
Rise of The Withered Flower

When the beautiful Queen of the Aritish Kingdom fell from grace, no one lend her a hand. The whole Kingdom shunned her. She was used and betrayed by her husband. She was forced to watch the massacre of her whole family with her own eyes. She was forced to commit suicide. The moment she drank a cup of poisoned wine bestowed to her by the man she used to love with all her heart, she made a vow. If she ever gets another chance, she will turn everything the other way round! Maybe the heavens pitied her; she woke up to find out that she was given a second chance in life! Now, she was determined to prevent the tragedy. Destroying all the people who wronged her in her past life became her only goal! To achieve that, she completely changed herself. "You are just a withered flower now." These were the last words she heard from the man whom she devoted herself to, but... She tried to make sure that she won't ever hear such a word again. "I will never be a withered flower again. No... I won't even be called a 'flower' again. If people were to describe me, I will make sure that 'fire' is the word they choose. Like blazing fire, I will burn and cause harm to anyone who dared to come near." She picked a sword instead of a mirror; an armor instead of beautiful clothes. In no time, she became the most famous and powerful General of the Aritish Kingdom! She was known as a cruel and emotionless General until... a powerful yet mischievous Crown Prince entered her life. He was never in her plan and it was why she called him the side-effect of her unexpected second chance! Much to the frustration of she, who was coined as a bold and sharp-tongued General; she always found herself at her wits end whenever this 'sly' Crown Prince was concerned.....

Frosby · 歴史
150 Chs

Who Are You?

While his General was calmly narrowing her eyes at the red hibiscus flower that the stranger offered to her, Vicus looked at the exact flower as if it was the deadliest thing in the world!

His mind was busy thinking of how General Eloria would react until... he saw her calmly getting off her horse. He quickly did the same but he still was on high alert.

Eloria Camer still had her gaze on the red hibiscus and she briefly glanced at the young man who had a little smile on his face all the while. His smile appeared simple but in her eyes, it was composed and hard to see through. It had her wonder if this man had some other motives.

"My lady -"

The stranger's voice died when Eloria took the red hibiscus from his hand but let it fall to the ground. Then he watched as she trampled on the flower with her observing gaze never leaving him. At the sight of this, Vicus let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding while another young man who was with the brazen stranger simply raised an eyebrow.

"Did I -" Before the stranger could utter the third word, the General's sword was already pointed in his throat!

The other young man who was surprisingly calm before... had now lost all his cool. He walked forward and was about to unsheath his sword when he saw his master slightly lifting his right palm. The gesture indeed made him halt but it didn't take away his anxiety. "My lord!"

"Don't complicate the situation, Andry," the stranger commanded.

Hearing the order, the young man named 'Andry' reluctantly withdrew his hand from the hilt of his sword and took a step back. However, his keen gaze was still on the sword that was pointed at his master.

How dare her!

"I think there is some misunderstanding," the stranger spoke up; his words directed to General Eloria Camer. "I was only -"

"Who are you?" Eloria Camer coldly brushed the man off. "I can feel that you're not some ordinary person. Do you approach me on purpose?"

Though he was at the end of the sword which she controlled, Eloria still struggled to read or see through the young man. This only made her more impatient.

Should she just kill him to avoid the trouble that she sensed?

"I don't know what you're talking about," the stranger said in a 'calm' voice that even surprised Eloria though she didn't show it. "I'm not from here."

"You're a traveler?" She asked and somehow, she started to think it made sense that she didn't remember herself seeing him in her past life.

"Yes," the stranger replied. "I'm from Emerido Empire."

Emerido empire? That's one of their closest allies. The late first queen of Aritish was the Princess of Emerido and even after King Horace remarried, he still managed to maintain a good relationship with the Emerido empire, all thanks to his three sons who were the nephews of the current Emperor of Emerido.

Eloria recalled how Andry addressed the young man who was standing before him and believed that he must be some noble from Emerido. If that's the case, she knew very well that causing any harm to this stranger would only backfire on Aritish.

Though she didn't really care for the kingdom, she was tired of wars.

With all these in mind, Eloria Camer withdrew her sword and put it back to its sheath. "Leave before I change my mind," she uttered in a rather cold tone.

Vicus was surprised by this but he didn't intervene as he knew that it wasn't his place.

As if to test her patience, the young man's gaze was on the red hibiscus that she trampled before and the General found her patience running dry as each second passed!

What did he think he was doing?!

Much to Eloria's surprise, the stranger bent his knees and picked up the broken flower. "I don't know your problem but I think this flower is innocent, My lady," he muttered and then shifted his gaze to her with a little smile on his face.

As much as she felt the urge to point her sword again at him for testing her patience, Eloria decided to hold back. She had so many things to think about rather than pushing herself into a complicated situation by losing her cool!

Without saying anything to the stranger, she mounted her horse. "Let's go." Her words were directed to Vicus who nodded right away. Then they left the place with the young man's gaze trailing at Eloria until they were out of his sight.

Now that he and Andry were the only ones in the deep forest, a little smirk appeared on the young man's lips as he threw the spoiled flower away. Then Andry quickly stepped forward again. "Are you alright, Your Highness?"

"General Eloria Camer is more interesting than what I heard through the reports," the young man nonchalantly commented, ignoring his right-hand man's question. "Don't you think so, Andry?"

"She is indeed fierce and intelligent, Your Highness," Andry responded with his gaze lowered.

"We will see that," the young man muttered and turned to his right-hand man with a malicious smile. "I have a feeling that my trip to Aritish will be worth more than I expect."

"Shall I notify Pierres to meet you, Your Highness?"

The young man dismissively waved his hand at the suggestion. "He will come himself. That is if he still remembers who his true master is. For now, let's go and greet that dear uncle of mine." He emphasized the word 'uncle' as if he disdained the word.

"As you wish, Your Highness."

* * *

After having dinner with his children, King Horace Varence was on his way to his working chamber. The moment he walked inside the huge chamber, the gaze of the Aritish King instantly fell on the man who was quietly standing near the opened windows, looking up at the sky. One glance was enough for him to identify the man though he only saw his back.

The young man who was near the window heard the sound and then turned around. With his gaze on the King, a smile appeared on his face but it never reached his eyes. "Long time no see, uncle." His smile turned to a sarcastic one when he corrected, "Or should I say ex-uncle?"

"Hemeri," King Horace uttered with a face that was hard to understand, seeming to be unfazed by the young man's obvious mocking words. "To what do I owe this abrupt visit?"