
Rise of the Black Jade's Sword [Wuxia]

Cheon Daiyu, the Ninth Princess of the Demonic Cult was the illegitimate child of the Cult Leader, making her the target of bullying and ostracization by his many wives. Confined in the Black Jade Palace, Daiyu discovers a strange violet marble in the forest one day after running away. 'You must swallow it.' Daiyu ends up eating the strange marble she found accidentally but it turns out to be carrying a fragment of the Fourth Heavenly Demon, Cheon Haoran's soul. The once feared Lord of the Demonic Cult materializes in front of Daiyu as a spirit and makes his decision. 'I'll make you the strongest Heavenly Demon in the Cult's history. After me, of course.' The strange relationship between the young princess and the most revered Heavenly Demon of all time begins! It is time for the Central Plains to witness the rise of Daiyu's sword.

mochilailah · 東方
24 Chs

Jade Demon Doctor

"The Heavenly Tournament is going to take place in two years." Zihan raised his tea cup and looked over at Daiyu who was sitting across from him. For the past six months, the Princess had followed a rigorous training schedule and her skills were developing at an unbelievable pace.

"Is that the tournament where Cult members can fight for promotions?" Daiyu had an idea about the mentioned tournament. It was held every five years and it basically meant to provide an opportunity for talented individuals to secure ranks within the Cult. The fifth Heavenly Demon came up with the idea so that the ranked members would stay on their toes and continue to hone their abilities.

"Yes, and I am hoping that the Princess will compete for at least the Brigade Leader's position." Zihan wanted Daiyu to go out and experience real fights to hone her skill. Since she did not have a sparring partner at her level here, there was a limit to how much she could grow.

"Oh. That makes sense. I never thought that stupid disciple of mine would actually follow through with my suggestion, considering how stupid he was." Haoran smirked and spoke with a proud voice.

'So you came up with it?'

"Of course. Did you really expect that bumbling buffoon to come up with something smart? He really hogged all the credit for it too."

"What do you say Princess?" Zihan asked again when Daiyu didn't respond.

"If Master Zihan believes I can do it, then I shall do my best not to disappoint you." Daiyu was feeling conflicted about stepping out of the Azure Protection Hall. The past half year had been peaceful considering the high level protection she was given.

"I understand why you may feel anxious. However, I shall be there to protect you if you are unable to do so yourself. That being said, I want you to go into seclusion training for half a year and travel the Central Plains for a year after that. You must build some real life experience if you wish to fight against the experienced Cult members. I will be accompanying you throughout your journey so I'm sure that the Heavenly Demon will allow it as well." Zihan had already thought about everything and covered all the bases.

"I understand, Master. Thank you for going so far for my sake. I shall do my best." Daiyu showed respect to Zihan, who had gotten up already. He was short on time since he had urgent matters to resolve but he wanted to inform his disciple about what he had planned.

"You will go into seclusion training next month. I will be busy with some affairs so I hope you don't skip out on your training if I'm not available." Zihan gave a warm smile and left the chambers after saying that.

"Say, do you know anything about a Jade Demon Physician?" Haoran went over to sit on a chair and put his chin on his palm.

"No. No one has ever mentioned that name before. Why?" Daiyu was curious about this new figure Haoran was talking about.

"Well, you could do with some divine elixir to build up your qi. Since you started learning late, your Qi is still lacking. I know where that senile old man might be hiding so let's go see him. Of course, he won't make you an elixir just like that so will have to pass his annoying test…" Haoran fell into deep thought again. Daiyu was confused about how he knew the location of someone who was alive more than two hundred years ago. The man must have transcended humanity if he has been alive for several centuries.

"Is he someone really strong?" Daiyu tried to pry some more information about the said man.

"Well, he was someone who had achieved the transcendent realm before I was even born. And being a master of elixirs probably helped as well. I'll tell you where to find it, so let's sneak out tonight." Haoran had a mischievous grin on his face. Daiyu had a bad feeling about his plan but she couldn't say anything either.


"How much longer am I supposed to wait, huh?" Ah Duo flung objects at the masked man, who was more or less used to her temper tantrums. He didn't dodge anything but simply let it hit him. He knew that Ah Duo would just get even more mad if he tried to dodge anything.

"Madam, we are waiting on standby to grab any available opportunity. The Princess has not stepped out of the Azure Protection Hall for the last six months and no one can sneak in either. It would be worse if one of us got caught trying to infiltrate the place." The man killed his annoyance and responded earnestly. He was not sure if Ah Duo simply did not understand the airtight level of security or did not want to.

"I don't care how you do it, but I want results. Don't let me think that I have been raising useless snakes. I have no place for useless pets." Ah Duo gave a menacing glare and the man by her side gave a condescending smirk. He had auburn hair and blue eyes, which were exactly like Ah Duo's.

"Now, now, dear sister. Let us calm down. There is no reason to rush anything." The eldest son of the Illusionary Sword Clan's patriarch, Jiahao put his hand on Ah Duo's shoulder.

"How can I calm down in this situation, older brother?"

"Let us be more patient. Our plan to have Yichen sit on the throne needs time and patience. We just have to take care of it when the time comes." Jiahao had a conniving look in his eyes when he said that. He had already thought of a plan to destroy all the variables that could threaten his plan. It was time for the Illusionary Sword Clan to become the most powerful clan within the Demonic Cult.


It was almost midnight when Daiyu and Hoaroan began their plan to sneak out. The security round the perimeter was too tight but Haoran had another way.

"We just sneak out through the basement." He spoke with confidence and the two descended down the steep stairs. Haoran moved around the perimeter of the hall, as if he was looking for something, and finally stopped at the farthest corner of the northern wall.

