
Looming Threat

Before the chapter starts I want to recommend another fanfiction on this site.

Inquisitor's Gambit: The Greybrand Saga

It is a nice work about Warhammer 40.000 that you should definitely take a look.

Anyway, here's the chapter!


In the soft morning light, Bann awoke wearing a contented smile, enveloped in Aurora's warm embrace. The voluptuous curves of her body cradled him as he savoured the tranquillity of the dawn. Yet, duty beckoned, and with reluctance, he gently extricated himself from her koala-like hug. As he attempted to move without disturbing her slumber, Aurora's long eyelashes fluttered open, revealing a glint in her eyes.

With a genial smile, Bann greeted her, "Good morning, my slumbering beauty. I apologize for the rude awakening." Leaning in, he bestowed a soft kiss upon her lips, and Aurora, though initially blushing, reciprocated the gesture.

His hand tenderly caressing her red hair while she purred in enjoyment, Bann spoke softly, "Take the day off. Rest and worry not." His eyes briefly lingered on the lovebites adorning her body along her creamy skin.

Despite Aurora's initial inclination to protest, the physical toll of their passionate night and the numb feeling on her crotch left her nodding in silent compliance.

Remaining ensconced on the bed, Aurora observed with a rare comfort and peace as Bann prepared for the day, donning his spandex and armour after a brief shower. Before departing, he shared parting words, "I shall return tonight. Remember to rest, okay?" Her response was a nod accompanied by, "I shall be eagerly awaiting your return." With her soft voice. Her eyes staring at his figure with a feeling that wasn't there before.

Opening a door that led towards a balcony, he threw a last glance at Aurora's resting figure, feasting upon her exquisite body on last time, before looking forward and floating away after bursting out his ki.

Thus, flying away towards the palace square where he saw movement ongoing as various ships transport ships starting to land. Their engines roared through the morning sky while Bann eyed the direction they came from. Which was the space station.

Descending gracefully, Bann observed logistical crews engaged in a frenzied dance, soldiers waiting in disciplined rows, and Battle Sisters, their demeanor somber and gloomy. Cielo, overseeing them, shared the same countenance. Bann landed beside her, his presence acknowledged with a nod. She greeted him with a tone of gravity, "May the Emperor grant you a good morning, Bann, for mine is not."

Intrigued and concerned, Bann inquired, "What is amiss? Why the long faces? I thought you were ready for departure." His eyes moved around with clear interest.

Cielo sighed deeply, disclosing the unexpected recall of all Orders to Okassis "That was the case, I even came up with acceptance of their departure. Until the choir received a message asking for all the Orders in the sector to head back to Okassis." She paused as her body tensed.

Staring at Bann while she said "An unprecedented attack is on the way towards our cardinal world. And my sisters are about to head to the call." Her tone was solemn and pained as she said this. While her fist clenched tightly.

Noticing that it wasn't a simple call made, Bann let out a sigh as he said "By looking at your faces I guess is one of those calls that never end well." Receiving a nod from Cielo.

Who added "Indeed, the enemy this time cannot be reason with I fear. And more than one of my sisters is sure to perish."

Looking at the assembling ranks of soldiers and the transport ships opening their doors, Bann lamented out loud "It's a shame we don't have our ships ready to travel. Or else I wouldn't mind lending a hand to y'all." He knew that many of those he was seeing now were bound to die in that battle.

That was always the case in Warhammer.

And knowing their closeness with Cielo meant that their death would deeply affect her, made Bann want to help them out. Just because he wanted to prove the point that let him allow her to be at his side in the first place. The horror of the Imperium and the need for someone who would put an end to all the corruption ongoing.

Why would they need to waste so many lives, when they could adopt Xenos technology and improve the survivability of their soldiers?

With a heavy sigh, he patted Cielo's shoulder as he touched his scouter, to communicate with his companions.

"In four hours I want you all in the space station for training. And Ramela, fill me up with the advances made by the scholars." As he ordered this, he gave one last pat on Cielo's shoulder as he said to her "I'll be going then, you'll be staying here?"

Received a nod from her part as she said "I'll see them taking their ship before heading back inside."

