
Ripples in Time

Not my book. all credit and praises goes to the original author padfootsrevenger I am only uploading it here so j can listen to it via audiobook while working crappy long shift https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3143742/1/Ripples-in-Time

JJBatsBoogey56 · 書籍·文学
26 Chs

Chapter 12: Classes and Lily

Harold sighed as he sat down at the breakfast table. The house seemed depressingly empty without the boys there causing their usual mischief.

"Something wrong love?" Mary asked curiously looking up from her breakfast.

A charming smile tugged at his lips as he winked suggestively at his wife, "Oh nothing, just thinking about how peaceful, private, and happy life will be until Christmas."

Mary waved away his comment with little more than a slight blush.

"You are already missing them." She stated.

"Indeed I do. I can never say life is boring with James around."

Mary rolled her eyes in slight exasperation at the statement.

"I can't argue with that. Over all he is a good boy." She smiled fondly as she finished the sentence.

"I'm glad that he'll have Harry this year though, level headed for one so young. Maybe he'll teach James a thing or two." Harold grumbled playfully as his wife smacked his arm.

"Do not try and fake innocent Charlus Harold Potter, I happen to remember clearly who bought our son his first prank kit and books."

"Yes but he was a child then."

"Harold he is still a child." Mary declared with her brow wrinkled.

The middle aged man sighed sadly, "My love, we are at war, maybe not officially, but it is coming. In these dark times little time is allotted for innocence, it is time they grow up."

"Can't we let them be for just a while longer? Mary asked tears welling in her eyes.

"If it was up to me they would be innocent forever, but the world will not let them be…look ay Harry."

Mary nodded silently before brightening ever so slightly, "I wonder what house he was sorted in to."

Harold smiled broadly.

"Gryffindor!" The answer came immediately and forcefully.

Mary smiled slightly and said in a humoring tone, "Now now Harold your Aunt was a Ravenclaw as was your mother. We don't know who Harry's grandfather was. For all we know he could end up as a Hufflepuff."

"A Potter in Hufflepuff! Unheard of I tell you."

Mary laughed lightly at her husband's tone.

"True he doesn't seem like a Hufflepuff. I have my money on Ravenclaw."

Harold rolled his eyes while taking a bite of buttered toast, "Yes dear…you just think so because it's your old house."

His wife rolled her eyes, "Just be grateful I was a Ravenclaw and didn't take after MY family.

"Point taken dear. Well luckily James didn't…did you hear that?"

Harold broke off in the middle of his sentence, head cocked to the side listening while his hand went to his wand.

Rap rap rap.

Mary quickly got to her feet moving to the kitchen.

"Forgot to open the window for the post."

A few minutes alter she re-entered the room and handed her husband a few letters while she read a letter written in emerald ink.

A surprised gasp brought Harold out of his reading and he quickly looked up eye brows rose in question.

"What's wrong dear?"

"Well he's not in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw…" Mary trailed off with her eyes a bit wider than usual.

"How the hell did he get into Hufflepuff?" Harold asked flabbergasted.

Mary looked a bit nervous before answering, "He didn't. He took after my side."

Harold's eyes became big with surprise.

A Slytherin? But how?

He wasn't really concerned that Harry was a Slytherin, just who was in Slytherin with him.

His eyes grew dark as he thought of the soon to be death eaters sleeping in the same dorms of who he considered a son.

"Calm down Harold it will be ok…"

"I'm just concerned about his safety. The Dark Lord already has shown his interest in the boy, and now he is thrust right in the middle of the groveling pack. That boy sure inherited the Potter's tact for trouble."

A shaky hand ran through the graying hair in frustration.

"I don't know what to say, but from experience the safest place to be is among the enemies."

Harold nodded in frustration, eyes still dark, "I'll still talk to Albus about security for Harry."

Mary nodded looking back at the letter in her hands.

"Well at least Horace is his head of house." She said ruefully.

She smiled slightly at the answering groan.

Harry slightly led the way to the charms classroom, making sure to get lost a few times for appearances sake. Regulus was content to follow the slightly shorter first year and to study the older students as they made their way though the throng.


Harry paused and looked around, his eyes landing on the stout fifth year walking through the crowd to the waiting first years.

"Well hello Frank!" Harry said with a smile.

Regulus and the older Gryffindor stared curiously at the other.

"Frank this is a friend, Regulus Black, Regulus this is Frank Longbottom fifth year Gryffindor."

Instantly some of the distrust left the usually friendly round face, as eyes studied the first year.

"Sirius' brother?"

At the slightly curious nod Frank grinned widely.

"Excellent," the older boy looked down at his watch and his eyes widened comically, "sorry, but I've got to run. Do you two know where you're going?"

At the nod of Harry's head Frank grinned widely and took off down the hall at a quick pace.

"Your friends are awfully cheerful." Regulus said in a slow draw.

"Indeed! Come on…" Harry replied with a grin, taking off down the corridor.

