
RISE OF TYRANT(love of tyrant)

[WARNING- it contains mature content AND violence] JUNE...A simple,innocent and sheltered girl got ABDUCT just before her wedding day and when she got to know that the man who kidnapped her is none other than the trustworthy man of her soon to be husband she got shocked! She argue with her kidnapper "No!!...why did you kidnapped me??..he is DEVIL!!...mafia ruler ..he will kill you!".. but the answer she got made her shocked!.. "LET'S SEE MY DARLING~" he is just a guard!... BUT he gives different VIBES...A vibes of a king....A DORMANT KING... _________________ THIS IS A STORY OF A MAN...who is capable enough to RULE WHOLE UNDERWORLD MAFIA. A MAN who will burn the WHOLE world for his DARLING. A story of a MAN who will fight to become stronger....to protect his DARLING~ BUT WHAT AFTER GETTING STRONGER???? "WRECK HAVOC ON EARTH JUST FOR HIS DARLING!------ -----JUST TO HAVE HER!!!!"

silkystorm · 都市
51 Chs

she is a beauty?


I sigh and gaze at where she fell down,their are still some students standing at that spot.

did they got something to discriminate her?

my anger rose at this thought unknowingly and i strode towards them.

"where are you going Rey?",i halt as grey asked from my back.

"5 min",i said to him and again begins to strode towards group of boys.

it will be rude and they might suspect if i directly ask anything so i just passed by them in slow pace when I heard one of them,

"I click a photo lets look..."he said and i peek at him as more boys move to him.

one of those peek into his cell and said loudly,"OMG "

"she is beauty...not ugly!"the one earlier said again while gazing at his marvelous action of capturing the photo of someone without their consent.

"tsk"i click my tongue at this thought and heard one of them saying loudly,"share it with other...god...she is so cute...but..tsk only half face revealed"

it's good that only half of her face is revealed.she looked like a scared bunny when she fell down.

wait?...bunny?....m i giving her names?

noway,i shook my head and again heard the first boy ,"I will share it on boys group!"

sickly bastard!....why don't you just mind your own business?


I frowned and pull out my cell and gaze at the message which i received from grey.

grey,'(bro...see I told you she is beauty...she is so cute)'(message)

"hahaha",chuckle left my mouth. i can literally picture in my mind, how much that guy is excited , from his message.Let's just download it.

i clicked on download.

if i knew this will happen then i wouldn't have done something like peeking into girls room.

gazing at the screen,image downloaded and i click on it to view and gulp down my anxiety which i don't know why I'm feeling.

she is wearing white oversized hoody with small skirt.her eyes are hooded downward,not that much like Chinese but still they are.her skin is like a porcelain full white and she is gazing down with her black hairs are all messed up making her small face half visible due to covering up by hair.

'ting',again message pop up from grey,"(her photo is going viral on... everyone is saying that she is beauty and that's why she is hiding her face!)"

"(hmm)",i messaged him back.

'ting' again message pop up from him.

"tsk!..what now?",i mumble,i m getting frustrated while talking about her continuously.

"(bro her name is june)",he message me her name but why?

"(why?)",i asked him in short in message.this man knows me very well.

'ting',again message pop up from him,"(i thought you might be interested~)",

"(you will train double tommorrow )",i messaged him back and walk inside building.


'ting'(hey noway---)

'ting'(i was joking....)

(don't bro~)

i gaze at his continuous message poping up from back of screen and chuckle.now tease me!




i ran with my all might and reached my home.

opening main door i peek inside,mommy is not here and dad must be at backyard.

I close the door behind and ran towardd my room.

my heart is still beating loudly.

walking to my bed and falling down on it on stomach,sob left my mouth.

"sob..sob...you are such a coward",i don't think they saw my full face.

but when I saw his smile at me my heart became anxious remembering smiley's message.

there were many who were holding cells.

what if they capture my image?

i hurriedly grab my cell and open forum feeds

"noway?",my heart sank.

they captured my image.

i know ...now that everyone has seen my face they will think of me as scaredy cat who hides her face fearing about boys wooing herself.

and what if girls starts bullying me?

but only half face is visible!.....then what if some tried to pull my hoodie to look at my whole face?

"no~",i don't want this.

i begin to bite my nail while mumbling,"what...what do..I Doo...I..will not attend lecture..for some days"

then i remember that develish looking handsome boy,he too was there and was even gazing at me.

"goshhh",did he saw me falling down and my skirt too?.

my ears and cheeks begins to burn,how will I face him in future?

but do i even need to face him?....i won't even get a chance to talk with him.

"but he smirk at me arrogantly, didn't he?",then i remembered his smirk.

"ummm",I can't think anything.

let's just get underground for some days~

i will not attend lectures for some days!....this is the best option!.



{days went by}

after three days----

today is Thursday,

it already night time I just had dinner with my family and after small walk I lay back on my bed.

It's been three days that I haven''t went to university

'ring ..ring'

"huh??",my cell?...who can this be ,this late at night?

it's from alexa.but what happen this late at night?

i picked up hurriedly,"hello?"

"babe what happen??",alexa said from other side and i can feel worry and anxiety from her tone.

"it's been three days??why are you not attending classes!!",what?..i can hear amelie's voice too.

i pull cell and gaze at screen," is this conference call"i asked to them and they both said yes and again Alexa continued.

"it's been three days sweety!"

i too want to attend but I cant,"I..I...my face...got reveal!!"

i don't want to hide this they might have already known the reason.

amelie said softly,"ohh..sweety...it's only half revealed"

so they know about that incident.

"...they still don't know your fullfacd...so don't worry and come attend your lecture"Alexa said.

"b...but",i tried to refute but alexa cuts me off,"it's order hmf!".

"yeah...hmmf...we miss you and we are with you so don't be afraid",Amelie tried to coax me.

she is not wrong though,"ummm...okay..I will come tomorrow"

after some talk we all went to sleep.

gazing at ceiling i begin to wonder what will happen tommorrow?





___to be continue ___