
Rise of the Martial King

In the world of martial “Rise of the Martial King” is an epic tale set in the world of martial art, following the journey of Wu Hao as he strives to become the strongest warrior of all. Wu Hao is a martial arts prodigy who dreams of becoming the strongest martial artist in the world. Despite being the pride of his family, Wu Hao is not satisfied with his current level of skill and seeks to improve himself through training and challenging other martial artists. Will he achieved his dream in becoming the strongest in the world of Martial.

Yukiii123 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 5: Part 2: The old man, The Ancient Beast and The Dark Phoenix Clan

"The Dark Phoenix Clan? I don't know much about them, but even if I did, I wouldn't care. If your clan is doing evil deeds, I will oppose it as a martial artist. I am completely against evil martial artists who do bad things, like hurting an innocent creature," Wu Hao said in a cold and determined voice.

The black-robed man laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "Innocent? This beast is a danger to us all. It must be destroyed."

Wu Hao shook his head. "There must be another way. We don't have to resort to violence."

The black-robed man sneered. "You are naive. Violence is the only language these creatures understand."

He raised his weapon and charged towards Wu Hao, his eyes filled with a fierce determination. Wu Hao dodged his attack with ease, using his martial arts skills to counter each blow.

But the black-robed man was skilled and experienced, and he quickly gained the upper hand. He landed a powerful blow to Wu Hao's side, sending him crashing to the ground.

As Wu Hao struggled to get up, the black-robed man approached him, his weapon raised and ready to strike. Wu Hao knew that he had to act fast if he wanted to survive.

"You're not worth our time" The Black-robe man said before releasing a black smoke around his sword and the sword now filled with a demonic power that could killed anything along it path.

As the black-robed man raised his weapon for the final blow, Wu Hao tried his best to dodge it. In his effort to avoid the attack, he accidentally broke the talisman that the old man had given him. The talisman shattered into a thousand pieces, leaving Wu Hao feeling vulnerable and exposed.

But just as the black-robed man was about to strike, something strange happened. The space in front of Wu Hao cracked open, and a figure appeared before him. It was the old man from the house where Wu Hao had found shelter the previous night.

The black-robed man stopped in his tracks, his weapon held at the ready. He looked at the old man with a mixture of fear and respect.

"Master," he said, his voice low and reverent. "We did not expect to see you here."

The old man looked at the black-robed man with a stern gaze. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"We were just... taking care of some business," the black-robed man replied, his voice unsteady.

The old man shook his head. "I know what business you are taking care of, and it's not something that I can condone."

The black-robed man looked at Wu Hao, then back at the old man. He seemed to be weighing his options, trying to decide what to do next.

Finally, he lowered his weapon and stepped back. "We'll leave," he said, his voice resigned. "But this isn't over. We'll be back."

The old man nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I'll be ready," he said.

As the black-robed men left, Wu Hao looked at the old man with a mixture of gratitude and awe. He had never seen anything like this before, and he couldn't believe that the old man had just saved his life.

"Thank you," he said, bowing deeply.

The old man smiled and nodded. "You're welcome," he said. "But don't thank me yet. The road ahead is long and treacherous, and you'll need all the help you can get."

The old man smiled at Wu Hao and introduced himself. "My name is Master Li," he said. "And I have a long history with those black-robed men."

He went on to explain that he had been a teacher at the Martial Arts Academy many years ago, and that the black-robed man who had attacked Wu Hao was one of his former students. He had taken the young man under his wing, hoping to teach him the ways of the martial arts and guide him towards a path of righteousness.

"But he was too ambitious," Master Li said, his voice heavy with regret. "He wanted power and glory, and he was willing to do whatever it took to get it. He turned to the dark side, and I could no longer support him."

Master Li went on to explain that he had left the academy and retired to a quiet life in the countryside. He lived alone in the small house where Wu Hao had sought shelter the previous night.

"But my peace was short-lived," Master Li said. "Yesterday, a pack of wolves appeared out of nowhere and surrounded my house. I was ready to fight them off, but then you arrived, and I saw potential in you."

He went on to explain that he had given Wu Hao the talisman as a way to help him on his journey. He believed that Wu Hao had the potential to become a great martial artist and that he could use the talisman to protect himself in times of need.

Wu Hao listened to Master Li's story with interest, amazed by the old man's wisdom and kindness. He felt grateful for the talisman and for the chance to learn from such a great master.

"I will do my best to live up to your expectations," Wu Hao said, bowing deeply.

Master Li smiled and nodded. "I have faith in you," he said. "But remember, the road ahead will be difficult. You will face many challenges and obstacles. But with determination and a little bit of luck, you can overcome them all."

Wu Hao looked around and saw that the ancient beast was still lying on the ground, its breathing shallow and labored. He realized that while he and Master Li were talking, the black-robed men had left the beast to die.

Wu Hao felt a pang of sadness in his heart. He knew that the beast was innocent and had not deserved to die in such a cruel manner.

He approached the creature, knelt down beside it, and looked into its eyes. He could sense that the beast was in pain and suffering, and he felt a deep sense of compassion for it.

He closed his eyes and whispered a prayer for the beast, hoping that it would find peace in the afterlife.

As he opened his eyes, he saw that the beast's breathing had become more regular, and it appeared to be gaining strength.

Wu Hao felt a surge of hope in his heart. He realized that the beast was not dead, but merely injured. He knew that he had to help it.

He looked at Master Li and said, "We have to help it. It's still alive."

Master Li nodded in agreement. Together, they used their knowledge of the martial arts to heal the beast's wounds and ease its pain. They worked tirelessly, using herbs and other natural remedies to help the creature regain its strength.

Over time, the ancient beast slowly recovered, and its wounds healed. After healing the beast, Wu Hao and Master Li witnessed an incredible transformation. The ancient beast advanced from a grandmaster to a sage low class. Wu Hao was amazed as the creature changed form and spoke to them in human language.

"I am grateful to you, young man," the ancient beast said to Wu Hao. "You have saved my life, and I owe you a great debt."

Wu Hao bowed respectfully. "It was my honor to help you," he replied. "I could not stand by and watch as the Dark Phoenix Clan attacked an innocent creature."

The ancient beast nodded in agreement. "You have a brave heart and a strong spirit," it said. "I can sense that you have a great destiny ahead of you. I would like to offer my help and guidance in your journey."

Wu Hao was surprised but honored by the offer. "I accept your offer," he said. "Thank you for your kindness."

The ancient beast smiled. "Then let us begin," it said.

As they walked, the ancient beast explained that it had the power to change form from a beast to a human, and that it had chosen to help Wu Hao as a way of repaying him for saving its life.

"You are a brave and noble warrior," the ancient beast said. "I believe that you have the potential to become one of the greatest martial artists of our time. With my help, you can unlock your full potential and achieve greatness."

Wu Hao was humbled by these words. "I will do my best," he said. "I am honored to have your guidance."

Master Li nodded in agreement. "You have made a powerful ally, young man," he said. "Together, the two of you will face whatever challenges lie ahead and emerge victorious and about The Dark Phoenix Clan you don't have to worry about them taken revenge on you they won't dare to step in the Martial Arts Academy if they do those old men will make sure they won't be able to come out alive."

After speaking the space behind Master Li crack and he go into the space and disappear leaving only another talisman and a ring for him and left a word to him that "Base on your talent i am sure you will pass the entrance exam of the academy. After that don't forget to bring this ring back to one of the master in the academy name Master Liu Feng and he will know what to do next. If we have If we have the temperament, we will meet again"