
Sailing: Lightning Dragon Slayer, Build The Fairy Tail Emperor

After taking on the pirates, Su Yu awakened the Fairy Tail system and gained access to the fully leveled Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic, which enabled him to create the Fairy Tail Guild. By completing guild upgrade commissions, members can earn rewards and unlock new characters such as Fairy Queen Erza and Demon Mirajan. As the guild grows in level, powerful figures like Kaido of the Beasts, Hawkeye Mihawk, Marshal Sengoku, and Whitebeard take notice and seek to form alliances. The members of Fairy Tail, including Erza, Mirajane, Nami, Juvia, Robin, Vivi, Wendy, and Irene, are all skilled fighters, but also enjoy a playful side and often ask Su Yu about his romantic interests. https://wap.faloo.com/1301788.html

Alex081904 · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs

Chapter 19 We Are Fairy Tail

The journey on the Grand Line began with a visit to Whiskey Peak. After some unexpected events, the main quest in Alabasta was activated.

"First, tell us your names and identities!" Su Yu asked knowingly.

He knew the identities of Vivi and Igaram very well. However, Elza and the others didn't know, so it was necessary to ask.

"I'm Igaram, and my code name as an agent in Baroque Works is Mr8!"

"I'm Vivi, and my code name as a Baroque Works agent is Miss Wednesday!"

Igaram and Vivi spoke one after the other.

"Baroque Works? Is that an organization?" Mirajan asked.

"Yes!" Igaram nodded.

"The Baroque Works is a criminal organization in the Grand Line. They engage in various illegal activities... Their ultimate goal is to build an ideal city, and the reason why everyone works so hard is because..."

In order to save Princess Vivi's life, Igaram didn't hide anything and revealed everything about the Baroque Works.

"Wait a minute, you just said that you don't know the identity of the boss? You don't know who you're working for? You must be lying to us!"

Nami narrowed her eyes and stared at the two of them.

"It's true. The Baroque Works is meant to be mysterious, and only one person in the entire organization knows the identity of the boss!" Vivi said.

"Miss All-Sunday, she's the partner of the boss!" Vivi replied.

"Miss All-Sunday? Well, that's irrelevant. But since you've taken action against us and failed, you should pay a price. Where's your little stash of treasure?" Nami rubbed her hands together and her eyes gleamed with the thought of money.

But soon, Nami's pretty face collapsed again. Because this bounty hunter base was also poor. Almost all the money collected from pirates in the past had been handed over to the higher-ups.

They hadn't made any profits in a long time, and the first order they received was from Su Yu and his party.

"Hey, Miss Vivi," Mirajan walked up to Vivi and took her hand gently. "I can sense that you're a kind-hearted girl, so why did you choose a life of crime?" Mirajan asked gently.

Vivi bit her lip tightly, shook her head and remained silent.

"Do you still want to keep hiding it?" Su Yu spoke calmly. "You have another identity besides being members of the Baroque Works. You are Princess Vivi of Alabasta and Igaram, the captain of the Arabasta royal guard."

Princess Vivi and Igaram looked up at Su Yu in disbelief. Even though they had just met, Su Yu had revealed their true identities in one fell swoop.

"What! The Princess of Alabasta?" Nami, Erza, and Mirajan were all surprised.

"Why would a princess of a country join a criminal organization?" Erza asked, clearly confused.

Igaram was confused and not making sense when he said that Princess Vivi is not from Alabasta.

"Forget it, Igaram!" Vivi shook her head with a wry smile.

"That's right, I am indeed the princess of Alabasta, and the reason why I joined the Barlocke Work Club is all because of..."

Now when Su Yu sees it through completely.

Vivi will say that everything is really happening in alabaster.

"She was a brave princess who put her country first and wasn't afraid to give up her status to join a criminal organization in order to uncover the truth behind the civil conflict. She's truly remarkable!" Mirajan looked moved.

"If that's true, why not be upfront about it from the start?" Erza said.

"Elusha, because the president of our family is the 'big murderer' who offers a reward of 80 million. It is not uncommon in this sea to kidnap a princess and demand a huge ransom from the kingdom!" Nami explained the reason.

"I understand," Erza said with a nod, aware that Su Yu was a wanted criminal and therefore Vivi and Igaram regarded him as a pirate.

If it had been a guild familiar with Fairy Tail's values, they might have made a different decision.

However, Erza looked at Su Yu and realized that he was in control of the situation, and that this was likely his plan all along. Just as Erza expected.

"So, it's about time we discuss the important matters and get straight to the point now!" Su Yu turned his gaze towards Princess Vivi.

"Now, there are two choices for you" Su Yu said.

"I choose the path that ensures Princess Vivi's safe return to Alabasta. I don't think it matters much what I say, but that's my decision." Igaram quickly raised his hand to answer.

"Let's hear what he has to say before we make a decision," Mirajane reminded them.

"First and foremost, let's start with this: we'll part ways and pretend we never met. Despite your past actions against us, we can still share a meal together and let bygones be bygones," Su Yu said.


"Alright... so what's the second option?" Igaram asked with a hint of hesitation, despite his eagerness to choose the first option.

Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't resist asking. Su Yu remained silent and instead looked at Mirajane.

Mira, who had been observing the conversation, remembered something and pulled out a pen and paper from her small bag, which she then handed to Vivi.

As soon as Igaram asked the question, he realized his mistake and felt like kicking himself.

"Oh no, why did I ask that?" he thought to himself. It was clear that Su Yu's intention was for them to write a letter to the king, asking for a ransom in exchange for Princess Vivi's safe return.

"Miss Vivi, please write down what you want to entrust here!" Mirajan said.

Vivi and Igaram were caught off guard just as they were about to write the letter.

"Don't you get it? It's a power of attorney - what you want Fairy Tail to do on your behalf," Nami explained.

Vivi and Igaram stood still, stunned by the realization.

"Vivi, do you not wish to uncover and resolve the underlying cause of the civil unrest in your country? This task can be entrusted to us. However, if you prefer to handle it on your own, we will respect your decision and not interfere any further," Erza said.

Vivi was surprised and asked, "Who are you guys?" to which Su Yu responded with a smile, "We are Fairy Tail."