
Abandoned Start

When I rose from my sleep; I had thought that I would be sleeping in my tent. But I wasn't even in my tent, I was laying on the ground. And the bright sun shined into my sleepy eyes forcing me awake.

When I had risen from the ground and stood on my bare feet, I looked around my surroundings.

"Hello! KEVIN! GUYS!?"

'Why would they just leave me like that? I dont even know where I am!'


"Hey Natalie, some friends are going camping you wanna come? It'll be a blast". Kevin was my crush, a total hottie. Dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, five foot eleven inches, and was a football star in college.

So I knew or figured that maybe if I went camping with his friends I could get closer.

'If I can see how he likes to have fun then I will for sure know what to do to make him mine!'

Agreeing with him to go, I had rushed home after talking with him from the college. It was so exciting and thrilling to go on a camping trip with him, like the gods had wanted us together.


Now here I am. Lost in the middle of a giant forest unknown what to do next. I figured that if I found a stream then I could follow it to hopefully civilization.

The forest was beautiful and all but it was a week of camping to only get left and abandoned. '...maybe Kevin didn't mean to leave me... it's not like school is in what two days? Break is over soon and I'm gonna fail interior designing if I dont make it outta here".

Walking in my pajamas and barefoot, scared of what may happen to me I embarked into the forest in a random direction. 'If only I hadn't fallen asleep on the way here I would have known which direction to go from the site'.

With leaves crunching and birds chirping the sun shining bright and the nearby river trickling like a waterfall the rapids were pleasing to the ear. That is when I realized I heard water. Water! It was such a coincidence that through listening to my surroundings I was able to find the right direction to walk.

Heading in that direction I never thought I could be any happier.

'Maybe when I get back to society I can call Kevin to pick me up... even more time with him!'

Arriving at the precious destination I bent over the water to stare at my reflection. I had long light brown hair just above my waist and bangs that lined up with my eyebrows. My hazel eyes stared back at me and I then realized that I didn't have my concealer to hide my freckles. My freckles had went across my nose and some scattered around my face lightly. 'eww it looks like I have many many flaws to cover, and my grossly pale skin too.'

That was when I realized that I was near water and the sun shined super bright. Taking off my shirt and pants I was left in my laced black bra and underwear. It was basically like a bathing suit just not meant for the water. Staring at my body I seen the scars on me that scattered randomly. I was a bit depressed after my mother had passed, and my siblings were taken away from my alcoholic father. I was set free from the foster system, since I was eighteen then and nineteen now, I needed to get a good housing place to get my twin brothers back to me. For now though I was stuck in a one bed, one bath, and kitchen.

'I wonder how Brian and Ian are doing in their foster home right now...'. Smiling I remembered when they jumped into the pool holding hands, but Ian let go last second and didn't jump in with Brian. They fought the whole time at the pool and at the end of the day they ate ice cream happily. 'That was when mom lived though... and dad wasnt even touching alcohol or cigarettes.'

Walking slowly into the river to climb on the big rock in the middle of the river I felt the chill of the water slide past my legs. The current had seemed to have gotten stronger from when I started. Worried I was thinking of turning back but I had not crossed that part of the river to just turn back and allow my feet to hurt even more.

The rocks had been either rough or slippery. The small shells that littered around the rocks had looked super sharp so I figured that they could actually cut my feet. Thankfully the water had been so clear I could see where I was stepping.


Starting to climb on the rock it wasnt slippery or rough to climb on. It was hard to describe but my feet and hands were able to grip onto it really well to climb.

Making it to the top in less than ten seconds I layed down proud of my achievement. 'Not in a sport but still able to work my body in tough situations', "I wonder if Kevin would be proud of me for crossing the strong river and climbing this rock. I mean not most girls would get in water that fish and critters pee and poo in right?"

After finishing my speech out loud I heard a rustle from the opposite direction where I had came from and to be honest I was really scared.

"w-whos there? I'm not scared to use..." looking around I seen a pebble, nope. "these hands! I am really good at fighting so; so come out!..."

Not hearing anything anymore I realized I had only spent not even an hour awake in the forest and was already going insane.

Then I heard a deep, gruff voice from the way I heard the rustling. It was husky and manly, soft and gentle. Totally contradicted each other and worked so well together.

"Who are you?"