Letting out a sigh, he simply floated up until he reached a good height until he accelerated his speed and headed towards the space station.

It was time for the Inquisitor to leave the planet. But not before leaving behind some... people at Bann's hand.

Rising his speed he left some glances at the moving transport ships while Ramela filled her reports.

It seemed that some progress was made, well, at least in the knowledge department. As some scholars started to learn the raw materials for most of their creations. Some of which never were discovered by the Imperium. Or it might be, Bann didn't know.

But the important part was that the foundations for deeper knowledge were being learnt by the scholars. And surprisingly, one of the Tech-Priests that were in charge of infrastructure was able to grasp some gleam about an important piece of building.

A gravity chamber.

It wasn't anything crazy like Bulma was able to create with hundreds of G, but the gravity of planet Vegeta, as it was part of the process of making kids that weren't raised on the planet, to get accustomed to it.

Nonetheless, considering that they were on a planet with the same gravity as Earth. That was more than enough to let a large grin appear on Bann's face as the promise of large improvements in his power level was enough to make his blood boil and look forward to the future.

After eyeing one of the hangar bays, Bann slowed his speed as he entered the space station which was surprisingly livid as people came and went through the corridors and large hangars.

Not stopping to look around he went towards the Royal Chamber where the Inquisitor was still held prisoner in ki chains. Eyeing his countenance and golden armour, Bann let out a smirk while he eyed the Astropath and Augusta alongside the man. Serving him food.

Noticing his appearance, the two women went rigid as they eyed Bann with apprehension while the Inquisitor simply glared at him. His eyes lacked the fierceness of days ago, which was understandable after everything that happened.

Tapping in front of the man, Bann didn't lower his head; instead, he fixed a piercing gaze upon him before remarking, "Good morning, Inquisitor. I bring tidings that may brighten your day." The ostensibly cheerful tone dripped with sarcasm, a fact not lost on anyone in the room, yet an anticipatory hush lingered as they awaited Bann's next words.

Closing his eyes and turning towards the window, Bann continued with a tone that conveyed the weight of finality, "Today marks the occasion when you'll bid farewell to my planet, never to grace it with your presence again."

Gannicus felt his blood seethe at the sight of Bann's retreating figure. Clenching his fists, he gritted his teeth, silently cursing, 'This bastard!' The desire for vengeance burned within him, an ember waiting for the right moment to blaze. However, now was not the opportune time to voice his ire, as it appeared his adversary was ready to let him depart.

Turning around abruptly, Bann declared, "However..." His gaze shifted towards Augusta as he continued, "... some things are destined to linger. In this case, it would be your delightful little psyker." A devilish smile adorned his face, relishing the discomfort evident in Augusta's nervous gulp and downward gaze.

Biting her lips, Augusta fought back tears, desperately preventing them from streaming down her face. The weight of impending separation and uncertainty hung in the air.

Gannicus, momentarily puzzled, observed his cadre with confusion until he caught sight of Augusta's distressed expression. A surge of rage threatened to consume his mind, embodying the ferocity of a devoted follower of Khorne.

"What have you done to her!? Despicable scum!" His anger seethed through clenched teeth as he glared vehemently at Bann.

Swiftly transitioning from his devilish smile to an unamused expression, Bann retorted, "Everything has a price, Inquisitor. In the case of your life, your cadre has paid dearly to ensure your continued existence." The remark nearly caused the Inquisitor to burst a vein in anger, the tension in the room escalating with every passing moment.

Just as Bann was poised to continue his words, an inexplicable force seemed to constrict his throat, and his eyes widened like dinner plates.

His heartbeat quickened, drowning amidst a chittering noise that invaded his mind. The cacophony reached such an unbearable volume that, for a fleeting moment, it threatened to tip him into madness. An oppressive sensation gripped him, and an ominous foreboding of impending doom took root in his consciousness.

Growing increasingly agitated, Bann scanned the room, his frantic gaze met with frowning gazes from those present. The tension thickened until the Astropath and Augusta crumpled to the floor, unleashing blood-curling screams that resonated with the sheer intensity of pain.