"There, push the second brick from the left." He pointed his finger towards the inconspicuous looking brick on the wall. Daiyu was doubtful that it would work but she pressed on it anyway. However, to her shock, a door made of bricks right next to Daiyu's palm opened with a loud creak almost immediately.

"What in the world?" The wall was so seamless that it was impossible to find the outline of the door.

"It was made just in case of a breach as a last resort for running away." Haoran explained as if it was obvious and entered the door. The secret corridor was not dim but rather, it was well-lit with several expensive luminous spheres.

The interior was like a maze and it would've been easy to get lost if Haoran did not know the way. After walking for a couple hours, they finally reached the end where brick door had been seamlessly placed.

"Just push that brick with a little dent." Daiyu followed Haoran's instructions and the door creaked open without any resistance. The two stepped out and found themselves in an empty room that was filled to the brim with books and paintings.

"Welcome to the best secret hideout in the entire cult. The Jade Demon Doctor is hiding somewhere in this place. He probably chose it because no one knows about this place anymore." Haoran smirked and walked towards the door in the far end of the room.

"How come you know about it then?" Daiyu was curious. She doubted even father knew about such a place within the Cult.

"Well, that old man told me himself after losing a bet." Haoran chuckled at the old memory. It wasn't easy dealing with the Jade Demon Doctor back then either.

The two exited the room and climbed further down the stairs to reach a dimly lit space that reeked of medicinal herbs. Daiyu's eyes adjusted to the dim light and she finally noticed the various medicinal texts and medicines lying around the carefully constructed shelves. The table was littered with medicinal herbs and ingredients and something was boiling in the far left corner.

An old man appeared out of the shadows and gave Daiyu a contemptuous look.

"What the hell are you doing here, trespassing on my property?" The old man had a dominating aura that made her choke up instantly.

"You need to answer him. Breath properly and stabilize yourself. Say that you came seeking the Jade Demon Physician." Haoran was looking ahead with his arms folded across his chest.

Daiyu took a deep breath and calmed herself down before she spoke again.

"I came to see the… Jade Demon Physician."

"How the hell did you find this place and how do you know that name? No one has come looking for me for over a hundred years now. Last time someone came, it was that stupid disciple of that Haoran bastard." The old man had an annoyed expression on his face. Daiyu doubted that she would get anything from him.

"Just say that you found a secret map in the Azure Protection Hall signed by me." Haoran chucked when he heard the old man cuss him out. He was always flinging curses at Haoran whenever they met in the past.

"I found a secret map in the Azure Protection Hall.. written by the Fourth Heavenly Demon." Daiyu felt uncomfortable lying about it but she had no other choice. She couldn't explain the ghostly thing sticking to her either.

"Ugh. Fine. What do you want?" The old man sighed and made a disgruntled face.

"Ask for white frozen tears, a thousand year gold elixir and the jade blossoming pill." Haoran shamelessly noted down all the things he wanted Daiyu to acquire. She was not sure if she could ask for so many things at once but she had no choice but to follow his words.

"I would like it if you could spare me the white frozen tear, a thousand year gold elixir and… the jade blossoming pill." Daiyu felt herself shrivel up when she listed down the items. The disgruntled expression slowly transformed into a shocked one before he barked out a laughter.

"You truly are a descendant of that uncouth bastard." The man wiped his tears at the corner of his eyes. "Are you preparing for a war or something? Why would you need all these items?"

"Well, you could say that it's a war, considering my life is on line." Daiyu spoke without thinking and instantly felt embarrassed. She did not want to reveal her circumstances to a complete stranger either.

"So you're a bastard, aren't you? Well, I can give you all those things but you will have to do me a favor later. Are you willing to do that?" The old man sat in a wooden chair kept near the workbench and folded his arms.

"What kind of favor…?" Daiyu was skeptical that the man would ask for anything reasonable.

"Nothing much. You just need to bring me an Ice crystal from the Northern Sea Ice Palace within four years." The old man gave Daiyu an odd look.

Daiyu was already set to travel around after six months so she didn't think much of the request.

"Alright, I promise." Daiyu spoke in a firm voice. How difficult would it be to get an ice crystal anyway?

"Hoh? That man is as perceptive as always. I'm not surprised he noticed as well…" Haoran muttered under his breath. Daiyu was used to him mumbling absurd things so she didn't question him either.

The old man laughed and pulled out some items from the shelves. He handed over a small vial to Daiyu carefully. "This is the white frozen tear. I hope you know what you're doing with this. You better not die before paying up."

The man took out two small boxes and placed them in her palms side by side.

"This one is the thousand year gold elixir." He pointed towards the left box. "And this one is the Jade Blossoming Pill." He jutted his chin towards the box in her right hand.

"Did someone ask you to get these?" He gave an inquisitive look.

"Umm… truthfully yes." Daiyu spoke in an embarrassed voice.

"I hope they know what they're doing then. This can get incredibly dangerous."

"I have full faith in them." Daiyu gave a bright smile to the Jade Demon Physician.

"Oh? Well, don't forget the payment or I will come and break your head after four years." He gave a cunning smile that reminded her of Haoran's annoying smirks.

"Don't worry. It won't take long." After paying her respects, Daiyu followed Haoran and reached the training hall once again. The door clicked back in place and the wall looked seamless and normal as always.

"That was adventurous." Daiyu sighed and climbed the stairs once again. She was exhausted from having missed out on her sleep.

"Do you know why he asked you to get him an ice crystal?" Haoran asked with a frown on his face.

"Maybe he wants to do some experiment?" Daiyu wondered out loud before falling on her bed. The two had returned right at dawn.

"Well…" Haoran was going to continue but he noticed that Daiyu had already fallen asleep.

"I guess if you don't know yet then there is no point in telling you." Haoran mumbled and watched the beautiful colors illuminating the sky.