
Rise of The Realm Dominator嘿

Go Read my most recent book: Rise Of The Primordial Sol Invictus

WriterTheos · ファンタジー
4 Chs

God Of Death

As Lance continued on this path atop his own nimbus, a powerful gust of visible green wind swirled around in front of everyone, creating a beautiful current before slowly transforming itself into a large figure.

After only a few seconds, the winds had turned into a full man the size of a mountain!

Many gasps and faces of shock made their way through the crowd of billions of people, as Lance looked on in awe.

The gigantic figure in front of him in the sky was a male who looked to be in his mid-twenties but gave off an aura as if he had lived for eons.

His complexion was utterly pale, and his face resembled the utter beauty of Aphrodite herself, having no blemishes or flaws whatsoever.

The color of his eyes shined a deep blue hue, as his long blonde hair flowed in the air.

A large, attention-capturing grin existed on his face as he finally began to speak.

"Welcome, all ye who have entered here, by choice, or by force!"

His divine voice boomed through the cosmos, sending waves of force powerful enough to destroy stars, yet not having any effect on the people present whatsoever.

Before a confused Lance could tell anything, millions of people were already cheering for the being in front of him.

"Judging from my appearance, you mortals should have already guessed my identity! That is if your world is blessed by the gods, of course! Correct! I am the one and only, supreme... God Of Death!"

As his powerful voice sounded, Lance noticed that its tone was not one of false confidence or even arrogance.

No, it sounded like he was speaking the pure truth.

Lance was shocked at this reveal, as he had expected the god of death to be a dark figure representing dread and despair, but here, his expectations were blown away into the wind... literally!

Looking around, however, he noticed that most people already knew that fact.

'If your planet is blessed by the gods huh? Does that mean that the planets blessed by gods are the ones that get visited by the gods? That would explain why these people know the appearance of the god of death.' Lance thought to himself, as it was the only logical explanation.

He wasn't surprised that Earth wasn't blessed by the gods, after all, it was a moral-less planet run by greed and exploitation.

Why would any god ever visit such a rut?

"Those of you who have committed more sin than good in life will enter the red river!" The divine being immediately spoke, not wasting any time.

"Once on this river, you will have a chance to be chosen by a god to reincarnate into another world! However, if your luck betrays you, this river will plunge into a waterfall, sending you down a pit into one of the 9 underworlds!"

Hearing this, Lance immediately began to listen intently.

'So... there is a hell and heaven. If the red river is hell, the blue one must be heaven.' He thought to himself.

"Each stage of the underworld becomes progressively worse, as it is the land of demons and monsters! The 1st stage, Hell, is the least torturous and weakest, while the 9th stage, Naraka, is the worst and most powerful! If you somehow manage to survive any of these underworlds for 1000 years, you will once again be reincarnated! If not, your soul will forever be trapped in the divine lake of souls that exists in the depths of Naraka!"

After this hefty explanation, Lance noticed countless people beginning to pray to their god in hopes of being chosen to reincarnate.

He, however, had never believed in a god and instead cursed god for forcing him to live such a horrible existence.

To pray to a god right now seemed fake, and on top of that, he didn't even know which god he should pray to.

He didn't know much about any of the gods.

"Do not fret, however! Those of you who have committed more good than sin will enter the blue river! Once on this river, your chance to be reincarnated is guaranteed!"

'What?' Lance thought to himself in a slight shock after hearing this.

'So the blue river doesn't mean heaven?'

He evaluated these circumstances for a moment and quickly came to the conclusion that reincarnation was far better than hell.

However, the fact that heaven wasn't a choice was quite peculiar nonetheless.

"Ah yes! And for those wondering why a divine paradise, such as the land of gods, is not available to you, your philosophers and leaders have lied! The only way to enter the Immortal Realm is to become powerful enough! Cheer mortals, for even the likes of you have a chance to enter such a transcendent land!"

Just like that, Lance's question was answered.

'I suppose it is something that most would think of, so answering it beforehand was definitely smart.' He thought to himself.

Unlike the millions who were hoping for heaven, and were denied it upfront, Lance was actually quite happy about this.

He knew that as long as he became strong enough, he could enter the land of gods.

For now, he didn't know whether he even wanted to or not, but all that was left to do was await his trial and hope for reincarnation!