Regulus scowled slightly surprised to walk into the classroom and see for the most part empty seats. Harry led him to the right side of the classroom and took a seat taking out his book, parchment, a quill and ink well, a movement soon copied by the other Slytherins.

As Harry noticed the other Slytherins present copying his moves he raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Harry studied the students and was amused to see that they were placed with the Ravenclaws, the exact reverse of what it had been when he was a Gryffindor. He was surprised to note that the Slytherins and Ravenclaws were intermingling and actually being civil.

Harry leaned over and whispered a question to Regulus, "I thought all the other houses hated Slytherin?"

Regulus snorted slightly smirking.

"Yes and no…from what Narcissa has told me, Ravenclaws and Slytherins have mutual respect for the other. We really are similar…clever and sly, power and knowledge. They are just as ambitious as we are; they are just more concerned with books."

Harry nodded listening intently.

"Gryffindors for the most part hate us. That's one reason I was surprised Longbottom was so friendly." Regulus paused pushing his hair away from his face.

"And Hufflepuffs are Hufflepuffs…loyal to a fault."

Harry laughed slightly at the description of hardworking loyal puffs.

"They have their good points."

Regulus grumbled something that suspiciously sounded as if it contained 'Abigail', but before he could question the boy the small professor called the class to order.

Harry smiled slightly as the Professor started the class by calling the roll.

He listened intently to the charms professor picking up right away the tone difference between how he talked to this group and the way the Gryffindor/Hufflepuff class. Not that Flitwick was unfair, but he seemed more excited about teaching his own house.

Regulus grimaced slightly half way through the class and stretched his cramped hand. The notes took up several feet of parchment and since they were first years none of the students knew the simple copying charm taught in third year.

Pausing in his note taking Harry was a bit disgruntled to see Lestrange sitting behind him with another Slytherin boy that was still unknown to him.

Maybe it was the fact that he knew Lestrange personally when he was a Death Eater, but every time he caught sight of the boy he wished to curse him on the spot. The urge was not as strong as when he saw Peter, but it was still present.

The boy was actually small for his age, pale, and seemed skittish around the other children. So far the only person Harry saw the boy associating with was his older brother, who did seem like a nasty sort.

Harry's scar twinged painfully causing him to wince slightly. As quickly as he could he slapped the strongest mental shields in place that he possibly could. Soon the pain dulled to a slight throb, and he went back to his notes.

"My Lord I have received news from my son at Hogwarts."

A slightly bent figure said, platinum blonde hair falling out from around his mask and hood.

"Abraxas…what tidings is that?"

Voldemort leaned forward on his throne and stared down at the man.

"The boy was sorted in Slytherin my lord."

Voldemort gave a slightly feral smile and then leaned back into the chair stooping his fingers in front of his face.

"And what other news concerning the boy's imprisonment during the summer?"

The masked face twisted in a grimace and his body stiffened before he answered.

"We have mad no progress. None of the Death Eaters have claimed the capture of the Potter boy. Perhaps if I could be so bold as to suggest that it was the work of another."

Red tinged eyes glared at the man in thought. Although he had not personally questioned every single one of his Death Eater he was almost certain that his servants had not gotten hold of the boy. If they had he would have known straight away because the sniveling idiots like to boast about their deeds as if they were important.

The Auror report clearly stated that the boy was tortured with dark curses and unforgiveables. Whoever had captured the boy would be a valuable addition to his followers. Few of his current servants liked to get their hands dirty…they lacked a certain flair and love for the tortured' screams.


The black figure swiftly rose and stood in front of his master.

"Find out who did capture the boy and recruit them to my service. If they refuse…kill them." Voldemort hissed out smoothly, watching the blonde in front of him.

Abraxas bowed slightly in acknowledgement.

"Oh, tell your son to watch over Potter and if it is possible…sway him to our side. A Potter would make a nice addition…" Thin lips pulled together in a sadistic smirk.

"Yes my Lord."

The first few weeks of school went over famously for Harry.

Slughorn had been absolutely ecstatic over his potions work, declaring him a complete natural and saying he was granted his grandmother's potions skills.

The pudgy professor rewarded him more than a few points, much to his fellow Slytherins pleasure and the Gryffindors disdain.

Somehow Snape had heard about the incident and considered it as another reason to hate him. Surprisingly however, the pallid boy did little more than glare and occasional make a snarky remark. Harry wasn't sure if Snape feared retribution from the Marauders if he messed with Harry, but the boy kept clear of his way.

Some of the other Slytherins clearly disliked him as soon as they heard the name Potter, but they simply glared also. Truth told Harry found the whole situation odd but could not put his finger on what was causing their behavior. Surely the older students weren't fearful of the wrath of four third years? Well three…Peter was a complete idiot.

Minerva McGonagall seemed impressed with how quickly he caught on to her subject, and the quality of his work. She told him after a lesson that she really shouldn't be too surprised since the Potters were known for their natural transfiguration skills.

