------Being completely rewritten, this is the Archived version------
-----This is the archived version I am rewriting this whole story as I did not like how it was going. Repeat this is the archived version and won't have any chapters past a certain point------
"Nice shop, what does this place even sell?"
A silver haired boy walked into the store with a girl with green hair and red eyes. Her skin was quite nice too, She was cute. Though I assume shes the one to be cautious of... Hmmm the boy didn't even seem to have a semblance, were these really the people my parents were scared of instead of me?
"We sell antiques, All genuine artifacts. Some even go all the way back to the colonial days of remnant."
"Aren't you a faunus? Why would you sell stuff like that? Weren't the faunus enslaved back then?"
Really they were gonna play the back and forth nice everyday people bit with me?
"Nah we learn things from history. Today is better than yesterday because we learn from our mistakes. In time we will likely have a better world for the struggles we face tomorrow."
"Woah! that's a great line, imma keep that one if you don't mind?"
"i don't, but you should hurry up with your bit. Its a little boring, unless your friend here wants to bend over and show me her ass?"
The room briefly darkened as the girl turned to face me.
"Oh wow! I did not expect that..."
"Illusions or Hallucinations really? You I assume don't have a semblance or you don't know it? Is this really it?"
They both stopped and stared the whole thing they were doing dropping away. The girl was slightly red, but would recover from my remark and her subsequent slip up with her powers.
"Fine, let's hurry this up! Your parents owe some things. We are here to collect on that debt."
"Oh don't worry they got what they deserve, specially for using what wasn't theirs for gambling purposes. They had a nice funeral though, the fuckers apparently put money aside for that, but not my schooling."
"You killed them? Damn, huh... Well I guess you still have to pay for them. I think you can agree on that right emerald?"
So Emerald was her name good to know. The silver haired one I still didn't know, but looking how he was about to attack I doubt his name would matter. He jumped toward me to attack, but as he made his way closer I grabbed his leg and it was over.
His body still had momentum but he collapse mid air and his body fell apart. It seemed he had metal legs...
"Thats unfortunate, I thought he was powerless...Oh well, do you also wish for death lassy?"
I stroked the horns on my head, staring at her. She was certainly conflicted, ultimately she backed off walking out of the shop.
"That's right walk away, you have lovely hips... Come back with you boss next time little lady!"
"Fuck you creep!"
She then stormed out to pissed off to remember her dead friend it seemed. Maybe she was just really cold hearted though and they weren't friends oh well. i grabbed the corpse and thought of a good enchantment that could get rid of it.
The corpse then faded into dust that I would need to sweep up. The metal legs I just dragged to a corner and put a for sale sign on them. Not like i needed them, might as well sell them.
-------------The rest of the chapter is just me explaining the semblance of Mars---------------
Enchantment can place a set of properties onto whatever the user wants. It works in a certain radius but with the help of certain enchantments and clever uses it can go a long way.
Enchantments only require the statement of Enchant: and anything following it will become a enchantment as long as it makes sense. There is limits like bring back the dead and they only last for 24 hours unless they cause permanent damaged. Like death doesn't last 24 hours, but making an enchant:slippery would only last 24 hours.
Enchantments can be used in sequence stacking powers and making combos. even permanent time can be add if something like enchant:permanency is placed onto an existing enchantment. He has to say permanency to make it permanent...
Combo enchantments can be made and be used like combo enchant:Never ending bouncy ball this would consist of Enchant:slippery,Zero-G,Infinite Inertia,no friction,bouncy,permanency.
Phrases can be used like enchant:explosive trigger 5 seconds to create a grenade.
Finally Command prompts can be made like Enchant:repellent force caused by action snapping fingers,permanency. Causing an enchantment to always occur when Mars snaps his fingers.