
Road to love

It is a story of a girl named Ira. She is heavenly beautiful,quick witted and a middle class family's girl whose only family is her grandfather. She struggles to live her life freely and happily but what happens when her life intertwines with business tycoon Adyanth? Is this her facade or a true self? Adyanth is a handsome,stern,cool and aloof CEO of Acharya group of companies. He is the richest man of the country at the age of 27 years. He is in search of his childhood crush Lakshya ,when he stumbles upon the life of Ira. Thus,the path of their lives gets entangled and leads to their road to love. But what happens when the life they portrayed to the world turns out to be not exactly the truth? Will they stand with each other in ups and downs of life? Through this story, experience the journey of two mysterious people's path that lead to their ROAD TO LOVE. This is a original story and not a translation. This is my first time writing a novel and I am not a native English speaker ,so pardon me for any mistakes. The cover page does not belong to me and is taken from Pinterest. Credit goes to its original owner.

Ruthu_Hegde · 都市
25 Chs

Chapter 14: Let's try it out.

"He he don't mind him. Can you accompany me for the day,if you don't have Any work", she asked with a stupid grin and a little bit shy because he had heard everything.

Adyanth also heard everything and his focus was mainly on 'Love and Love you so much' said by that 'idiot'. He remembered the report given by Shiv and suddenly felt that it was none other than Laksh. And again why would he set up his girl with someone else if he is her boyfriend. He felt relieved with his own imagination.

" oh I don't have any work today. I can accompany you wherever you want. Let's pray in the temple and then go to your home ,so that you can do your work",said Adyanth feeling giddy.

And thus they prayed in the temple and it was the first time for Adyanth because he never believed in god and so never visited the temple but he followed everything as Ira did. Actually for Ira , he felt like a little puppy following her ,waiting for her orders. 😂

She knew what Laksh meant by his words. He was ready to accept Adyanth ,even though he wanted to test him more and he wanted her to try it out with Adyanth. So she also thought about it when in the temple.

"Um Adyanth can you take me near my home , I have some work there".

" oh ,are you taking me to your home Ira. Does it mean you have accepted me as your friend?",said Adyanth with a happy face.

"Nope. I don't have keys for my home. Natya took it out. That idiot is planning to set me up with you" ,said Ira ,scolding Laksh.

"Oh ,I don't know whether I can ask you or not. Who is that guy who called you earlier. Why is he trying to set you up with me. Does he like me that much?" Asked Adyanth playfully.

" He and liking you. Don't even dream about it. He is just finding me a guy to marry and his first target is you ,that's it. He can't share me with anyone else" ,said Ira ,with a gentle smile on her face.

Adyanth felt that he is very important to Ira. But he also didn't get their relationship. He felt that they are very close to each other ,but again if he is her lover ,why would he want to get her married. He has money and power in another country ,so if he wants to marry her ,he can marry her easily.

"Can I know your relationship with him ? At least I think we have become friends,so I just asked you out of curiosity."

"Um ,how can I describe our relationship ,we are actually friends but he is more like my younger brother. Its just siblings relationship.don't over think it. Whoever sees us thinks that we are in ambegious relationship", said Ira with an awkward smile.

" oh ok. So ,what do you think about that blind date with me. Actually we couldn't even talk with each other. So ,I just asked you. My grandpa asked me to ask you this".

"Adyanth. You did not want to marry me in the first place. So just tell your grandpa that it didn't work out. I don't have any problem with any guy that my grandpa asks me to marry. So if he wants me to marry you ,I will definitely marry you if you agree", said Ira straightforwardly.

" actually I can also try it out. But I want the girl whom I marry to like me ,at the least. It shouldn't be a business marriage. So it you don't want to marry me ,then let's just become friends",said Ira ,hoping to gain her trust by becoming her friend and then making her fall for him.

"OK. Let's date. There is no need to become friends first. I think we are already friends. I can try it out with you. Grandpa and that idiot ,both wants me to give you a chance anyway", said Ira ,as if it didn't matter to her.

Even though her tone was like that,Adyanth felt that he is on cloud nine,because he thought of taking everything step by step but here she was giving him a chance to woo her. And thus time went by and they were near her house. That tiny 10 years girl came running when she saw Ira in the car. Ira gave her the money she got from selling thosw flowers to Adyanth and asked her to take care and call her if she needs anything.