Their anguished cries echoed through the space station as blood spilled from their eyes and orifices, their hands clenching their heads tightly. The symphony of agony reverberated, joining a chorus of escalating screams that permeated the once-quiet station. Bann, now pallid, stared through the window, a sense of dread settling over him like an impenetrable shroud.

What could only be described as a violet nebula, an otherworldly spectacle, unfurled and encroached upon the surroundings. Simultaneously, a solar flare lashed out, striking both Faradras and the space station.

Sensations of hair standing on end coursed through Bann's body, urging him to act. Swiftly, he reached for his scouter, a lifeline to his teammates in this dire moment.

"Quick! Come to the space station, now!" Fear-laden voices of Ramela and Aprit pleaded urgently through the device.


"H-Hey man, what is going on!? The people here started to go crazy!"

Refusing to repeat himself, Bann bellowed, "GET YOUR ASSES HERE NOW! IF YOU WANT AN EXPLANATION, YOU'LL HAVE ONE HERE," abruptly severing the communication.

Releasing the Inquisitor, Bann moved toward the man's position, unceremoniously tossing him in front of the window. Urgency lined his voice as he demanded, "Tell me I'm not going mad. Are you witnessing the same as I am?" The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on both men as they stared into the unfolding cosmic chaos.

Initially, Gannicus harbored the desire to unleash a torrent of curses upon Bann for his mistreatment. However, as his gaze shifted to the windows, an unsettling realization crept over him, rendering him momentarily pale and dry-lipped.

Frozen in place, he confronted the sight he dreaded – Tyranids, an existential threat he never wished to witness. "...Tyranids..." he muttered, slowly regaining his composure. A stern expression etched onto his face, he turned to Bann, rising to his feet.

"If we want to survive, we have to face this together. With the forces on the planet, there's no way we can survive this." His tone resonated with solemnity and grim acceptance, his rage momentarily eclipsed by the dire reality. Gulping down his pride, he made this admission.

Bann, scoffing at Gannicus, retorted, "That's why I freed you. If you weren't about to propose it, I would have forced you to do it." Touching his scouter once more, he activated the scanning function. "We're going to need every clever mind down there if we wish to make things work." Amidst the chaos, Bann's mind swirled with a maelstrom of ideas and plans, each fleeting second birthing and discarding countless strategies.

"Bann! The devourers of the void are upon us," Urocain's voice cut through the air like a blade, a chilling underscore to the wails of anguish that filled the chamber.

Both Bann and Gannicus wheeled around, their eyes falling upon the entrance where three Eldars strode into the Royal Chamber. The Inquisitor's face twisted in a grotesque dance of anger, disgust, and an undercurrent of deep-seated hate. However, he stifled the torrent of curses that threatened to escape, swallowing hard, inhaling deeply before moving to aid Augusta and the Astropath. Now was not the time for confrontations with the Aeldari, not in the face of the impending catastrophe.

As Bann eyed the Eldar trio, he nodded gravely, acknowledging the gravity of their situation. "We're in desperate need of your assistance in this dire hour," he uttered, the weight of impending doom hanging heavily in the air. Gulping down his anxiety, he reached for his scouter.

*BIP ..... Ti-ti-ti-ti-ti*

The scanner whirred to life, its mechanical hum punctuating the ominous atmosphere. Urocain's pledge to aid reverberated in response to Bann's plea. "We shall exert every effort to aid you in this trial – our first as uneasy allies, tested under the crimson stain of blood."

Yet, in the wake of Urocain's commitment, Bann remained motionless, a pallor settling over his countenance. His body trembled, not just from the tangible fear in the air, but from the weight of an impending calamity. Each breath quickened, parching his lips, as if the very air had grown thin, and an unseen force constricted his throat. His chest felt as though an insurmountable mountain pressed down upon it, bearing witness to a grim revelation.

In the dim light of the chamber, his horrified gaze fixated on the red lens of the scouter, revealing a number that defied comprehension – a sinister tally etched in digital doom. This was a revelation that transcended mortal horror, a glimpse into a realm where the line between survival and annihilation blurred, and the shadows of an impending apocalypse loomed large.

'This cannot be possible...' He thought to himself horrified while staring at the number.




12 chapters in advance on my patreon.

The Tyranids are here!

SrDevoxerocreators' thoughts