
Sasuke Multiverse (Eng Ver.)


AL_Fucked · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter 1

-Out of every request, you choose ––?-

'yes, that's all I want.'

-Okay. because you chose only one wish out of the 3 that I gave, the 2 requests you didn't accept I'll give random and you can notice once you arrive.-

'thank you ––'

-Good luck young one.-


in a grassland where no living creatures were seen.

there was a man lying with his eyes closed. he's lying there peacefully.

The man had jet black hair that covered his left eye. wears a black robe, maroon collar, and maroon lining. a light gray long-sleeved shirt, and wears a pair of brown leather belts with black sheaths for the sword, brown shuriken scabbards, and brown shinobi boots.

shortly after...

Opening his eyes, as if he had very loong sleep, Uchiha Sasuke sat up and took a deep breath.

he still does not believe that he was given the opportunity and choice (cheat) to survive in a parallel world.

That's right, he used the request to become one of his favorite fictional characters, Uchiha Sasuke!

'I didn't think I had just revived and already lost a limb'

he became Uchiha Sasuke Adult who had lost his left hand.

looking around, it seemed he was far from settlement.

because Sasuke wasn't in a hurry and needed time to digest all of Uchiha Sasuke's memories, jutsu and experiences. Sasuke decided to walk while thinking about his future plans.


After receiving all the memories of Original Uchiha Sasuke with a migraine head, Sasuke smiled bitterly.

Original memories of Sasuke and himself, not much different. (note: two edgy lord)

his family was destroyed by his older brother, as well as Sasuke.

what was different was, his older brother didn't care about him even the family he killed.

remembering that again, Sasuke's heart seemed to be suffocating...

he felt guilty for not being able to do anything to prevent this...

that's why he chose to be revived as Uchiha Sasuke to atone for all his mistakes and bear the sins together.

After a few minutes of calming himself down, Sasuke checked the two random requests the –– had given him.

first, Sasuke feels Chakra in his body 5 times more than Uzumaki Nagato. right Pain'

Sasuke doesn't have to worry about hisChakra ran out when using his Rinnegan.

and the second and last is, now he can use all jutsu with just one hand.

in the original Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke couldn't take out all the Jutsu he had because he lost one of his limbs, his left hand.

mostly, Fire Jutsu uses both hands.

However, with –– intervention, he can use all Jutsu with just one hand.

Sasuke felt very comfortable after receiving all the memories from the original.

he had received everything from Uchiha Sasuke.

because their nature and emotions were almost the same, so it didn't take long for them to merge their memories and souls together.

Sasuke stopped his footsteps.

both his jet black eyes turned into the Rinnegan and Mangekyo Sharingan.

although Sasuke doesn't have System to see any amount of Chakra or Strength in him or his eyes.

although Sasuke has been given a very large Chakra container, but he can only randomly teleport once a month. (Clearly A Nerf)

every time he teleports to a random place, the Rinnegan will consume as much as 70% of Chakra in his body.

Sasuke took a deep breath, then used the Rinnegan Teleportation to a Random destination.
