
Ch 1 I tried...


I was always an average boy, I was good at studies yes only good in studies, I was even talented in Cooking but I never made it my passion or some type of hobby because... I don't know why I never tried cooking that time, let's forget about it, as I was saying I also always loved and cared about everyone else around me. My family was also normal and they too loved me and my brother. Talking about my family we were four members My mom, dad, little brother, and me? I don't know about myself. My brother was born when I was about 3¹/² years old.

Soon the time flew, I was in high school and my brother was in middle school last year, and I was also in my last year but my marks were slowly decreasing compared to my middle school and the reason was a lack of attention.

I know it sounds pretty lame but when I was doing my best and no one around me was paying attention to me or praising me, all the confidence, competing feelings, fighting spirit, all these types of feelings were no longer of any use to me, they all were hidden now and they were too deep to reach and at that time as I didn't have any more courage because I already lost all my hope and there was no one to help me, and because of those feeling hidden I always got low marks in my last year of high school but after getting low marks in my pre-qualifying exams I got scolded by my teachers, yes they scolded me and never listened to me, and even if I wanted to tell them what was wrong with me I couldn't say a word to them as I was afraid of myself and the people surrounding me because for some last months I never really talked to anyone else. Instead, I made a diary and I never got to talk about it or share the things that were happening to me so I remained a coward at that time. But in the future, I did remove my cowardness.

That day when I reached home I went towards the main hall and saw my parents, and they were praising my brother because of his marks in the subject and they didn't even ask for paid any attention to me or even bothered to ask me for my marks. I still remember that day as if it happened yesterday. At that time it had been 5 months since I saw my parent's faces clearly because of my cowardness I couldn't see them properly, I don't. Know why I always saw white cross covering their faces so I didn't even talk to them. So as always I went to my room and cried myself to sleep with a locked door. The next day I downloaded some social apps. When I woke up I took my phone connected it to the wifi and downloaded some social apps like Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, Yeah, I never had any social apps because I always wanted to prove myself. After downloading I connected them with my google I.D. And started using them.

It had been one week since I left the room other than for the school because it was still important. and as soon as I reached home, took out my phone and constantly watched the videos, reels, and other things which I enjoyed. Today I had a new reel it was about some type of animation, it had some type of red-eyed freak and he also had some designs on his eye, he was wearing armor and had a gunbai, I don't know exactly what it was called at that time because I saw what it was because I saw its name in the comment section and the man he was so cool. He had a purple eye and long hair and he was just kicking and fighting thousands of ninjas I think? I never watched that thing fully because it was only a scene but it gave me chills and I searched for it and found out what it was and what that animation was called and where I could watch it.

Well, it was my biggest mistake, not a literal mistake but I think it was honestly the best mistake I could make. It's not like I regretted it or anything but from that day I had discovered a new world and a new side of myself. Well, all that happened 6 months ago and tomorrow was my birthday and I was finally going to become independent. Yes if you still don't know I was going to be 18 years old and I could finally leave my home without any government issues and policy matters. I already had enough savings for myself it was like 1-2 million. I had saved them and did some part-time jobs such as cooking, Yes I started cooking again for money and as for how I got that much money well, I also did some gambling okay? In some hours the night took place and as soon as the clock hit 12 I went to my home's Front Door and unlocked it leaving the goddamn house. Before leaving I wrote a message about leaving the home and left the paper on the dining table. Well, there was no other way to inform them about it, I also clicked a picture of it as proof with time and date too so they can't say anything as they own me.

I thought about what I would do after leaving. The first thing I had was to graduate.

It had been six months since that time and today was finally my graduation day. Well, I had no friends whatsoever and I just took my grades and graduation papers and left the school alone like always.

Well, in these last six months I had made my new bank account and started investing in stocks and I had a lot of bitcoins. People paid them for some work. And I saved them quite a bit, I had almost 200 some. And I saved them for, you know about using them in the future? But today I think it was my lucky day as soon as I graduated, The prices of bitcoin went crazy and I had almost 50-55 million dollars. I think I am set for life now.

I had already got the money in exchange for them and now I can enjoy my life.

