

Glynda Goodwitch POV

"Thanks for letting me go on this trip, Glynda."

Rin thanked her with a grin as she waved it off.

"No problems, Mr. Rin. Besides, this can be taken as bodyguard training for my Huntsmen."

She said, glancing at the number of Beacon students in the Bullhead, a type of helicarrier. They were on their way to the Forever Falls when Rin told her some great news.

"Oh, by the way, I've got a new worker for Leblanc. She's more of my muscleman since she has Aura, super strength and all, but I've been teaching her how to brew and cook... Even if she's horrible at them. How could you burn water?"

That prompted Glynda to chuckle at the expression that Rin had showed, a face of regret and resignation.

"It couldn't be that bad, Mr. Rin."


He had an unreadable face, as if remembering the ordeal before shuddering.

"Glynda, Leblanc almost burnt down from boiling water. Water."

He emphasized "water" before massaging his temples after taking his glasses off, playfully glaring at her without them off.

She also heard a thump sound in the student's area, to which she just ignored.


"Should I visit some time to make sure that it doesn't burn down? Ice Dust can very effectively persevere Leblanc's legacy."

She had a teasing smile as Rin's face darkened.

"Don't joke with your Dust Control, Glynda. I still don't get how you could use one single crystal of Dust to freeze a whole building. That is horrifying the first time I seen it online."

Ah right, her feats of Dust usage from the past years had been posted online. She still remembered when she visited Leblanc for the second time, and Rin had warned her not to use any Dust at all near the store.

Good memories.

"Are you sure? Just a pinch of fine Ice Dust could go a long way."

"Well, if anything, I'll just invoice Ozpin the damage."

He said it nonchalantly before they had a grin on their faces (She had a ghost grin instead since she had to hold some professionalism).

Eventually after talking about coffee and new recipes (She was very excited for something Rin called Leblanc's signature curry bread), the Bullhead finally landed in the pad of the Forever Fall forest.

Requesting the pilot to come back after two to three hours time, she watches as the pilot skilfully take off from the helipad into the skies.

Thankfully, there was a camp near the helipad, no doubt constructed by previous Huntsmen who had clients that wanted the sap in bulk, since Forever Fall sap was very well known in Vale.

So, they took off to the camp, with her surveying the cameras installed in the forest for any high density Grimm activities.

At this time of the day, which was at 10 in the morning, Grimm appear less often since they were nocturn monsters, but one has to make sure just in case since she had the lives of 16 Huntsmen and a civilian in her hands.




Pyrrha Nikos POV

"The forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sight see."

Professor Goodwitch reminded everyone who was staring at the redness and beauty of the forest.

Her? She was busy staring at Rin's face who was enjoying the forest.

Rarely, Pyrrha notices that Rin does not realize that he was not wearing glasses, during work or when they were alone together. It was as if he didn't need glasses at all, to which he explained in one of their "dates" alone in the store.


"Well, I don't really like attention that much, so one of my — Uh — acquaintances at the time recommended me glasses with no lenses to blend in with society."

He said as he took his glasses off, and handing it over to her. She accidentally grazed his fingers before putting it on her face, resting it above her nose as she poses.

"H-How do I look?"

She asked shyly with an embarrassed blush at the stare, to which Rin gave a smile.

"Scarlet, you look beautiful even without glasses."

He said before taking them back directly from her face, not noticing the burning red blush at the comment.

"Anyhow, sometimes wearing glasses for a long time hurts my nose, so I forget to re-wear them once in a while."


Add his glasses-less face with the current view and you're left with a masterpiece. She so wished to take a picture, but that would make her look like a creep, doesn't it?

So she tried her best to remember each individual detail as much as she could in her memory.


She was snapped back to reality when Jaune tapped her shoulder with a concerned look. Briefly glancing behind him, Rin was still staring at the red trees of the forest.

"Oh — Y-Yes Jaune?"

"I was calling you for about a minute now. Ms. Goodwitch told us to start collecting sap."

He points with his thumb at Nora and Ren who were enjoying collecting sap... Well, Nora was.

"Renny! Look! SAP!"

She quickly started drinking the sap in the jar when it was full from a cut on the bark of a red tree.


Ren had a voice of disappointment as he facepalmed.

"It's nothing Jaune, just... enjoying the view."

She said with a sheepish grin, her eyes drawing back to Rin who had a relaxed face before quickly helping Ren restrain Nora from eating all the sap.




Blake Belladonna POV

The view was certainly amazing. So much so that she took a picture at lightning speed with her speed.

Of course, she was talking about the view of Rin staring with a therapeutic expression.

She adds it into her Rin folder, adding the total to 1,381 pictures and making sure to lock it so that no one would find the folder if anyone got her phone before continuing to collect sap as if she was doing it all alone.

Sometimes, having speed faster than the surrounding people was so. so useful. Especially when you can stalk — document! — your crush's handsomeness.




Jaune Arc POV

Ugh, he thinks that he's allergic to this sap.

Looking at his hand that had red dots that were extremely itchy made him recorrect his statement.

He was definitely allergic to this stuff.

Telling his team about this, he was now strictly forbidden to handle the sap and was escorted to Ms. Goodwitch for treatment.

She gave him antidote pills that worked somewhat, the itchiness still stung, but the red dots disappeared, so that was a plus.

Ah, seeing Rin made him really want to talk to him, to thank him for teaching him how to use his weapons, but he remembered what Rin told him at their last meeting.


"Do not talk to me around any Huntsmen. In fact, act like we don't know each other, Jaune. If you tell anyone that a civilian taught you how to fight, they'll be suspicious of me and drag me to whatever it is, alright?"


He swore not to talk about Rin at all, but darn does he want to talk to him. Having Ren as a friend was cool and all (His only guy friend in Beacon), but Nora is always with him, so they couldn't do any guy's talk without being interrupted, even if Nora acts like a bro.

Now back at the team, he was listening in on Nora and Ren's conversation (That's what the team normally does since it's free entertainment) about sloths and their natural habitat when suddenly his eyes catches something behind Pyrrha.

His eyes quickly widened when he saw Cardin and his team with gleeful smirks, their hands cocking back holding onto what seemed to be jars of sap.

His brain quickly recalled something that Ms. Goodwitch said before she let them go for the collection.


"Remember, everyone, the sap is a natural attractor for Grimm! No matter what, do not, under any circumstances, drench yourself in sap, else you will be a Grimm attractor for Grimm around a mile from you as the beacon!"


Pyrrha was point-blank, even if she reacted in time, it was going to splatter all over her skin. She was going to be a beacon for Grimm. His friend was going to attract all the Grimm in a Level 3 Grimm Zone. 

All because of him being a wimp, all because of him.

And without thinking, his body started to move on its own.


Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.

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