
Rich strangers

Locking her the door of her apartment and walking down the hall, she exits the building .She walks down the street feeling like getting out of there was a good idea because being cooped up in her apartment the whole day wasn’t going to be good for her. Since she lives downtown , it’s not that much of an issue for her to get to the store. With the help of strangers on the streets she is able to find her way through the busy streets and in a matter of 10 minutes she is entering a shopping market hoping to find the things she needs . First she sets out to find the baking isle because she has decided that doing something new will benefit her either than not doing anything .Next she goes to find the cleaning products isle because she needs to buy some cleaning products cause she hasn’t done much cleaning and she really needs to . After that she grabs some snacks and she is on her way to the checkout line . Because she has never liked being those people to hold up a line she always likes to take her purse out first and check if she has the money before its actually her turn to pay .It once happened to her during her high school years and in her opinion it was one of the most embarrassing things to ever happen to her .She was hoping to buy a box of tampons because she obviously really needed them and when it was her turn to pay , she didn’t have the money .She was only able to come back for them on the next day. So from that day on she was always sure to check to avoid that whole situation .She pays for all the items and thanks the cashier . Because she isn’t in a hurry she decides to go one of the clothing stores , just to pass by time even though she knows she won’t buy anything because she has a tight budget at the moment . Immediately when she steps in the store , the girls working in there give her dirty looks so she decides to cut her time in the store short. Finally feeling like she can breathe ,Carissa decides to go a mini restaurant to relax and have something to drink and just try to enjoy the moment even though she knows she can’t . The moment she enters she realizes how packed the place is, so she decides to sit outside away from all the noise and stuffiness. This is not because Carissa is shy or anything she genuinely doesn’t like being around to many people . She prefers to be alone. Not too long after she's made herself comfortable a waitress comes and asks her what she wants and she responds with an "I think I’ll have a glass of water if you don’t mind ?". The waitress gives her a little smile and tells her shell be back with it . As she sits there thinking about how her day is going she spots someone who rather seems a bit familiar .It’s a girl with extremely white blond hair , she is wearing a red silky dress . She seems like those classy girls you’d only see in those classic movies .Everything about her screams elegance from the way she is sitting to the way she is dressed and even the way she is drinking her milkshake. She looks so poised and proper. She looks like she is waiting for someone who has taken a long time because she keeps on glancing down at her watch .Carissa swears that she's seen her somewhere but she just can’t put her finger around where.

The more time she spends looking at her she remembers where she's seen her and it comes back to her all at once. That it is the girl she saw just yesterday with Luke and suddenly it all starts coming back to her and just as she's sitting there Luke enters the place and kisses her on the cheek. He tries to assure her about why he was late and looks so sorry . She starts going back to their relationship, she remembers how he was never like that to her never unapologetic, never humble and this makes her feel a certain way . She begins to feel like the whole restaurant is closing in on her, she feels trapped in her own body so she decides to run to the toilet to try and to calm herself down . In the toilet she finds two girls who are fixing their makeup they seem to be annoyed at her for interrupting whatever they were had. Simply ignoring them she runs to the nearest open stall and tries to breath in and out . She takes in deep breaths and tries to look at the positive side of this whole thing .Maybe they were not meant to be ,maybe she was going to be better off without him. If there's one thing her mother taught her is to always see the good side of things even in the darkest of times because it always helped you to move on and be at peace with yourself .But this time she doesn't believe there is a good side because, she loved him and thought they were going to spend the rest of their lives together.

And seeing them reminds her of how alone she is and how no one is ever going to really love her .How unwanted and unattractive she is. A few minutes later after putting herself together, she makes it for the exit actually trying to calm down and talk herself out of crying , she decides to come out of the stall and make her way back to her seat. When she comes back she notices that they've gone and a small part of her releases a breath she doesn't know she's been holding because it’s bad enough for her that he broke up with her yesterday but the fact that she has to see them together the day after just adds salt to the wound .Not feeling like spending another second in the restaurant, she decides to leave leaving the glass of water on the small table she makes it for the exit. Looking for a quiet place for her to tune in with her thoughts and emotions ,she finds a small deserted bench underneath a tree near a parking lot .She places her groceries and begins to cry ,she can't hold it in any longer . She feels like she just might die , she doesn't know what to do with herself she feels lost .Like everything in her life is not worth it . Not worth living for anymore . She has no one completely in this life ,even the one person she thought loved her and cared for her .Gave up on her too.

"A pretty woman like you doesn't deserve to this sad " Carissa is startled to hear a strong and firm voice speak to her. She looks up and is meet by sky blue eyes and auburn hair . The man looks like he holds an office job from the way he is smartly dressed in a matching two piece grey suit .He looks down on her with a straight and serious face. Without a second glance you can immediately tell he is a wealthy man, his posture radiates confidence and intimidation. He looks to be in his early or mid thirties. " I would like to cheer you up, make you feel better" he says with his hands in his pockets .Carissa thinks about this and is surprised by what he means by this and because she feels the need to leave she stands up and assures him . " I'm fine ,just having a bad day, nothing too dramatic " she tells him while picking up her shopping bags to leave . " You can't buy me on this ,you look like you're having more than a bad day so let me put a smile on your face. And I swear that is all I want to do". She wonders what he means by this, still she tries to find a way to escape this situation . " Look I'm not going to hurt you or anything but I just feel like you are in need of someone to comfort you. Because no one just randomly, decides to sit on a bench while crying , so much in the middle of the day. Which means you must be really sad so please I'll let you be after. After taking some time to think about it she decides why not cause, she doesn't even have anything to do after all ,going back to her apartment would be even more of a disaster . " Okay ,I accept your offer ". She hesitantly accepts the offer from the strange man .

" First, Let's go get you some lunch I can tell ,you need something to eat " . Grabbing her by the hand and taking her groceries from her hands ,he leads her to his car .A shiny black car that looks expensive that she’s never seen before. They enter the car and he tells his driver to take them to some place that she doesn’t know of. Coming to her senses late she realizes now that it was probably a stupid idea to accept the offer from this strange man and to also get in his car . What if he takes her to some abandoned place to kill her or maybe even worse what if he kidnaps her and she is never heard of again . Although her thinking about it ,it wouldn't be too bad because she has no life so maybe it would do her good anyways. The car comes to a halt and the driver gets out to open the door for them . " We won't be long so be close by " he sternly tells the driver .

He takes her hand and they enter the restaurant. " Mr. Rivers how are this afternoon" . The doorman greets him not bothering to look at him but rather choosing to look down .He simply says nothing in return and this makes Carissa question this man's manners . From the outside of the restaurant ,she can tell that only the rich come to dine at this place.