
7-Kayn The Shadow Reaper

As Sasuke made his way towards the exit of the fortress, Ahri caught up to him with surprising speed, her tails swaying seductively behind her.

"Leaving so soon, handsome?" Ahri's voice was filled with playful teasing as she sidled up to Sasuke, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Sasuke glanced at Ahri with a mixture of irritation and wariness, his annoyance evident in the way he tensed at her proximity.

"I have no time for your games," Sasuke replied curtly, his voice tinged with annoyance. "I have a mission to complete, and I won't be delayed by distractions."

Ahri's smirk only widened at Sasuke's response, her eyes gleaming with amusement as she matched his brisk pace.

"Oh, but I think you'll find I'm the most entertaining distraction you'll ever encounter," Ahri purred, her voice dripping with honeyed sweetness.

Ahri's tails fluttered with a rhythm that seemed to mock the seriousness of Sasuke's demeanor. "You know, most would consider it an honor to be pursued by a nine-tailed fox," she said, her voice a melody of mischief.

Sasuke stopped in his tracks, turning to face her with a deadpan expression. "And yet, here I am, feeling like the 'lucky' winner of a contest I never entered," he said, the sarcasm heavy in his tone. "Tell me, is there a prize for enduring this, or is the relentless stalking the reward itself?"

Ahri laughed, a sound that seemed to dance around them. "Oh, you're no fun," she chided, though the twinkle in her eye suggested she enjoyed this banter more than she let on.

Sasuke resumed his walk, quickening his pace as if to outstride the conversation itself. "If your idea of fun is as twisted as your sense of humor, I fear for anyone who actually enjoys your company," he retorted, leaving the fox woman to ponder his words.

Before Sasuke could go away, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the corridor, drawing his attention.

Turning a corner, Sasuke came face to face with a figure. It was a young man, a teenager to be exact, accompanied by a scythe strapped behind his back. His hair is tied into a long braid with a hint of blue, he was shirtless.

"Who are you?" Sasuke demanded, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword as he assessed the newcomer with caution.

The figure stepped forward, his presence radiating power and confidence as he met Sasuke's gaze head-on.

"I am Kayn, the Shadow Reaper," the newcomer replied, his voice low and menacing, "just heard there was some excitement going on in the prison," Kayn replied casually, his eyes never leaving Sasuke's. "Figured I'd come and see for myself."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed at Kayn's words, his mind racing with possibilities. Do people already know about the incident? It was not planned...

"And what makes you think we're the ones you're looking for?" Sasuke challenged, his tone defiant as he braced himself for a fight.

Kayn's lips curled into a smirk, his gaze flickering between Sasuke and Ahri with interest.

"I've heard tales of a fox spirit and a mysterious swordsman. Oh, also the two Vastayas rebels but it looks like you're not them," Kayn said, his voice dripping with amusement. "Seems like I've found my targets."

Kayn was clearly lying, only the 2 Vastayas had been spotted. He had no idea there would even be 2 other suspicious people.

Before Sasuke could respond, a group of shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, their eyes glowing with malevolence as they surrounded him and Ahri.

Sasuke's grip tightened on his sword, his senses on high alert as he prepared to defend himself against theses peoples.

'Damn, I can't leave without a fight' Sasuke didn't fear these people, but his attention was focused on the boy's weapon. He felt a powerful malevolent energy, even Orochimaru's Chakra didn't make him this uncomfortable.

"I have nothing to do with the incident, I'm a mercenary and I have also heard about it so I just came to see, that's all." It was a flimsy excuse, even Sasuke himself didn't believe it. Unlike his brother, he is not good at lying.

The tension in the air was palpable as the shadowy figures closed in, their intentions unreadable but their hostility unmistakable. Sasuke's hand rested on the hilt of his sword, ready to draw it at a moment's notice.

"I don't want to pick a fight right now," Sasuke said to Kayn, his voice low and steady. "But if it's a demonstration you want, then I'm more than happy to oblige."

With a swift motion, Sasuke drew his sword, the sound of steel ringing through the corridor. The blade gleamed under the dim light, a silent testament to the countless battles it had seen. Ahri, not to be outdone, summoned orbs of magical energy to her fingertips, her nine tails fanning out behind her like a peacock's display.

Kayn watched with an amused expression, seemingly unfazed by the display of power before him. "I must admit, I'm curious to see how the Nine Tailed Fox companion's fights," he said, his tone laced with a challenge.

