
The Auction

It was the day of the auction and Amden was currently travelling towards the auction venue in one of the most luxurious cars this world had to offer.

Car in the ear of mana were vastily different from their predecessors. Gone were the days of Petroleum or Gaseous energy. They now worked either on mana stones or the monster cores. Cheaper and ordinary cars worked on monster cores while the luxurious and costlier car harnessed its energy from the pure mana stones.

Amden was enjoying the view from car window from the front passenger seat while Cilia was driving.

The venue of the auction was located in eastern part of the City. One of the most famous business company on the planet, Moonfox Consortium was their destination.

The car soon reached the venue. Cilia ahd already made arrangements for themselves in one of VIP room.

Amden comfortably took his seat in his reserved VIP room and Cilia took ger seat next to him.

The room was lavisciously decorated with all kinds of costly decor placed around.

All the VIP rooms were on the first floor of the auction house. The gorund floor of the auction house was the common area and also housed the stage. Each VIP room had large one way glass window which gave them the perfect view of the common area and the stage below. There was also a large screen on the right wall displaying everything from the common area and a mike near the sofa.

The windows of the room could be opened from inside and it led to a small terrace outside the room. Few people were standing on their terraces too.

A mature lady dressed in red outfit arrived on the stage and announced in her charming voice, "Welcome everyone. I will the host of today's auction and without wasting any time let us start."

With her announcement the auction went into a flow and the lady controlled the auction with her will. Many low priced common items were sold at higher prices due to her wit.

In this flow a sword was showcased upon the stage. The sword was rusty and blunt. It just appeared like a metal scrap.

Everyone frowned at the appearance of the sword. The lady spoke, "You all must be wondering why would be auctioning this sword in this auction. Well although we were not able to discover anything special about the sword or could use it to unleash a single skill, the material it is made up of is quite intriguing. No matter what we couldn't cut it or melt it."

Hearing this everyone's expression changed. The red dressed lady contunued, "If you are interested then place your bids. The initial price is set up at 100 D Rank mana stones.

Hearing the price everyone's jaw dropped. One C rank mana stone was equivalent to 10 D Rank one. One B Rank was equal to 10 C Rank. Similarly all mana stones had a conversion of 10. This didn't mean that the mana contained in mana stones were 10 times more than the lower rank one.

The rate of conversion took into account many things mainly the mana purity contained in the mana stone. Higher the rank of the stone higher would be the purity of mana and more easier and efficient to absorb.

On the other hand Amden was extremely excited. He was set to get this sword. Not because he felt anything special from the sword but because the moment sword was brought up on the stage the cube inside his consciousness had started to vibrate as if telling Amden to bring the sword fast.

Amden was about to bid when an arrogant sound came from another private room, "One hundred ten D Rank stones."

In this room was Trot Wilson, one of the heirs of side branch of the wilson family. He was accompanied by three beautiful girls. He was trying to show off and impress them.

Along with him present in the room was another youth Ravien Carter of 21 years age and was already at peak E rank only in three years. Successor to the eliteCarter Family. The Carters were of equal status to Vantistarts. Ravien was sitting like king as if everything was beneath him.

Those girls whom Trot Wilson wanted to impress were sneaking glances at Ravien. Trot was basically a lackey to Ravien.

No on bid after Trot. Just as he was about to boast more Amden's voice resounded, "One hundred thirty Mana D Rank stones."

Expression on Trot's face turned ugly. He gritted his teeth and yelled, "One hundred and thirty five."

Trot then walked to his balcony and turned towards Amden's room and spoke, "Friend I am Trot Wilson. Why don't you let me have this sword. I would definitely repay the favour in future. A Wilson's favour is very valueable." He emphasized on the name Wilson. He wanted to pressurize Amden using the Wilson name.

Amden's voice then again resounded, "one hundred fifty."

Trot's face turned even more ugly. Being ingnored and humiliated made the young Wilson rage in fury.

He yelled towards Amden, "Do you really want to make an enemy out of Wilson?"

Trot turned towards his guard and nodded. The guard released his C rank pressure towards Amden's room.

A man with peak A Rank strength was sitting in one of the rooms. He was the protector of this Moonfox branch. He wanted to stop Trot from making a move in the auction house but knowing that a Carter was also in the room he decided eventually against it. As long as no one was murdered things would be fine.

As Amden had arrived silently, unlike Ravien who came with a lot of fanfare, no one knew that in the other room was a Vantistart.

Trot was about to laugh and mock Amden when all the Trot guard's pressure instantly disappeared.

Then a feminine but bone chilling voice resounded, "Act one more time and I will have your head."

[Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]