Well, I also had some of the stock money too but I placed it in my savings account for the future. I then shifted to a new city and a new apartment that 'I' owned. I already had a car from the money I got from the stock market and I knew that I was ready to start another new life... The house that I bought had two bedrooms, a dining hall, a kitchen, the main hall with a television, a roof with a small store room and a basement big enough to have a television which I bought, a sofa, and a lot of shelves for my anime and manga collection which I bought in the future.

It had been twenty years since that day and I was filthy rich now and I almost had a lot of or you could say almost most of the anime stuff bought.

Action figures, manga, games, stickers, etc, etc...

I heard about my family once they were struggling to live and I being the kind one paid them some money for a living, and it was 8-9 years ago I think.

I also donated a lot of money to the charity and helped a lot of innocent people who didn't have the money for release from jail, because you know how the bribes work and I found a lot of people who bribed the lawyers and got away from jail... Well, I was also not an innocent person I also bribed a lot of people and even killed them but I never killed an innocent person only some people with crimes such as rape and murderers.

I had lived a long life I think I didn't want to live any more than that... I don't know why but I lost the will of living such a normal life where I had everything and I couldn't handle the thing called life anymore.

[Flashback over]

After remembering my whole life I went to my bedroom in a wheelchair... Yeah, I was not able to walk because some nerves that had connected my legs and spine were no longer active and I had to use the wheelchair. It's not like my injury can't be fixed but I decided not to get the treatment for the injury. I knew I would soon die because I already lost the will of living. After I reached my room (it was on the second floor and he used the sliding stairs and stairs for reaching there) I opened a secret door which was inside my room that contained a lot of different weapons. And after looking for a while I decided to take a weapon which will destroy my whole house with him... A grenade.

'Thanks for making me come into this world and good luck to all the people I helped, may God watch over you in the future after I will be no longer in this world. Well, at least I tried living the best I could. Goodbye world' I thought while unconsciously I had some tears fall from my eyes.

No these tears were not for missing my family or the way I lived my life. They were for the collection of anime and manga stuff I had.

And after a few seconds of crying wiping tears that we've fallen, I removed the pin

[3rd pov]

After John removed the pin the grenade was blasted along with the gun powder that was in the house and all the weapons in the room. The blast was so big that it had covered ten kilometers of distance from every side of the house. The grenade didn't kill anyone as he lived in a different part of the city with no population near him.


'I don't know where I am in the hospital? in heaven?

In hell? But one thing I know for sure is I can't move or can't see anything and all around me is only black .... Wait black? Means I could see and I am now sure I was not in hospital so where am I?' Did I think? Spoke? while staring at the nothingness?


'10 days? 10 years? I don't know how much time has passed since I reached here. I had almost fallen asleep here but I controlled myself and didn't sleep I don't know why but my feeling was saying I can't sleep otherwise I will be erased... But until now I had an idea where I was, I was in the void I could say for sure. Well after reading a lot of fanfiction, I could say that I am in the void now and there should be a god present here for giving me wishes I think? Well, let's wait more' I thought again while trying to move into the void as well as waiting for some R.O.B to help me.' I thought while trying to move forward and not lose my confidence.

[Time skip]

'I don't know how much time has passed since I came here. I just count some numbers and start from one again... I at least did that a thousand times and I also succeeded in moving forward but not like walking or crawling, I was just moving and I was so slow that if I was compared to a speed of a snail I am sure it would win.' while I was thinking that suddenly the thing I was waiting for came and it was a screen, that looked like a system I saw in my last life fictions. The message that was written on it was ->


You survived 10000 years in a void without sleeping or losing consciousness

A random omnipotent being (R.O.B) has taken an interest in your life and you have finally finished his trial for living in his void for 10000 years.

R.O.B was watching your last life. He was interested in it but in the end, after you died he decided to give you a new life In which you will entertain him and become the next '*!@' after becoming powerful.

The R.O.B has offered you three wishes that can be anything you want with three extra wishes for your first universe and your family in the universe and your looks

You have been given five hours for selecting wishes, please take your time.


From what I can understand there are a lot of voids and not only one, which is mhmm understandable.

The second thing is I was trapped here by the R.O.B for passing his 'trial' which I passed

And he is giving me some wishes and time to make me strong and as well as next '*!@'. Whatever that is I can't understand what is written but it must be his place and he wishes me to take his place after I become strong enough. I of course will take the offer and now onto the main part, the wishes, let's think about them

[continue in the next part]
