
The mountain.

Ayden was awakened by the ringing of his scroll indicating that it was time to wake up. He looked beside him and saw yang sound asleep, her head resting on his chest.

Last night was pretty hectic if he could say but he enjoyed every part of it. He got up while making sure not to wake up yang, he placed a kiss on her forehead which made her mumble in an adorable way.

Yang: "Mhmmmm.....five more minutes....."

He got dressed and left the room, he went to the cafeteria to have something to eat before leaving. Once satiated he headed for the area where the ships land. When he arrived he could see winter, ironwood and ozpin that he was waiting for him.

Winter: "You're late!"

Ayden: "Sorry I'm not the morning type."

He and Winter boarded a ship which was to drop them off near the area where the White Fangs had established their base.

Ironwood: "Remember, your mission is to neutralize the numbers of white fangs present in these mountains. Our first analysis tells us that they are planning a potential attack on the vale but nothing is certain so be ready for any eventuality!"

Winter: "Yes sir!"

Ayden didn't answer and sat down in his seat. Before the ship's doors closed, Ayden could see Vigil flying towards them at full speed and entering the ship.

Ayden: "Do you want to be part of the mission mate?"

Vigil just nodded back. The ship took off and headed for the mountains.

Ayden decided to pass the time by trying to talk to Winter.

Ayden: "Sooo... how's life in the atlas army?"

Winter: "Focus on the mission!"

Ayden's mind: "(witsle) worse than his sister...."

Suddenly his scroll started ringing, when he saw who was calling him a smile appeared on his face.

Ayden: "Hey Whitley!"

Whitley: "Hello ayden! I was calling to check on you."

Hearing this, Winter couldn't help but turn her head towards him with a look of surprise on her face.

Ayden: It's nice of you, but right now I'm on a mission, I'll call you back when I'm done.

Whitley: "Of course I understand, I'll be waiting for your call."

He hung up when he noticed winter staring at him.

Winter: "Where do you know whitley from?"

At that moment ayden turned to her with a smirk on his face.

Ayden: "Focus on the mission!"

He could see Winter's jaw clench in annoyance and she turned her head clearly annoyed.

Ayden's mind: "That'll teach you."

The rest of the way was silent when they finally arrived. The pilot stopped above the forest a few meters from the mountain to avoid being spotted. The doors opened and ayden and winter jumped out followed by vigil.

They landed without difficulty and moved towards the mountain where the base of the white fangs was. After several minutes of walking they finally arrived at the entrance of a cave guarded by two groups of white fang of about ten people each.

Winter: "I take the group on the left, you take care of the one on the right."

No sooner did she finish her sentence than she came out of the bushes in which she was hiding and headed at full speed towards the group of faunus thanks to her glyphs and knocked them all out with incredible efficiency.

She turned around and saw all of the group of white fang on the right completely knocked out on the ground and ayden waiting for her leaning on the wall of the cave.

Winter: "Seems like I judged him a little too quickly, he seems to know how to handle himself."

She joined him and they entered the cave. Inside they found other white fang but nothing too surprising apart from the fact that there were a lot of drilling tools.

Ayden's mind: "What can they be looking for here, to bring back some tools, maybe another temple?"

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard whispers coming from far away.

Ayden: "Did you hear that?"

Winter: "Heard what?"

Winter didn't seem to have heard anything. Ayden could still hear them. they were very high-pitched, it was as if someone was speaking in an unknown language.

They continued on their way and arrived in a large room where the white fangs seemed to have established a construction site where they perforated the cave in search of something.

Winter and ayden continued to advance when they were surrounded by about thirty white fang. A woman came forward and spoke.

"So they're the two intruders coming to make a mess of our site but we can't let them interfere with our research. Brother and sister, kill these two filthy humans.

The white fangs all charged in unison, winter drew his sword while ayden stood still.

Winter: "What are you doing!"

The white fangs were only a few feet away and when they were ready to jump on them...


Everything froze, the only ones who were able to move were Ayden and Winter.

Winter had a shocked look on her face, not understanding what just happened. Ayden on his side activated his gloves and started knocking out the faunus one by one.

Seeing him do this, Winter refocused thinking that he must have been the one who was behind all this and began to knock out the white fangs too.

After a few seconds, all the faunus were knocked out and time resumed its course, dropping all the unconscious white fangs to the ground.

The only one who was still standing was the one who had spoken earlier and who seemed to be their leader.

"What the hell just happened!" She said completely panicked.

She then turned to Ayden and Winter with a murderous gaze and pulled out what looked like a detonator.

"If we can't have what's in these ruins then no one can!"

She activated the detonator and several explosions sounded in the cave. The ceiling and floor began to shake and collapse.

Ayden and Winter were dodging rocks falling from the ceiling but the floor started to crack and they fell. Ayden activated her ki and flew towards winter then grabbed her like a princess and landed several meters below. He created an energy barrier around them to protect them from the avalanche of rock that fell in a shrill crash.

When calm returned and the landslide was over, the energy barrier disappeared. He looked up to see that the floor they were on had completely collapsed.

Ayden's mind:" I hope falling into holes won't become a habit because otherwise it's going to be boring."

Winter: "Excuse me!"

He lowered his head to notice that he was still carrying Winter like a princess. He put her down and straightened up.

Winter: "Thanks....for the help."

The tone of her voice showed that she was not one to rely on others to help her.

Ayden: "You're welcome."

They looked around and what they saw was rather strange.

The place where they were was filled with very old weapons planted in the ground.

Myo: "Well well, it looks like you've landed in an ancient weapons cemetery.

Ayden's mind: "Weapons of the past..."

They began to explore the surroundings on their own, both intrigued by what they had just discovered.

Winter walked through the weapons for a moment when she noticed a sword with a very long blade with blue patterns at the base of the blade. It gave off a kind of intense cold feeling but Winter didn't mind it and approached the sword and pulled it out of the ground.

When she did this a frozen current ran through her body but it was not unpleasant for her, on the contrary it was indeed strangely comforting.

On his side, Ayden walked through the cemetery of weapons which seemed to have no end when suddenly the whispering resumed but this time it was much clearer.

Ayden: "Do you hear that myo?"

Myo: "Yeah I hear them too."

Ayden walked through the weapons as he walked towards the whispers. he walked for a while before suddenly stopping.

Myo: "Here, it seems that we have found the source of the whispers...."


"Is everything okay Ayden?"

On his side ayden was motionless when he saw the weapon which stood in front of him. A weapon he would never have imagined seeing here.

Ayden: "No..... There's no way... how is..... what is she doing here!!!!!"

GG! to anyone who will recognize ayden's sword.

toby_gwackcreators' thoughts