1 Prologue

When was it that my feelings inside felt a little bit cold. No, lukewarm. It is a feeling I cant describe but imagine a rectangle forming into a deformed state. Well, it might be confusing since I compared a temperature with a shape. Its really a vague feeling.

As the dawning twilight, I walked home from school. Nothing happened. School was school and Me is me. Just like the past 16 years of my life. My life, if I were to write was okay. I do have a good memory..but.... I always think it is a pity I dont a have showwy "something Im good at" talent. I have always been good at cooking and housework. I am good at computers and such. I am good at singing. But my talents are really just on the higher than average side of the scale. Im amazed by people who can do one thing and excell at them leaving their peers to dust with hard work and mental strength. It is a strength i dont have.

Well , as I was walking, the lights i passed by was like a water color painting. No..... How can I say this? Try to squint your eyes and directly face a light . Then see the shape of light. See the luminescence of the light. Its a little blured but you can see the circle surrounding the source. It is just a scene registered to my head but it feels more real when im talking. What a mysterious thought.

So , as i had said earlier , I am walking. This strange thought fill my head everytime I to distract my self. The lights flickering in the street, the irresponsible drivers crossing the crosswalk. Wait, i am on the cross walk. What!

Time feels like it slowed down. This second feels like 5 time slower.

The light of the car is slowly approaching me and I have no time to. Wait. Theres a woman near me. Shes on the safe side of the crosswalk. If by a split second she grabs my hand.! Please!

The woman stared right into my eyes as she walked faster to an unsafe zone. This woman!!!!!


The second goes slower than a minute. Fuck. Im going to die a virgin and with unrequited love. This is the worst. Fuck.

The woman stares completely into my face. She smiled. It was the face of an angel. No, it wasnt a smile! She was laughing! God. What have I.?

Thug... Thug... Krulll... Krulllllll.... Thug.

My body flew like a feather as I flew away with the force of the car. Then we rolled down hitting the the traffic guards.

Next thing I knew : white. Pure white.