The standoff between Sasuke and Kayn was electric, the air thick with anticipation. Ahri, ever the provocateur, watched with a sly grin, her tails swishing in amusement.

"I didn't ask you name" Kayn looked at Sasuke intently, the fight seemed to happen any moment.

"You don't need my name" Sasuke just responded coldly as he ran towards Kayn.

"Shall we dance then ?" Kayn taunted, his scythe gleaming with a dark energy. After untangling his scythe, part of Kayn's face had transformed into grey plate. His left arm was also the same, his left eye was glowing a red color.

Sasuke's response was a silent, piercing glare as he activated his Sharingan, the red and black swirls of his eyes promising a battle that would not soon be forgotten.

Without warning, Kayn lunged forward too, his scythe arcing towards Sasuke with lethal intent. Sasuke parried with his sword, the clash of metal echoing through the corridor. Sparks flew as they exchanged a flurry of blows, each strike faster and more furious than the last.

Ahri, not content to be a mere spectator, summoned her magic, sending orbs of energy whizzing past Sasuke to strike at Kayn. "Oops, did that distract you?" she teased, her voice dripping with mock innocence.

Kayn grunted, deflecting the orbs with a swing of his scythe. "You'll have to do better than that, fox," he growled.

Sasuke clearly dominated the young man, it was like a game for him. It would appear that his concern was unfounded. He perceived every move, even if he used shadows to his advantage, nothing escaped his eyes.

Kayn recovered quickly, spinning his scythe with a skill that spoke of countless battles. He attacked in a whirlwind of strikes, each more ferocious than the last, but Sasuke was a tempest, his movements a symphony of precision and speed. He deflected each attack with his sword, the ring of metal on metal a chorus in the deadly dance.

Sasuke's taijutsu was impeccable, a testament to years of rigorous training. He ducked under a wide swing, his body coiling like a spring before he unleashed a barrage of strikes, his fists and feet a blur. Each hit was a calculated blow, designed to test Kayn's defenses and push him to his limits.

Kayn, for all his strength, found himself on the defensive, his scythe a barrier that barely kept Sasuke's relentless assault at bay. The Uchiha's eyes, those crimson pools of power, seemed to see through every feint and parry, predicting Kayn's moves before they were even made.

With a sudden burst of chakra, Sasuke's speed increased tenfold. He was everywhere at once, a phantom that Kayn could barely track. A kick sent the scythe clattering to the ground, and a punch knocked the wind out of Kayn, leaving him gasping for air.

"Is that all you've got?" Sasuke taunted, Sharingan looked at him in a dominant and arrogant manner, fully displaying the Uchiha's nature. Until then, he doesn't even need to use his Rinnegan or even his Mangekyou.

Ahri, who had been dealing with the discipline with ease, watched the duel with interest. Her tails twitched as she dispatched another assailant with a burst of her fox-fire, her eyes never leaving the two powerful figures in the center of the fray.

'The more I look at him, the more I want...' She couldn't help but imagine the taste of his soul, just the idea made her shiver.

Kayn showed a hint of color and frustration, how could he be dominated so easily? The fight was one-sided, the guy didn't even seem to be giving his all.

"Shit..." He couldn't get his scythe, Rhaast, back. He had clearly lost the fight.

Ahri, ever playful, clapped her hands with delight. "Well, that was quite the show," she said, her eyes shining with excitement.

Before anyone could make a move, a sudden explosion rocked the fortress, sending a cloud of dust and debris into the air. The shadowy figures were thrown off balance, and in the chaos, Sasuke saw an opportunity.

"Now, follow me," he said to Ahri, not waiting to see if she complied as he dashed towards the source of the explosion. His Sharingan activated, taking in every detail, every movement around him.

As they navigated through the crumbling corridors, Sasuke couldn't help but wonder who had caused the explosion, 'Surely Those 2 Vastayas', that means they probably succeeded in their plan.

"DAMN !" Kayn hit the ground in frustration, leaving a visible crack on the surface. He wasn't going to forget this humiliation, even Zed hadn't marked him that much.

"We need to find the Vastayas, now is not the time, Kayn." Said one of the disciples who was still in good condition. Ahri had bullied most of them, she even killed a few.

"I will find you, and I will kill you with my own hands." A demonic voice took his place at the end of his statement, showing undisguised murderous intent.

"Let's go" They finally rushed in search of the two rebels.
