
15. Supreme.

Dr. Morrisey wasn't worried. Yes, the werewolves had escaped, but he had all the needed material. On their brief tour of South America, he had built up a decent nest egg by renting werewolves, and now he would finish the job. They had circumnavigated South America and then crossed the Atlantic to Portugal. 

Target Omega had been unconscious, drugged, and nearly dead, and preliminary lab tests showed she should have died. But this had been cleared up, and although the subject was not yet conscious, it looked as if the subject was developing resistance to the drugs.

For Dr Morrissey, this was fascinating and bizarre. The subject was really something other than human, but soon, they would see their project through to the end. The serum or serums were ready, and six other targets, well, two were on the east coast. Four had died of opportunistic infections as the rejuvenation or cure serum had not affected those targets and the Omega. This would be unique because the DNA of this one would be completely altered, and no other such target would be encountered.

Dr. Morrisey had studied the subject's genes closely and had found that all eight genes had been passed down from his mother's side. And, since Omega had been the only one left in the family, there would be no other. He had studied the DNA of Omega's immediate family that he had found, and these genes had only been passed down to Omega.

These genes were such that if a person had one or more of these genes, they would be completely superseded by normal human genes, so they were, in a sense, very subordinate genes, and in many normal genetic studies, no one would pay attention to these genes when no use could be found for them. They would be classified as almost genetic junk.

Genetic research and technology have advanced tremendously in the last twenty years, and studying and manipulating human genes has taken giant steps forward. Dr. Morrisey saw nothing wrong with what he was doing; he was contributing to human safety by showing the true face of werewolves, and besides, the entire project had been a challenge for him. The challenge of his life.

 Now, this ship had served its purpose, and it was time to move to the Canadian facility. The boat was anchored in Portugal, and from there, they would take a private plane to the Canadian facility, where he could finally test his serum. They had spent several months touring South America, and now everything would be ready for the project's next phase. 

The facility was located in a remote location on the Canadian-Alaskan border and had been designed from the outset for just this project. He didn't need to do much more to Omega, just a little steroid, chemotherapy, and radiation, and the rest of her immune system would be destroyed.

Omega was weak, but she didn't get any of the opportunistic infections the other targets had acquired. It wouldn't be more than a week or two before he could try the Omega serum, and he could test the serum earlier on the other two targets. They were still alive.

Then, once the immune system was permanently gone, he would put new stem cells, grown in serum, into it. The stem cells had been collected from Omega herself and also from werewolves. He had modified their genetic material. These stem cells contained retroviruses and werewolf genes. The subject would also receive a serum infusion so that retroviruses would be everywhere.

The retroviruses would modify the subject's entire body, causing a cascade of reactions in every tissue, including the nervous system and skin. Once the cascade reaction was complete, the target would be a super werewolf. But then they would immediately begin to develop the target's rage again.

The serum would ensure that the target would have a rage gene, and this rage would be a permanent part of its personality, even an asset. He had already tested a couple of subjects with his serum, but he hadn't been able to make the rage stay with them. These subjects were then ended as useless.

Morrisey was sure that Omega and its supernatural rage would succeed. It was this rage that was the key. It would be so clearly visible that everyone would see what a beast the werewolf really was. He was already planning an event where he would put Omega in human form in front of some congressmen, then unleash this rage, make it appear to be a werewolf as it mutilated those congressmen with its bare hands, eyes yellow, werewolf side clearly visible and with witnesses and surveillance cameras.

Oh, that clips like this would be leaked to the public so no one would believe that werewolves were the heroes they were trying to portray. He would ensure the target omega could breed if he wanted to study how the target's genes and rage gene would be passed on.

They were at the Canadian facility three days later when the Omega subject began to wake up. The flight had gone well, and all the extra staff had been cleared out of the way. Dr Kendrick's new method was very effective at wiping people's memory over time. There were some side effects, such as personality changes, but nothing major; they weren't that important, and Dr Kendrick had just noticed the issue in passing and found it interesting.

Omega was taken for treatment and kept under control. Sedated and tied to the bed.

First would come full-body radiotherapy, then chemotherapy with steroids until her immune defenses would no longer grow back, and then. Omega had now been weakened and studied over several months. Some parts of werewolf genes and some compounds found in the blood of werewolves had been put into her system, teaching the subject's body to accept the new genetic material when it was put in. It would be the beginning of a new era.