Regulus was actually quite good in transfiguration also. Once he gained control of his magic he would be a fairly powerful wizard. He would have had been to bypass all of Voldemort's obstacles and destroy the Slytherin locket.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was a young man named Armando Balaz who had a quick wit and an even sharper tongue.

He was a graduate of Beauxbatons who was in England on a teaching abroad program, or so the story went. Personally Harry thought there was more to the man being there than strictly teaching, but he couldn't think of what.

Balaz was tall, well muscled, with long black hair pulled back in a tie with naturally tanned skin, and dark green eyes. He spoke smooth accented English while his eyes would sweep the room making sure his pupils were paying attention.

As an instructor he was more than adequate and for the most part fair to all the houses. The antennary for the year was pretty much the basics of defending yourself, book work and they weren't even touching their wands until after Christmas, when they had some of the casting basics down. His class was spent between taking notes and sword play.

Most of the students were confused by the simple sword exercised, but Harry saw the value it would prove later in dueling. Not only would it keep the students in shape, but it would also teach them to move their feet and not rely so much on shields and transfiguration. Many of the male purebloods had had basic training with weapons, but Harry had never had that experience.

The whole second class period was spent on sword safety and basic handling of the weapons. Even thought they had only touched the swords twice Harry thought that he'd be fairly decent with a blade.

Over the first few weeks Harry and Regulus would spend their afternoons in the library finishing their essays and school work. On occasion Remus would join them and see how things were coming along. The friendly werewolf took an instant shine to Sirius' younger brother, or at least Harry thought he did.

Harry was amused to catch Slughorn glaring at James more than once. It would seem that he knew exactly who had destroyed his office during the summer, not that there were very many culprits to choose from in the first place. For his crime Slughorn tried to give James a month's worth of detention, but since it was committed during the summer and the potions master couldn't 'prove' that James did it, the boy was let off scott free. At least now Harry knew why Slughorn never liked his father.

His mother however he had yet to properly speak to, and it would look odd to seek her out for company. He had vaguely referred to the red head in front of Remus who told him that Lily usually finished her work in the dorms and once the majority of the students cleared out of the library she would then come in to do her reading.

Remus' words gave him an idea, and so on the second Friday found Harry waiting in the advanced charms section for the appearance of the red head. He had left Regulus in the common room playing a game of exploding snap with Moon and Lestrange.

Harry scanned the books for anything interesting before pulling out an ancient book out of his bag and flipping it open to his book mark. He had finished The Comprehension of Spirits the week before and decided to start a more in depth study on the darker spirits mentioned in the book, which led to his current read, A Treatise on Theurgy by Grimoire Varotham.

The old black leather book had a simple white star on the front that seemed to ooze blood which ran down the cover. The book looked dark and dangerous and in the wrong hands it could be extremely dangerous. The whole text was written in Latin while the spells and rituals our lined went even farther back than the Roman Empire.

A small sound of shuffling feet brought him out of his reading, looking up he caught sight of the young red head walking towards him, browsing the shelf as she went.

"Well hello there."

Lily looked startled for a moment before catching sight of the boy leaning against a shelf in the shadows.

"Who's there?"

Harry smiled slightly and walked out of the shadows closing his book as he did so.


"I'd prefer Harry actually."

Lily gave a slight smile as he gave her a friendly smile.

"Lily Evans of Gryffindor."

"Yes I know…the noble house of the lions."

The pretty red head snorted.

"More like arrogant, immature imbeciles. Why that Ja…" She cut off in the middle of her sentence and looked at the younger boy.

Harry smirked slightly wondering what his father did now.

"What did James do?"

Secretly he was amused to see how flustered his mother became when James was mentioned. He knew from Sirius that his father first started protesting his love for Lily in their third year, but not until the end. However, Harry had not expected to find that Lily also liked James this soon in their lives. To him the signs were as clear as day as he watched the two.

Lily turned red with frustration just thinking about Potter.

"That arrogant prat thinks he can simply jinx anyone and get away with it…"

"Severus Snape?"

Sharp green eyes swiveled to his innocent ones.

"The one and the same."

"Lily trust me…if Snape had an open shot at James' back he would take it. There's more bad blood between them than simply a house rivalry."

"Yes but he should be the bigger man and just ignore Snape."

Harry chuckled a bit causing Lily to glare at him.

"I'm not going to argue with you, but I can say from experience that Snape would still seek revenge. True I think that James shouldn't be wand happy, but he should be able to defend himself. Letting someone smack you on the cheeks leaves you with nothing but a sore face, while their ego expands."

Lily made a noise of disagreement but didn't say anything. She looked around curiously and then at the book in his hands, "Why are you in the advanced section?"

Harry smirked slightly at her, "Reading."

Her eyes narrowed at his comment before she rolled her eyes.

"Why are you in the advanced section, you are a first year."

"And you are a third year."

"Fine!" Lily muttered and turned on her heels, flicking her hair over her shoulders and marching away, leaving a smiling boy behind.