
Sarisi and her grandmother journey

Once upon a time I was two years old my mother she got pregnant with me and she was in love in her Young age of 15 years and my father denies me .after I was born she took me to my grandmother's house were it was a huge family of auntie,ancles, cousins and kids my grandmother's find on streets they have no were to go, I arrived but everyone hated me because I was always on my grandmother side all the time and she loved me and take care of me well but that created fights .so whenever grandmother left me alone with them they will beat me up and call me with names. When I report to her when she comes back I will cry alot and one thing she always say to me is that I don't have to cry I must lieve everything to the hands of the Lord he will solve them when their times comes everything will be ok and I will have smile.i remember another day when she went to get a money our government gives her for her old age and she will left early in the morning before the sun up and my cousin brother will come sneaking inside my blankets and rape me and I was just 7 years old I couldn't understand anything and he will tell me not to tell everyone he will always share his food with me because he new I was a eater I liked food alot .so I couldn't tell but my auntie always swore this but she never got to do something about it all she do is to beat me up and tell me I don't belong there she will say she got to sent me back were I came from.when years past problem came and again and again but I managed to put up with everybody by God's faith and grandmother who used to sing for me everyday and we write songs together what a loving grandmother,where she is or doing she always on a song singing and I used to it and I join her and when I asked her why she always on the good mood singing all the time.she will tell me singing makes you don't think about things you going through and music keep your mind to be on the write place.she could sing even on her sleep and she loved to help people alot and she used to deliver pregnant woman's new baby born of the location when ever someone gonna deliver everyone run to tell her to come the baby is in the way and she will take her stuff she was using and changing clothes clean inches and she will sing happy that something new coming everyone must be happy and dance gosh I love this grandmother Alina mokiswa wayiza the best grandmother ever .she was fearing god and love to go to church and take me with and I will enjoy every minute of it but one thing I didn't like on her on the way going were we going she will greet people on the way and stand talks to people asking how they doing and talking about the weather and I will left her on the road she will find me were we were going to and will turn back late and me I didn't have time to play with my friends because of her talking non stop on the road.i got to understand her better and how she operate and I go along with it for very long time but beat thing I learnt from her is respect people from the elders to the youngest the best of them all.she say when you have a respect for others you going to go the long way in life and between us we make to support each other nomatter what and I promise her I am gonna be a Star one day and I will make her known in the hole world and I am gonna sing to the hole world to be noticed and I am gonna help all people who needs my help ,when I get rich and powerful and those who hated me I will make a Revenge to them all but she changed my mind say I must never say that word is dangerous still I must let god give them judgement by himself which he will .now I am a local musician hustling to get a success pity she won't see won't sing with me but I no she is watching in heaven and support me.on 2020.06.12 she left me going to a better place were it's have peace and harmony and she was 110 years when she died like Joshua in the Bible she did her part on this earth.i now have a husband and 3 kids I got married and I am pushing my career till I got success my blessings and I am not stopping because I don't want my kids to have a life I had straggling to out food on the table.