wide lake.

"Please make yourself at home." Grace gesticulated at the house. "If you ever need anything, you only have to ask."

Scarlett smiled and nodded at her in acknowledgement.

"Come, let me show you your room."

Scarlett followed her upstairs. The stairs creaked underneath their feet as they trudged up. They then turned at a corner to the right, where Grace opened a white door.

"This is your room." She said breezily. She then moved to push the draperies apart, letting the late afternoon sunlight into the room.

Scarlett looked all over the room as she took in all the features. The flowery wallpapers, the carpeted, wooden floor, the side table with a bedside lamp on it, the wooden table and chair by the leaded window and the big bed with its many pillows and flowery blankets in its ornate bedstand. So this is where she would be staying.


"I'm going to make you some dinner as I know you must be hungry, but meanwhile, you can take a quick shower and settle in, okay?" She smiled as she spoke.

"Yes, sure." Scarlett replied.

"Alright, then."

She then left the room, closing the door with a soft click. Scarlett plopped down on her new bed and let out a long sigh. She bent down and opened one of her bags and pulled out a framed picture of her and her parents. She ran her thumb lovingly on the picture and then put it to her bosom, as she lay her back on the bed.

"I miss you both very much, mom and dad." she mumbled.

She stood up and went to the window, opening it and feeling the cool evening breeze on her face. She gazed at the trees as they rustled and swayed with the soft wind. Then she closed the window half-way and went to take a shower.
